Antique Units: List. Vintage length units

In the modern world, special terms are used to measure length, volume, weight. The values ​​of these physical quantities are clearly defined in established units. Before regulated standards, antique units were used to determine the size of objects or distances.


For a long time, people in the process of life, military and commercial activity had to determine the volume of goods during the exchange, calculate the area of ​​land, measure the distance between cities, use the size in construction. The accuracy of the values ​​obtained using ancient measures could not be guaranteed. The oldest units of measure of magnitude are subjective standards, which, in the opinion of modern man, are absolutely absurd in their absurdity.

For example, the Japanese "horse shoe" is the time during which the horse wears a straw horseshoe; Siberian "beech" - the amount at which the human eye ceases to distinguish between the horns of a bull; Greek “stages” - the distance covered by a calm step from the beginning of sunrise to the complete appearance of the sun above the horizon; Persian "farce" is a measure of the length that can be completed in an hour.

vintage units

Ancient annals brought information about which ancient units of measurement used by our ancestors. To determine the values, we used what was always with us and could be taken as a unit of measure. As a measuring device, we used parts of the human body and its physical capabilities: step, handful, elbow, span, fathom, foot, inch.

Ancient Russia

Ancient Russia is characterized by descriptive expressions in determining distances - “toppling a stone,” “flight of an arrow,” “day of travel.” These figurative meanings were applicable only to the specific source that committed these actions. There were also other native Russian ancient units of length. The field - a distance of 20 versts - is described by Epiphanius the Wise. A quarter - one and a half hectares - was used under Ivan the Terrible.

vintage length units

Historical metrology is a science that studies the ancient units of measurement of physical quantities. In the ancient system of measurements, units of measure were not necessarily calculated in decimal values. Some values ​​could be compared in relation to each other:

  • fathom - equal to 3 arshins,
  • span - 4 points
  • elbow - 2 spans,
  • arshin - 2 elbows,
  • verst - 500 fathoms.

To avoid confusion, there were special lists in which the ratio of measures was spelled out. However, they could not be taken as definite values, because even a span could vary in size. Ancient units of measurement of physical quantities occupy a very voluminous list that is difficult for modern man to understand. Ancient counting measures - a dozen barrels (12 units), five forty sables (200 pieces), a mass (144 dozen) - in our time can be represented in the form of the usual decimal system.

Creating measurement standards in Russia

Ancient units of measurement in Russia were used in all spheres of human activity. Beginning in the 16th century, Russia tried to define uniform systems of quantities. In the XVIII century, in connection with the development of foreign trade, the need arose for precise control of measures. It turned out that with the variety of existing units of measures, the creation of standards is not an easy process. By 1736, the governing Senate formed the Commission of Weights and Measures under the leadership of Count Golovkin, where model measures were taken, and a draft was created on the decimal principle of measurement quantities.

ancient units of measurement of physical quantities

At that time, foreign coins and precious metals were weighed upon import at customs and upon receipt at mints - the mass everywhere turned out to be different. The standard scales of the customs of St. Petersburg, transported to the Senate, were taken as a reference model. The line of Peter I was taken as an exemplary measure of length. The Chetverik of the Moscow Customs determined the unit of bulk measure.

Unified measurement system in Europe and Russia

Even during the reign of Peter the Great, Russia partially adopted the English metric system. Metrological reform was adopted for the development of international trade and the navy, and feet, yards, and inches received particular use in shipbuilding. Under Nicholas I in October 1835, a decree was adopted that defined the Russian system of measures and weights. At the end of May 1875, representatives of tsarist Russia agreed to the Metric Convention. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev paid great attention to the work on the law on the metric system, which only by 1917 was recognized as mandatory.

vintage units

On January 1, 1927, the Nuremberg scale system used by pharmacists was replaced with a metric system.

