Motor ship "Alexander Suvorov": cruise reviews

According to the type of vessel Valerian Kuibyshev, the design of which is known under the code 92-016, in 1981 the ship Alexander Suvorov was created in Czechoslovakia. It was named after the famous commander.

Ship history

"Alexander Suvorov" was created in the city of Komarne as a passenger ship, in 1981 it was transferred to the customer - the Soviet Volga-Don River Shipping Company. It is worth noting that in the Soviet Union, the ships created under this project were the largest. But this ship did not work in this shipping company for long. Already in 1983 there was a disaster, which entailed a huge number of victims.

Motor ship Alexander Suvorov
After the tragic events and the subsequent restoration of the ship in 1984, it was transferred to the Volga River United Shipping Company of the USSR. He was also there during the collapse of the country. Just with the change of power on board, the Soviet flag was replaced by a tricolor, and the management company became known as the Volga Shipping Company. These changes occurred in 1994.

Currently operating the ship "Alexander Suvorov" company called "Vodokhod". The ship makes regular tourist voyages, following between the northern capital of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

Travel Reviews

Talking about a trip on a cruise ship, passengers note the teamwork, excellent service, and good leisure activities. Many liked the panorama bar created in 2010, while others like to enjoy the natural beauties that open during the trip. Of course, there are passengers who were dissatisfied with the level of service, food in the restaurant and the work of the staff as a whole. But even they note cleanliness on the ship. Although at the same time, others are talking about a varied menu and excellent service. Tourists often recall with warm words artists and animators who are responsible for their leisure time.

Each of the travelers separately notes the excellent organization of excursions. If any of the meals falls during the trip on land, the company gives provisions by dry ration or organizes meals on the shore.


Built four-deck cruise ship is equipped with the most advanced navigation technology. Currently it is used for tourist trips. At the same time, 336 passengers can comfortably sit on it. It’s best to help understand what the ship “Alexander Suvorov” looks like, photos where you can see it in detail.

This vessel is 135.7 m long from the bow to the stern, while its width is 16.8, and its draft is 2.9 m, and its potential power is 3 thousand liters. with., and a deadweight of 4 thousand tons. Following its route, it can reach speeds of up to 26 km / h. It is during such leisurely journeys that one can consider all the beauties of coastal zones. Based on its technical characteristics, the vessel can sail not only in river basins, but also in Onega and Ladoga lakes. True, this is allowed provided that the excitement in them does not exceed 2.5x25.

1983 tragedy

Alexander Suvorov ship accident
In the first years of operation, the ship made tourist flights between Rostov-on-Don and Moscow. On one of these trips, which took place on June 5, at night (at the time of the accident the clock was already 22:45), the ship entered at full speed under the passage of the Ulyanovsk bridge. It was not intended for passage of ships, therefore, as a result, an accident occurred - the supporting structure was hit by the ship “Alexander Suvorov”. The motor ship, for which the catastrophe turned out to be fatal, was badly damaged. The wheelhouse turned out to be demolished, all the chimneys were cut off , and there was no cinema hall on board. The speed of the vessel at the time of the accident was 25 km / h, and this led to such a strong blow. In addition, it by inertia passed another 300 meters after the collision.

But damage to structures would not be so terrible if the tragedy did not lead to mass deaths. Just at the indicated time, many were in the cinema and on the dance floor, which were located on the upper deck. It is known about 176 dead. But their exact number will not be able to find out. The fact is that during the flight "Alexander Suvorov" was overloaded. In addition to the official 330 passengers, 50 crew members and more than 30 maintenance personnel, the ship also had acquaintances, which were carried out without tickets by the ship’s staff.

The reasons for the tragedy and the fate of passengers

Motor ship Alexander Suvorov photo

After the accident, experts began to find out why it happened. So, in the same year, it was found that the main causes of the disaster were the negligence of the helmsman and the first navigator, as well as the fact that there were no signal lights obligatory at night. In addition, at the scene of the accident - on the sixth passage - there was a railway box, which in the dark can be confused with a signal board indicating the ship's passage. All of these factors in the complex led to the accident with the ship “Alexander Suvorov”. The ship (a catastrophe led to numerous casualties) could have avoided such a fate.

According to a fateful combination of circumstances, a freight train, in which there were 53 wagons, was going through the bridge into which the ship crashed at full speed. After the collision, 11 of them went off the rails, some of them rolled over, cargo fell on the ship. It was coal, logs and grain. Part of the wagons suffered due to the fact that as a result of the disaster, the railway tracks were shifted by 40 cm.

Fortunately, most of the people still managed to save. This was achieved thanks to the operational actions of the few railway workers who were at the scene of the tragedy, and the good organization of the medical staff who promptly received and rendered assistance to the victims.

