Petrov Val, Volgograd Region - getting to know the city

Petrov Val is a small settlement of the Kamyshinsky district, the capital of the municipality is an urban settlement. The city is located on the left bank of the river. Ilovli in the Volgograd region, at a distance of 185 km north-east of the regional center. This settlement is a small city with a population of about 13 thousand people. Area - only 29 square meters. km The climate is temperate continental with arid summers and frosty winters.

petrov shaft


The history of the city begins during the Great Patriotic War. Initially, the village was built specifically in order to supply the troops participating in the Battle of Stalingrad. The town received its name thanks to the Petrov Val water bridge. He was nearby. The shipping channel, which was supposed to connect the Volga and the Don, was ordered to be built by Peter I. However, after the Russian Empire waged war with Turkey and the Crimea, this idea had to be postponed. And after the start of the Northern War with Sweden, they completely abandoned it, in view of the cessation of funding. Now the city of Petrov Val has only pits and ravines, reminiscent of the construction that has begun. Already in our days, the channel was given the status of a historical monument. And in the city they installed a stele. Until the 50s, all residential buildings of the town were located in sheltered dugouts. And only in the middle of the twentieth century did the first brick buildings and houses appear.


During the war, the Petrov Val railway station was built, and in 1947 a locomotive depot. The city is a junction station. It connects such settlements as Kamyshin and Balashov.

The city received the status of a city only in 1988. In 2005, according to a referendum, it was decided to create a municipality, which, in addition to the city, also includes the village of Avilovsky. The entire economy is currently firmly based on the operation of the railway station and the maintenance of the locomotive depot.

Petrov Val of the Volgograd Region

What is in the city?

There are few large streets: Pioneer Avenue, ul. Krupskaya and Lenin. Most of the houses are private, but there are several high-rise buildings. Not far from the city is the military town of Lebyazhye, on the territory of which the eponymous airfield was built.


In tourist terms, Petrov Val will not surprise you with sights. Of the natural ones, only the remains of the canal, the surroundings near the Ilovli River. And from the architectural ones - the building of the House of Culture and the railway station.

6 km east of the city there is an interesting landscape site - Kamyshin ears. It is a smooth boulders about 50 m high, located at a small distance from each other. In the middle of the stones rises a hill, which is popularly called the “forehead”. This is a conservation area of ​​regional importance since 2011. In this place, rock form the surface, creating a unique terrain. Rocks are tertiary deposits of the Volga Upland.

Representatives of the flora, some species of ferns and gymnosperms, which are listed in the Red Book, live on the territory of the landscape monument of nature in the city of Petrov Val, Volgograd Region. One of the species is Kamyshin magnolia - endemic. Previously, it grew only in this area, however, scientists managed to find only fossils. The flower itself has long ceased to exist.

Petrov Val city

Although there are not many attractions here, several thousand travelers come here every year. Moreover, there are both people from Russia and residents of neighboring countries. Petrov Val of the Volgograd region is really a very beautiful and interesting city, do not forget about it! If possible, it is best to go and see for yourself.


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