Ancient measures in folklore and creativity

In the everyday speech of modern Russian people, the ancient units of measurement and the words denoting them are preserved in the expressions inherent in oral folklore:

  • arshin letters - write large,
  • seven spans in the forehead - an indicator of the mind,
  • Kolomenskaya verst is a very tall man,
  • oblique fathom in the shoulders - a man of powerful physique,
  • two tops from the pot - small stature.

Ancient definitions can often be found in books describing historical events, in poems and fairy tales.


The ancient units of length used in Russia after the adoption of the Decree in 1835 and until 1917:

  • finger - about 2 centimeters,
  • nokot - a little more than 1 centimeter,
  • apex - about 4.5 centimeters,
  • a quarter - 17.8 centimeters,
  • elbow - according to various sources from 38 to 47 centimeters,
  • arshin - 71.12 centimeters,
  • ft - about 30.5 centimeters,
  • fathom - 2.14 meters (division into oblique fathoms of -2.5 meters and flyworm - 1.76 meters was adopted),
  • 1 mile - 1.07 kilometers.

Some units of measures were invented by our ancestors to determine the area. These physical quantities were used to determine the size of land, in construction, games. Also, these indicators served as a measure for calculating taxes on land. The most famous measures of the area, the names of which can be found in ancient letters, are a square mile, a plow, a quarter, a tithe.

ancient units of measurement in Russia

The smallest ancient units of measurement of length used in modern metrology, line. The basis of the value is wheat grain. This figure is about 2.5 mm.


The ancient units of measure for bulk and liquid bodies were called bread and wine measures. In the distant 15th century, amazing trumps (a container for salt), onions and harvests (for grain) were used. Vyatka marten, Smolensk barrel, Perm sapets, Old Russian bast and sewing were distinguished depending on the geographical location.

vintage mass units

In everyday life and commerce, household utensils were used for measurements: boilers, ladles, jugs, troughs, tubs, brothers, horses. The capacity of such quantities varied in a significant range: the boiler could be from half a bucket to 20 buckets.


The system of measures of Ancient Russia included ancient units of mass measurement, without which it was impossible to conduct trade relations. Among them:

  1. Gran - 0.062 grams, a pharmaceutical unit of mass.
  2. Spool - 4.266 grams, as the weight unit was preserved until the twentieth century, was equal to the coin of the same name.
  3. Eight - 50 grams, this measure of weight took its name from 1/8 of a pound.
  4. Lot - 12.797 grams, was equal to three spools.
  5. Pound - 410 grams, originally called the hryvnia. This is the main unit of mass for retail trade and handicraft, was 96 spools, it was used to determine the weight of precious metals.
  6. Pood - 40 pounds, 16.38 kg. It is known that the use of this measure of weight has been in demand since the 12th century. It was canceled only in 1924.
  7. Batman - 4.1 kg.
  8. Berkovets - 163.8 kg, a large measure of weight for wholesale. Derived from the name of the island of Bjerk. It was equivalent to 10 pounds. Known mention of this measure in the charter of the XII century.

Foreign measures

In modern life, the basis of the measurement system is kilogram, meter and second. These values ​​are familiar and reliable. However, ancient units of measurement in physics are still used by some countries.

British system:

  1. English pint - approximately 0.57 liters.
  2. Fluid ounce - 30 milliliters.
  3. Barrel - for various substances it is not significantly different in volume, equal to about 159 liters. It can serve as a measure of the volume of oil, also known beer, "French", "English" barrel.
  4. Carat - 0.2 grams. It is used to determine the mass of precious stones.
  5. An ounce is 28.35 grams. Used to measure the weight of precious metals.
  6. British pound - 0.45 kilograms.

vintage physics units
Chinese measures:

  1. 1 l - 576 meters.
  2. 1 liang - 37.3 grams.
  3. 1 fen - 0.32 cm.

For a long time, mankind needed a system for measuring various physical quantities. It was necessary to measure weight and volume, determine the distance, know the time. The importance of accurate measurements grew with the development of society. In modern life, new terms are used to measure quantities, but often in fiction or in everyday speech ancient measures flicker. Knowledge of ancient values ​​denoting metric data allows you to save a story.


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