Feats are ... Feats of heroes. Russian exploits

Feats are valiant deeds based on such human qualities as courage, self-sacrifice, determination. The hero performs an extremely difficult task, takes responsibility for its solution. He overcomes special types of obstacles associated with unusual and difficult conditions.

To accomplish a feat is to become a hero, an example for a large number of people, to gain glory. Such an act involves voluntary choice, awareness of the need to follow one's civic duty. Feats are not a duty, but a private matter of everyone. Sometimes such an act can cost social status, health and even life. Nevertheless, the likelihood of such consequences does not stop the heroes. Seeing how another person or group of people needs salvation, many rush to help without hesitation.

feats it

What you need to accomplish a feat

It may seem that the hero’s feat implies only the presence of courage, honor, strength. However, the basis of a brave deed is thought. Without it, courage and dedication will be a waste of energy. If you lose the ability to think clearly, any victims will be in vain.

Russian exploits at its core have a broad plateau of meaning in life. Everyone remembers the times of World War II, when ordinary people, ordinary workers went to certain death in order to defend the right to life of their compatriots.

The bold act of Panikakhin M.A.

heroic deed

A worthy example, which personifies the fighting spirit of our army during the war, is the feat of the Marine Marian Panikakhin At the time of the Nazi attack near the Volga, the hero rushed towards the enemy tank and set fire to the fuel. This sacrificial act cost a man his life: the flame destroyed not only military equipment, but also himself. The hero’s feat became an example for the rest of the warriors, everyone was equal to him.


The heroism of twenty-eight Panfilov men who served in the 315th division controlled by General Panfilov I.V. will never be forgotten. When defending the borders at the Dubosekovo junction, these soldiers were led by political instructor Klochkov V.G. entered the battle with fifty German tanks, which were accompanied by a large number of Nazi machine gunners. Our heroes excelled in courage and stamina. Of the twenty-eight, only four Soviet fighters survived, the rest died, never letting the enemy pass. The feat of the Panfilovites and all the soldiers who fought like them is that their death was not in vain. They not only died, but left, fighting stubbornly. The soldiers resisted, acted, which directly contributed to the victory. Fear restrains, but the warriors were able to overcome it.

feats of people

The heroic act of Alexander Matrosov

Ordinary people in extreme circumstances show fortitude. During the war years, the ordinary private Alexander Matrosov covered himself with an enemy embrasure that spewed the fire of death. The exploits of the people who followed his example showed the whole world that the spirit of a Russian person cannot be broken under any circumstances.

Feat of the Soviet people

Belief in victory and in their people inspired Soviet soldiers during the period of heavy fighting during the defense of Sevastopol, Leningrad, Odessa, Kiev. All, as one, had a firm will, determination to destroy enemy forces. Most of the heroes remained in our memory nameless.

Total work to achieve victory

The exploits of people who lived in the Soviet Union during difficult war times went down in history. With their dedication, hard work under extreme conditions, they provided the army with metal, bread, fuel, and raw materials for the manufacture of weapons. Most of the time, ordinary people were busy at work, worked without days off and holidays, while fascist invaders continued to raid the front. Everyone understood the importance of their work. Despite the lack of food, basic necessities, harsh conditions, everyone followed his duty.

Russian exploits

It is worth considering that the feats are not performed for the sake of fame or for poetry and songs to be composed about the hero later. On the contrary, a person going on a brave deed cannot even think that he is doing something great at the moment. He makes a decision without hesitation, based on personal beliefs and circumstances. At the same time, he is not up to fame and laurel wreaths, he simply does what he considers his duty.

Talent as a feat

The great feats include the difficult life of our writers and poets who went through hard labor and repression. Despite numerous threats of reprisal and punishment, most of them did not abandon their vocation, continuing to create works for the people that seemed to be unacceptable to the authorities.

The brave deed of a simple youth

The feat of the youth of Kiev is a vivid example of courage and courage.

feat of the youth of Kiev
During the encirclement of Kiev by enemy Pechenegs, a brave young man volunteered to risk his life and make his way to the other side of the Dnieper in order to ask for help from the governor Pretić. Having shown ingenuity, the lad spoke with the Pechenegs in their language, and therefore was mistaken for his own. This allowed the young hero to get to the river. Knowing that he would be exposed, the brave man rushed into the river to cross it. Under the shelling of the Pechenegs, he reached the opposite bank of the Dnieper and gave the soldiers an important message from the princess. Subsequently, this feat of the youth of Kiev helped free the city from enemies and drive them away into the field. This act made the young man a hero. Not knowing whether it would be possible to return home alive, he dared to penetrate the camp of the enemy and at any cost to get to his soldiers on the other side. For the sake of saving the princely family and the entire Kiev people, this man put his life at stake.

Heroic Feats

In Russian folk epic songs, epics and legends the heroic deeds are glorified. They are based on a description of a historical event or a remarkable episode in the history of Russia. The main characters - Russian heroes - are endowed with exceptional features that are not characteristic of ordinary people. They have amazing strength, amazing courage. A distinctive feature is also the presence of outstanding talent or special skill. So, Ilya Muromets was famous for his boundless power, and Sadko was distinguished by an amazing game on a harp.

At the heart of Russian epics lies a common scenario: the hero goes to marry the bride to another kingdom. On a long journey, he accomplishes feats - this is a battle with monsters or enemy power, and overcoming obstacles and difficulties. The hero advances towards danger, usually alone, while always winning. He is motivated not only by the desire to show his heroic daring, but also the desire to stand for faith and protect the common people. The enemy is merciless: robs people, kills them, so you need to deal with him.

heroic deeds

Such heroes as Sadko and Vasily Buslaevich do not set themselves the goal of defeating monsters. They simply travel or show strength for their own entertainment. Their actions are based on violations of any prohibitions, as a result of which the heroes face difficulties and troubles. However, each epic has a happy ending, where the hero triumphs. But it’s difficult to call such acts of heroes a feat, since in such situations they are guided by their own interests. For the most part, heroes are responsible for the outcome of their behavior. And a feat is an act performed for others. The hero’s action should benefit someone other than himself.

Thus, anyone with a big heart and soul can accomplish a feat. Contrary to the instinct of self-preservation, the hero rushes to save someone's life, putting his own at risk. At the same time, he always has a choice: to protect someone from death and sacrifice himself or to stay away safe and sound. Without hesitation, he chooses the first option, defying death. Every day, hundreds of people around perform feats.

accomplish a feat
It may be a simple fireman who pulls unhappy people and animals from a burning house. This is a driver who noticed a steaming car on the side of the road and rushed to pull the victims out of it. This is a fisherman who rushed to save a man who fell through the ice.

Often the desire to help someone in an emergency is so great that the ability exceeds the physical threshold of opportunity. There are cases when a person fell from a great height, was under water for a long time and remained safe and sound.

A feat is a model for behavior in a difficult situation. It is a pillar of morality, showing what human nature really stands for.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15265/

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