How to lengthen jeans - adults and children

Denim pants are an essential item in any person’s wardrobe. Indeed, at least one pair of jeans will be found in the arsenal of a one-year-old peanut and an elderly man bleached with gray hair. The popularity of these clothes can be very easily explained - dense cotton pants are comfortable, practical, attractive and durable. There are many options for cutting and tailoring jeans; men often prefer classic pants with trumpet legs, and ladies prefer narrow jeggings.

how to lengthen jeans

With all the variety of jeans models, they all have one common feature - manufacturers sew pants with very long trousers. This is done in order to make the clothes universal, suitable for a person of any height. But the fact that for owners of legs from the ears is very good, for people with medium or short stature - a problem. They have to hem pants, cutting off extra centimeters. It often happens that the master in the studio or the owner himself overdid it and have to think about how to lengthen the jeans.

Something shorter, something longer ...

A trouble with short trousers can occur not only in case of unsuccessful sewing experiments. Denim has a tendency to shrink, the owner of the pants can grow corny, it happens that perfectly sitting in the belt and almost worn jeans lose their appearance only in their lower part, then you have to cut off the tattered legs and think about how to lengthen the jeans to give them second life.

how to lengthen children's jeans

When clients bring trousers to a professional atelier, the master must carefully carry out the fitting, it is important to initially bring along shoes in which you plan to walk in hemmed jeans. These precautions will help to avoid troubles with “shot” pants and money thrown into the wind.

Taking away the finished work from the seamstress, many customers often wonder why they, along with ready-made trousers, are given small pieces of cut pants. The fact is that employees of a sewing workshop more often than others have to deal with the question of how to lengthen jeans. They prudently give their customers cut pieces so that, if necessary, they come to the subsequent repair of trousers with finished material. A seamstress can make a cuff, a lapel out of this nondescript piece of cuffs, just point it to the legs. Such repairs will not take much time and will not require careful selection of fabric, because it is far from always possible to select the material of the desired thickness, color or texture.

jeans for boys

The easiest way

So, if the problem with short pants on the face, it needs to be addressed. The most elementary way is to try to use an existing resource. What does it mean? For starters, you can flog the existing hem and try to solve the existing problem with little blood. Perhaps the seam hides in itself those missing 1.5-2 cm lengths of the leg. This option is good for new jeans, because well-worn and washed trousers wear out rather quickly below and after their lower edge is pulled open, all the shabbiness is manifested as much as possible.

How to lengthen jeans as simple as possible? In the case when a simple steaming with a subsequent minimal bending of the cut is not enough (or this option is impossible due to the strong wear of the pants), you can use another option. To do this, you need to point to them the missing length, choosing the most similar fabric. Such cuffs can be taken from other trousers, cutting off their length, in which case you don’t even have to work hard, most importantly, cut the pieces symmetrically together. You can use a piece of cloth, but experts recommend making a pattern along the oblique, as jeans are tailored in production in this way.

jeans with lace

It's easier with girls

The question of how to lengthen children's jeans raises parents with enviable regularity. It is common for a child to grow, and often this happens very sharply and unexpectedly for mom and dad. In addition to the pleasant feeling that the baby has become a little older, the growth process leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul, and nothing remains in the wallet after such physiological processes. The matter, however, is quite fixable. Lengthening jeans for girls is easy, as there are simply an incredible amount of ideas for this. Here are just a few of the most popular and inexpensive:

  • the legs can be strung and made a fringe from a battered seam;
  • a cute frill made of colorful fabric sewn to the legs or lace ruffle will make the trousers exclusive and not short;
  • you can extend the pants not only along the bottom edge - the lace or fabric insert located in the knees area looks very impressive and aesthetically pleasing, in addition, thanks to this trick, it is very easy to get rid of scuffs or holes formed as a result of falls or crawling.

The last option is a find not only for mothers of girls, it’s also easy to fix boy’s jeans in this way.

remaking jeans

Accelerate boys and male conservatives

The problem of short and spoiled pants boys have to face many times more often than their peers. In addition, the stronger floor is distinguished by choosiness and intractability in matters of alteration of his wardrobe. Conservatives by nature, men can disapprove of micro repairs of their favorite jeans, or even stop wearing them at all.

The best way to lengthen jeans for a boy would be to make a lapel for them for cotton. Traditionally, it can be a cell or strip, polka dots or just a plain insert - all these options will look relevant and presentable.

jeans with elastic

Recently, pants with an elastic band lower have gained great popularity. If such a model is to your liking, then having sewn a cuff elastic from knitwear or jeans to your pants, you can kill two birds with one stone in one fell swoop - make trendy jeans that will have the required length.


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