2008 accident

But the tragedy in 1983 was not the only one for the ship. In 2008, he also could not avoid disaster. Of course, this was no longer the wreck of the ship "Alexander Suvorov", but just a small accident.

On May 30, the ship sailed along the Moscow Canal towards Tver. But when passing through the gateway, it touched it with one of the sides. This caused damage to the steering. Immediately after the incident, the floodgate was filled with water, and the ship was able to exit. All passengers on board at that time were returned to Moscow by bus.

Ship infrastructure

Cruise on the ship Alexander Suvorov
But the old tragedies with the ship cannot be a reason for refusing to travel on it at present. Now it is fully restored and equipped with the most advanced navigation equipment, which minimizes the likelihood of a recurrence of any of the accidents.

The ship "Alexander Suvorov" is designed primarily to meet the needs of tourists, as evidenced by the words of many vacationers. In it you will find two restaurants, the same number of bars, a conference room, a music salon, a souvenir shop and a solarium located on the sun deck. For the convenience of passengers on board there is a special ironing room where you can tidy your clothes. In addition, the ship has a medical center.

One of the restaurants is located on the main deck, and the other on the middle. But in each of them you can order dishes of domestic or European cuisine, and friendly and friendly staff will meet you. In the bars located in the aft of the main deck, you can find various drinks for every taste.

Passenger Accommodation

Motor ship Alexander Suvorov cabins

All tourists who are going to buy a ticket for the cruise, which is carried out by the ship "Alexander Suvorov", cabins can choose their own depending on preferences and financial capabilities. On board, several different options are specially equipped. The most presentable are the cabins of the luxury and junior suites. They are located on the middle promenade deck. There are also double and triple options. On the main deck there are cabins for one, two or three passengers. Travelers are also accommodated where the boats are. On this deck you can find double and single cabins.

The distribution of places of residence takes place even at the stage of purchasing tickets, because depending on the passenger capacity of the premises, their price is set. The most accessible are places in a triple cabin located on the main deck. And the most expensive will be deluxe and junior suites. It is worth noting that accommodation on the boat and middle decks is considered more prestigious, so accommodation there will cost tourists a little more.

Description of cabins

For the wealthiest travelers, deluxe rooms are designed. They are located on the middle deck and consist of two small rooms in which 2 or 4 people can live. The cabin has everything you need for life: spacious cabinets, upholstered furniture, comfortable double bed. In addition, in the rooms tourists can find a refrigerator, video double, air conditioning. The “deluxe” cabin has a separate shower, wash basin and, of course, a toilet. Travelers can also enjoy the view from the large viewing windows.

Alexander Suvorov motor ship reviews
The second place in terms of comfort is the "junior suite", designed for 2 or 4 passengers. A cruise on the ship “Alexander Suvorov” in such a cabin will also leave a lot of pleasant memories. For the convenience of tourists, there are upholstered furniture, a video double, a wardrobe, a refrigerator, a radio and air conditioning. But two berths are located one above the other. The bathroom in the "junior suite" is separate, it has a toilet, wash basin and shower.

More affordable cabins are equipped almost identically. Each of them has a fixed number of beds, air conditioning, wardrobes, radio. All cabins also have a separate shower, toilet and wash basin.

Organization of accommodation and leisure

The set price of a ticket includes not only accommodation in a room of an established class, but also full three meals a day, excursions included in the program, and other recreational activities conducted on the Alexander Suvorov ship. The ship, reviews of which most have more than pleasant, like many tourists. Having bought a ticket for a cruise, you can do wellness exercises and morning exercises, which will be organized by an exercise therapy specialist, drink herbal teas and oxygen cocktails, switch to diet food.

Children under two years old can travel for free without providing a place and food. Accompanying children under the age of five should pay only for food. For children under 12 years of age, a discount of 15% is provided only if they stay in a standard cabin, and not in a "suite" or "junior suite". If you want to organize a group trip and chose the ship "Alexander Suvorov", then when recruiting more than 25 people you can count on a 5% discount.

Travel itinerary

Motor ship Alexander Suvorov Valaam
The Vodokhod company has developed several ship travel routes. The duration of the trip and, accordingly, its cost will depend on the final destination. The longest and richest is a nine-day cruise to the city of Rybinsk. It passes through Valaam, Mandrogs, Goritsy, Kizhi, Svirstroy, Lodeynoye Pole. In addition to a long trip, time also goes on city tours through which the ship Alexander Suvorov passes.

Valaam is one of the closest ports, round trip from St. Petersburg takes only three days and is the most affordable. The company also developed a separate weekend cruise with a stop in the aforementioned city and in Konevets.


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