Fundamental science - what is it? Applied Research in Science

Fundamental applied research in science is becoming increasingly important every year. In this regard, the issue of determining the place of applied research and basic sciences is relevant.

The role of applied and basic research in science is obvious not only theoretically, but also socio-economicly.

fundamental science is

Pages of history

As the scientific and technological revolution takes place, the share of engineering developments and applied research increases. But since fundamental science is a combination of several branches of knowledge, without substantial and systematic research it is difficult to talk about search research of the fundamental plan.

Only in the case of the correct ratio of developments and applications for applied sciences can we talk about the development of this direction. The Academy of Basic Sciences systematizes individual developments and research, is responsible for organizing the normal operation of all applied industries.


Since fundamental science is a combination of various types of research, problems arise related to the selection of research methodology. For example, it is difficult to single out fundamental, search directions that are not related to modern practice, but are able to positively influence the restructuring in the sphere of technological production. For example, physics is a fundamental science, on the basis of which innovative mechanisms and production are developed.

physics fundamental science

Factors Affecting Research

What is the role of applied and fundamental research of science in modern society? This issue has been studied by sociologists over a long period of time. It was possible to establish a relationship between the directions chosen for conducting scientific work and external economic, social, cultural characteristics.

Even in the case of the skillful strategy of the leader of the experiment, with full planning and forecasting of the research, a lot of problems often appear that inhibit the obtaining of results. Since fundamental science is a systematic approach to conducting various experiments and studies, any delay often leads to the need for a series of repeated experiments.

With one-sided stimulation of applied branches of science or with only theoretical research, it is difficult to count on a positive result, the creation of materials conducive to the development of science. In this case, the role of fundamental science for social society will be minimal, no progress is being discussed.

Currently, the domestic fundamental and applied science has outlined positive trends for transformation and development. The state authorities are taking certain measures aimed at enhancing the importance of applied research.

basic applied research in science

The difference between applied and basic research

Fundamental science is those studies that are aimed at analyzing new phenomena, processes, effects, discovering laws that would explain the processes, manage them.

When conducting applied research, fundamental research is applied in the interests of social society. Representatives of the fundamental school often do not think about what benefits open laws and phenomena will bring for practical activities. For example, chemistry is a fundamental science of nature, which characterizes the interactions of chemicals, analyzes the mechanisms of transformations.

In order to use this knowledge, this science has many applied areas. They are responsible for the practical implementation of open fundamental rules and laws, principles and results, reading the economic profit that is possible.

fundamental science of nature

The relationship of applied and basic research

Over a long period of time, fundamental and applied research was opposed to each other, resulting in a huge gap between science and practice, which negatively affected the economic development of the country. A pragmatic and utilitarian approach to scientific research, which involves focusing on instant practical results, as well as an option that involves obtaining pure knowledge, is irrelevant and unacceptable for the full existence and development of science.

An ideal situation is that in which fundamental knowledge is supplemented and confirmed by applied research and experimentation.

The fundamental laws of the objective world are the basis for use in practical activities, they form the basis for scientific and technological progress. Research in various applied fields allows us to put forward fundamental problems and make important fundamental discoveries based on research. It is more correct to talk about the applied and fundamental character within the framework of one scientific discipline.

Why is biology a fundamental science? This issue is of particular importance in view of the directions analyzed in this science. Having an idea of ​​the features of the structure and functioning of living organisms, it is possible to identify problems, look for ways to eliminate them. Thanks to the existence of fundamental biology, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries are developing, and innovations in medicine are being implemented .

Depending on the specifics of science, between its theoretical and practical results, there is a different connection with social life, real production. The division of research into applied and fundamental was caused by an increase in the scale of scientific work, as well as an increase in the application of its results in practice.

the role of fundamental science

The Importance of Research

Science as a specific form of social institution and consciousness appears and forms as a form of cognition of the laws of the natural world, contributes to the targeted mastery of them, the subordination of natural elements for the benefit of mankind. Of course, even before the discovery of various laws, people used the forces of nature.

But the scope of this interaction was very limited, mainly they came down to observations, generalizations, the transfer of recipes and traditions from generation to generation. After the emergence of nature sciences (geography, biology, chemistry, physics), practical activity acquired a rational path of development. For practical implementation, they began to use not empiricism, but objective laws of living nature.

Separation of theory from practice

Immediately after the emergence of fundamental science, action and cognition, practice and theory began to complement each other, together to solve certain problems that would significantly increase the level of social development.

In the process of progress of science, the inevitable specialization and division of labor in the field of research appears. Even in the theoretical sphere, experiments are separated from the fundamental base.

role of applied and fundamental research in science

Industrial relevance

The experimental base in chemistry, physics, biology is currently associated with industrial production. For example, modern installations for thermonuclear transformations are presented in full compliance with factory reactors. The main goal of the applied industry is currently considered to test certain hypotheses and theories, to search for rational ways of introducing results into concrete production.

Space exploration

After the separation of applied and theoretical activities in the natural sciences, new types of applied disciplines appeared: technical physics, applied chemistry. Among the interesting areas of technical knowledge, radio engineering, nuclear energy, and the space industry are of particular importance.

Many of the results of fundamental technical disciplines, for example, the resistance of materials, applied mechanics, radio electronics, electrical engineering, are not directly applied in practice, but various industrial enterprises operate on their basis, without which it is impossible to create any modern electronic gadget.

Currently, no one is considering technical disciplines as separate areas, they are being introduced into almost all branches of natural science and production.

New trends

To solve complex and complex technical problems, new tasks and goals are set before applied areas, separate laboratories are created in which not only fundamental, but also applied research is carried out.

For example, cybernetics, as well as related disciplines contribute to the modeling of processes occurring in nature, living organisms, help to study the features of the processes, look for ways to solve identified problems.

This is a confirmation of the relationship between applied and basic scientific research.

what is the role of applied and fundamental research of science


According to the results of research, not only sociologists speak of the need to find a close relationship between applied experiments and fundamental scientific laws. Scientists themselves understand the urgency of the problem, are looking for ways out of this situation. Academician P.L. Kapitsa repeatedly recognized the artificiality of the division of science into applied and basic parts. He always emphasized the difficulty of finding that fine line that would become the border between practice theory.

A. Yu. Ishlinsky said that it was precisely “abstract sciences” that could make the maximum contribution to the formation of society, its development and formation.

But at the same time, there is also a feedback that involves the application of practical research results to explain scientific facts and laws of nature.

All experiments of an applied nature, which are not fundamental in nature, are aimed specifically at obtaining a specific result, that is, they involve the implementation of the results in real production. That is why the relevance of the search for the relationship between the scientific and practical spheres when conducting work in research centers and specialized laboratories is high.


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