How does a planet parade affect people? Research, consequences

Astrology has repeatedly presented us with unexpected surprises, which were initially not proven by science, and later began to play an incredibly important role in the life of every person.

What is this phenomenon?

The parade of planets is the period when 3, 6 or more planets in the solar system stand nearby, each in its own solar orbit, on one side of the sun. At this time, the planets form an even line, as in a parade. There are small and large parade of planets. The small parade has 4 planets: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn. The Grand Parade is 6 celestial bodies in a line: Earth, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Jupiter. The fewer celestial bodies participate in the parade, the more often this phenomenon happens, for example, a small parade of 3 or 4 planets can be repeated up to 2 times a year, and out of six planets - once every 20 years. All the planets of the solar system form a line once in two centuries. The last time such a parade was observed in 1982, and the next can be seen in 2161.

how planet parade affects people

Human impact

It is difficult to unequivocally answer how the parade of planets affects people. A study by scientists of the direct relationship between such a construction of celestial bodies and behavior, the state of mind of a person was not conducted. During the parade, there is no magnetic radiation and eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, whose influence on the human condition is scientifically proven, but people with a sensitive nervous system definitely notice changes in mood and well-being. Whether a planet parade affects a person also depends on whether a large or small parade was observed at that time. Let's move on to more detailed research.

The concept of medical astrology

how planet parade affects human health

How the parade of planets affects human health can be reasoned by getting acquainted with the doctrine of medical astrology. This is a science related to the influence of planets on a person’s state, getting rid of one or another ailment. She considers the anatomy of people, diseases, periods of decreased immunity by changing the position and activity of celestial bodies. The basic concept of medical astrology is the influence of the signs of the zodiac circle distributed among parts of the human body and its organs. According to this teaching, every celestial body affects one or another organ, depending on the position of the planet at the time of the birth of a new personality. Accordingly, this also speaks of how the parade of planets affects people. For example, the Sun affects the heart and blood circulation, Mars affects the brain, Venus is responsible for the kidneys, Jupiter for the liver, the Moon affects the stomach, Saturn affects the spinal cord and spleen, and Mercury affects the lungs. The remaining organs are distributed little by little between all the planets. Astrology is able to compose a medical horoscope, which confirms whether or not the diseases shown by the cosmogram confirm.

The position of the planets and health according to the signs of the zodiac circle

how planet parade affects human well-being

Each sign indicates a predisposition to a particular disease. Knowing which organ is associated with the zodiac sign, which organ is most vulnerable to the representative of the sign, with the help of medical astrology it becomes possible to carry out prophylaxis during the time and avoid diseases. This means that we can conclude how the parade of planets affects human well-being. There is unofficial evidence that during the period of full moons and the parade of planets, blood pressure increases in people, general health may worsen, sleep is disturbed or disappears, and temperature rises. But this applies to people with hypersensitivity, and most may simply not notice them. This gives some insight into how planetary parades affect people. It should be noted that children are more susceptible to the influence of planetary activity than adults, because they have a more sensitive nervous system. If you feel unwell during this period or other days, several recommendations of astrologers will help representatives of the zodiac signs.

Exposure to the elements

Everyone should know which of the four elements his sign refers to, and correctly use this for ailments.

  • Signs of fire remove manifestations of the influence of planets by active breathing practices and moderation in food.
  • Signs of the earth must adhere to a diet, do fasting days, drink herbal teas.
  • Signs of air will feel better if they increase water consumption, will use tinctures and herbal teas.
  • Water signs should pay attention to the freshness of food consumed, increase the consumption of natural sugar.

how planet parade affects the fate of man

How does the parade of planets affect the fate of man. Effects

It is known that planets affect the nature, life and fate of each person individually. How the planet parade affects people's behavior can be judged by how some people during the parade become irritable or even aggressive, while others are prone to depression, apathy. Influence on the character depends on the position of each planet at the time of birth, on the location of the planets relative to each other. It is not surprising that the parade of planets also influences entire fates. It happens that during such a phenomenon people are born, certain character traits of which are expressed to a greater or lesser extent. It is believed that in this way the Universe has an impact on the course of a person’s life, reinforcing those aspects of character that are more useful to him. There is a classification of celestial bodies according to the type of their influence on the fate of man. During the period of the parade of planets, the influence of each can increase. Knowing this, one can understand how the parade of planets affects people.

does the planet parade affect a person

Dependence of character on the position of the planets

  • The sun affects the vitality and energy of man. The star is the representative of the mind. The successful location of the Sun at the time of the birth of a person rewards his mind, gives stability, endurance, hardness of mind. People born at this time have willpower, leadership qualities are strong in them, besides this, they are sincere and generous.
  • The moon affects the processes associated with childbirth, because of this, it has a significant effect on female horoscopes. According to its phases, one can talk about how sensitive a person is and how vulnerable. The pronounced moon is endowed with sensitivity, emotionality, excellent memory, imagination, a penchant for music, the ability to beneficially influence the environment.
  • Mars is responsible for feelings, ambitions. Strongly expressed Mars is indicated in character by such traits as independence, eloquence, insight, courage.
  • Mercury is responsible for learning, perceiving new information. Expressed Mercury endows people with ingenuity, intelligence.
  • Jupiter is able to give a person such qualities as easy temper, justice, sociability.
  • The position of Venus indicates a person’s penchant for the arts. The pronounced Venus is reflected in the nobility, kindness, excellent sense of humor, good taste.
  • Saturn. The successful position of this planet gives a person prudence, truthfulness, attention to detail, discipline, solidity, and sometimes indulgence.

Astrological phenomena and art

how planet parade affects human behavior

How planet parade affects people - this has its ambiguous answer from screenwriters, directors of blockbusters and disaster films. Their vision of the issue is dictated by the spectacular construction of the planets during the parade. The position of the planets during this period allows you to make several scenes of the film with enchanting views of the cosmos, put the position of celestial bodies at the forefront and declare them the cause of the onset of cataclysms, start the plot of the film. In fact, the scenarios have no real connection with how the planet parade affects a person, they are based on science fiction. In a number of paintings, the parade of planets is represented by a catalyst for the end of the world and all kinds of mystical phenomena, the appearance of fantastic creatures.

Cinema Planet Parade

This fertile topic has helped to appear such cinema masterpieces:

  • "2012". The impact of the parade on the sun leads to disasters.
  • "Mummy. Prince of Egypt. " The construction of celestial bodies becomes the cause of the resurrection of the mummy.
  • "Transformers." A similar position of the planets resurrects the transformer, which leads to disasters.
  • "Parade of planets". The parable film tells how planets affect people. The phenomenon leads to spiritual purification and supreme harmony in the souls of the main characters.
  • Cartoon "Hercules". The parade of planets helps the god of the underworld free the titans to seize power on Olympus.

how planet parade affects people


There is no unequivocal scientifically proven answer to the question about the effect of the planet parade on the character and health of a person. But there is reason to believe that the parade of planets, like other processes taking place in space, still has its effect on man and humanity as a whole.


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