Museum-Estate "Rozhdestveno": the history of the estate and the modern exhibition

To personally visit and inspect all the sights and ancient palaces and temples located in the Leningrad Region, usually not even local residents have time to do. There are too many interesting and beautiful places in this region. But some of them are special and should be visited as soon as possible. These attractions include the Rozhdestveno Museum-Estate. Traditionally, this estate is associated with the Nabokov family (the very one in which the great writer was born). But in fact, the estate has a more ancient and interesting history.

Rozhdestveno Village and Manor House

Museum Manor Christmas
In 1499, according to historical sources, a graveyard named after Great Nicholas was located on the site of a modern village and palace. After the end of the Northern War, Peter the Great transferred these lands to Tsarevich Alexei. The new owner ordered the construction of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the highest hill. It is believed that it was from the temple that its name and the whole village got its name. When the prince passed away, Catherine the First assigned the village the status of a county town. For 20 years, a new church, stone houses, a military school and a guest yard have appeared here. However, in 1796, Rozhdestveno was again a village handed over to lifelong adviser N.E. Efremov and all his descendants, Paul the First. The majestic manor house, which today houses the museum's exposition, was supposedly built at the end of the eighteenth century, the architect is unknown.

Nabokov in Rozhdestveno

Museum Nabokov manor Christmas
The Ephraim family owned the estate a little more than half a century. In 1857 the estate was sold to Yu.D. Manukhina, and after it was owned by the merchant of the First Guild K.Ya. Bush. In the fall of 1890, the estate was bought by I.V. Rukavishnikov is a state adviser, gold miner. After his death, the land and the palace are inherited by his son. The next owner of the estate is Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (nephew of I.V. Rukavishnikov). However, the family of the great writer did not enjoy life in the new estate for long : the estate passed into the ownership of the Nabokovs in 1916 shortly before the revolution. But, despite this, today the Rozhdestveno museum-estate is devoted specifically to the work of the writer and the life of his family. The interiors were reconstructed in the manor house, here you can also see many original household items, personal items and documents of the Nabokov family.

Museum-estate "Rozhdestveno": photos today and modern history

Museum Manor Rozhdestveno photo
After the revolution of 1917, in different years in a posh manor house there was a hostel, the headquarters of enemy troops (during the Great Patriotic War), and a school. In 1974, the Rozhdestveno museum-estate was already located here, dedicated to the history of the region. The collection was quite young - it was collected over the past 20 years in the local library. Despite this, the local history museum survived and gradually developed. In 1988, the exposition was included in the branches of the united regional museums. In 1995, the building was badly damaged during a fire. But, despite this sad historical fact, the museum-estate of Nabokov "Rozhdestveno" today again receives guests. The house was reconstructed, literally rebuilt. Today, the first floor looks the same as during the life of the last owners of the estate. The exposition is open for tourists. In addition to chic interiors, here you can see a collection of exotic butterflies and Nabokov family albums . On the second floor there is a library, archive and other office space.

How to get to the Nabokov Museum?

Rozhdestveno Museum manor how to get
The exact address of the estate: Leningrad region, Gatchinsky district, the village of Rozhdestveno. From St. Petersburg you can get here by private car (about 70 km) or by public transport. From the Baltiysky station , trains regularly follow to the Severnaya station. Next you need to take bus number 121 or 500 and get to the village of Rozhdestveno. It is more convenient to travel by car from the Moscow metro station. Then you need to follow the signs or use the navigator.

Museum-estate "Rozhdestveno" is on all modern maps and is marked as a cultural object. In addition to the main exposition, various thematic exhibitions and interesting events are regularly held here. An old park has been preserved around the manor house, and nearby are picturesque caves. Feel free to go on a trip if your goal is Rozhdestveno (museum-estate). How to get to the estate, any villager will tell you. Focus on the locality of the same name, and then you will find the manor complex with ease.


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