Photoshoot: an idea for a love story

Do you have a love story, but still no love story? It is urgent to change this! What pictures can tell about your relationship all the most interesting? What photos will convey your romantic feelings and decorate a family photo album? To make the love story unforgettable, we have prepared ten of the most romantic ideas for love stories!


Warm summer days are the best time to shoot outdoors. As a props, you can use bright blankets, delicate wildflowers, beautiful cups, books and fruit baskets. Cute sandwiches and, of course, happy smiles will decorate the pictures! By the way, you can perform a full-scale installation: bring vintage furniture with you, set the table beautifully.

idea for love story

The implementation of this idea for love stories in the summer is best to start right on the road. The first shots are the warm rays of the sun, a wreath in flowing hair ... You can continue shooting already during a picnic. You can wallow on the grass, fool around, read books. Soap bubbles or balloons will help make frames brighter and more vibrant! You can also bring a dog with you - with it a photo shoot will become much more dynamic.

The autumn picnic looks interesting in the pictures. A riot of colors, carved leaves and apples - these are the main attributes for such a photo shoot. A good idea for a love story is a winter picnic. For him, it is worth stocking up with warm mittens, a samovar and bagels!

Dating history

The props for reproducing the day you meet depends on the place and circumstances. You can recreate that magical day when you first saw each other. Another love story idea is photos that tell about the first date.

photoshoot love story ideas

You can go to memorable places or look at your favorite coffee shop. What is such a photo shoot good for? The fact that after several decades you can remember the beginning of your love story in detail, and at the same time tell your relatives about how you met.

The first kiss, a gentle hug, the first bouquet presented - that’s what gets in the frame during this photo shoot!

Breakfast in bed

Another inspirational idea for a love story photo shoot is a perfect morning spent together. For filming you will need cute cups for coffee or tea, pajamas, croissants, a large bed. Pillows and fresh flowers will be useful.

love story ideas photo

The advantage of this scenario is that at home you will feel as comfortable as possible. And the pictures will turn out to be surprisingly cozy and natural - the sun's rays, piercing curtains, warm kisses, a delicious breakfast ... With the help of such a photo session you can keep in mind the moment when your family history began.

Incidentally, you can include pillows in the process of photographing: such pictures will turn out to be incredibly energetic and funny.

Favorite movie or book

To realize this idea for love story is quite simple - you need to choose one or two specific scenes. Photographers do not recommend it anymore, otherwise you simply cannot get out of endless thoughts about where to start and where in your city to get the Eiffel Tower or the Titanic.

ideas for love story summer

To recreate the amazing atmosphere of the movie, you will need to find the right place for the scenery and costumes. Much easier to implement this idea of ​​love story in the studio! You will not need to look for places similar to those that you saw in the film. It is enough to choose costumes in the style of heroes.

Another idea is shooting from your favorite book. It all depends on your imagination, because there are no strict rules!


Another great idea for a love story is a nature photo shoot. There may be several options. For example, a love story in a country style. The natural scenery for the photo is cozy village landscapes, wildflowers, hay bales. Ornamental sunflowers and old equipment - trucks and tractors will become luxurious decoration elements.

love story outdoor photoshoot ideas

No less beautiful are the pictures taken during the flowering period! Juicy colors, bright sunshine, beautiful flowers ... Flowering parks, gardens and fields are suitable for such a love story. By the way, you can take something unusual for the shoot. For example, the piano! Just imagine: a wheat field, music notebooks, skillfully aged instrument and two lovers ...

One day of life

An interesting idea for love story is a day spent together. Such a photo shoot is good in that you do not need additional props. You can go shopping, walk the dog, cook dinner, spend time playing games or just watch TV!

idea for love story

By the pond

The most bewitching shots are obtained at the reservoirs. You can ride a boat on the river, or you can have a great photo shoot at sea! At the same time, you will get a romantic date and amazing photography.

Just remember: seas, lakes, rivers and oceans literally breathe lightness and freedom. Therefore, intricate hairstyles and outfits made of dense fabrics are completely inappropriate here! The beach can be decorated with paper lanterns, candles and hearts.

ideas for love story summer


If you and your soulmate have a common hobby, it would be a good idea for a love story to have a photo shoot in one go! Karaoke and yoga, playing musical instruments, go-karting or horseback riding, snowboarding or cycling - there are many options.

Pictures will turn out surprisingly sincere and not simulated. Yes, and you combine business with pleasure.

love story ideas photo

Under rain

On the day chosen for the photo shoot, the weather turned bad and it started to rain? Do not despair! Great idea for love story - shooting in the rain. You can recall childhood, jumping in puddles, splashing water. And of course, save these magical moments on photographs. And when the rain ends and the sun comes out, you can remove the second part of the love story - filled with gentle warmth and freshness.

ideas for love story summer

In a studio

A happy couple, a good photographer and a pretty studio - this combination will allow you to get luxurious pictures without complicated scenes.

What options for a studio love story should you choose? For example, a classic love story. To do this, it is enough to think out the outfits. Clothing should be in the same style and in the same color scheme. Perfect look stylization for different eras.

The rules of an interesting love story

How to make sure you get a full-fledged love story, and not a meaningless set of pictures? There must certainly be a plot! It is necessary that a clear line be traced between the heroes and that some events occur. Which elements are crucial? Let's get to know them!

love story in the studio ideas

  1. The exposition will tell the viewer where everything is happening. This part of the photo shoot is often left behind the scenes - and in vain! A good photographer can show an unusually beautiful place where an incredible love story is about to begin.
  2. The plot is necessary in order for the viewer to see the circumstances and events from which the storyline begins to develop. Love story starts from this point!
  3. The climax represents the peak of action. This is the highest point both in plot and in emotional terms. Photos of this stage are extremely sensual and touching.
  4. The finale completes the storyline of the photo shoot. It would be logical to remove the heroes of the shooting.
  5. Epilogue. They rarely take it off, but it certainly will not be superfluous. In this part of the shooting, you can show everything that happened immediately after completion. It can be funny photos or what photographers call the word “backstage” - the backstage of a photo shoot. The main task of backstage is to convey the atmosphere and mood. In addition, this will allow you to remember afterwards how the photographer and the heroes of the love story worked together, looked for unique places and what ultimately came of it!


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