Holidays in Sri Lanka with a child: hotel selection, weather, entertainment for children and reviews with photos

This beautiful country, which is officially called the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, was called Ceylon until independence. Its area, including marine areas, is 65,610 km². A country located on almost the same island is inhabited by about 20 million people of different nationalities. Is Sri Lanka suitable for families with children? Where is it better to spend a vacation on the island? These questions are often asked by parents of travel agents.

Sri Lanka is located in South Asia. Despite the long flight (a direct flight from Moscow lasts 8 hours 35 minutes), many tourists go on vacation to an exotic island with children, sometimes with very small ones. This article contains information about holidays in Sri Lanka with children: how to prepare for a trip, how to choose the right beach and hotel for living with a baby.

When is the best time to go to the island?

On the island, the weather is changeable. To organize a trip, it is better to choose a period from late September to early April. At this time, climatic conditions are most favorable for recreation. The air warms up to +30 ° C. Judging by the reviews, rest with children in Sri Lanka is most comfortable from mid-March to early April.

Flight preparation

Before traveling to the island, it is necessary to check the availability of all necessary vaccinations corresponding to the age of the child. Vaccination against typhoid fever and dysentery will not hurt - food poisoning is quite common in the hot climate of Sri Lanka.

The child will easier carry the road if you prepare a bag or backpack with the necessary children's things. For babies, these are diapers and diapers, nipples and bottles, rattles. For older older travelers, you should prepare your favorite book, small games, some sweets. As a rule, airlines strive to make the stay of small passengers on board as comfortable as possible. Some of them (Qatar, Ethihad, Emirates and others) offer children's menus, cartoons, children's films and even special sets for babies to help them pass the time during such a long flight.

Sri Lanka: holidays with children

Features of rest with a child

Parents should be aware that babies acclimatize differently. It largely depends on the individual characteristics of the baby's body. A little traveler can hardly endure a long flight or get sick on the island. Therefore, you must have a first aid kit with the necessary drugs.

It will be useful to get travel insurance for the entire stay in the country before the trip. Arriving on the island, carefully monitor not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the child. Local residents love children very much and try to play with them or cheer them up. Parents should prepare the baby for the people around him to speak a language that is unfamiliar to him, to have a slightly different appearance.

Features for families with children

When resting with your child in Sri Lanka, hygiene can become a problem for you, because in this regard the conditions on the island are far from Russian standards. For this reason, wet wipes, antiseptic and a bottle of clean water should be with you constantly.

Food in Sri Lanka is usually very spicy, but hotel or restaurant staff prepare special meals for children upon request. This is especially common in popular resorts that are located on the west coast of the country.

Popular resorts

There are many great places for families in Sri Lanka with children. Where is the best place to stay on the island? Pay attention to popular resorts:

  • Arugam Bay. Many tourists consider this resort the best for families with children. It is famous for its wide and long beaches, on which there are few waves. Arugam Bay is surrounded by picturesque lakes and rainforest.
  • Unawatuna. A calm and beautiful region is ideal for families. Unawatuna is located in the lagoon, surrounded by a double coral reef, with a depth of not more than six meters. The coastal strip is not wide - only 2 meters. At this resort in Sri Lanka, it is always comfortable with children: the water warms up perfectly to +28 ° C and maintains temperature throughout the day. Kids can frolic in the water for quite some time. It is important that in this region the ocean is very calm.
  • Trincomalee. Great place located in the bay. That is why the waters here are calm and calm. The resort is unique: there are numerous hot springs, where tourists can swim if desired.
Sri Lanka where to relax with a child
  • Bentota. This resort is a favorite vacation spot for honeymooners and romantic natures. Couples with children also love to be here. Bentota is valued for its well-developed infrastructure, modern hotels that guarantee a high level of service, including services for young visitors, wide and long beaches. At the resort you can do any water sports, visit the many shops and cafes. In the high season there are always a lot of vacationers. Bentota beach is always crowded, and despite this, at any time you can find a place for a relaxing holiday. Vacationers consider the advantage of Bentota Beach a wide selection of water activities and special attractions for children.
  • Tangalle. Calm and safe resort of Sri Lanka, where many tourists from Russia seek to relax with their children. On many beaches there is a gentle entry into the water. There are no dangerous marine life off the coast. Kids enjoy playing on the sandy shore or floundering in warm water. Older children should be very careful in the water. At a depth, you can damage your leg against spiny fish or sharp coral. To prevent this, you need to swim in rubberized shoes.

Beaches for children

Quite a few sandy beaches in Sri Lanka. With a child, it is important to find a safe place with calm water and a good bottom. And this is not easy to do. Sometimes a wave rises in the ocean that can knock down an adult. Not all beaches are suitable for a comfortable holiday with children in Sri Lanka.

Weligama is the most popular and most visited beach on the south coast of the country with velvety, soft sand and sparkling azure waters. Infrequently disturbed by vacationers, high waves on the beach, but children should be monitored, since it is believed that Weligama is the most suitable place for beginner surfers. With the smallest kids it is better to visit the pool at the hotel.

Weligama Bay

Choose a hotel

It is very important to choose the right hotel in Sri Lanka. For holidays with children, many tourists from Russia prefer working on an all-inclusive system. However, many experienced travelers believe that this choice is not necessary: ​​hotels with half board or only with breakfast are also suitable for families, especially if cafes, restaurants and shops are located nearby. The vast majority of beach hotels on the island are suitable for families with children, as they provide a minimum range of amenities and services for families with children. At the same time, several hotels should be distinguished that are more suitable than others with small children and older children.

Centara Ceysands & Spa 5 *

The hotel, which is located next to the popular Bentota Beach. As in most institutions of the Centara network, all the necessary services for families with children are provided here: baby cot, hygiene products, special menu.

Centara Ceysands & Spa Hotel 5 *

Riu Sri Lanka

The recently opened all-inclusive hotel. It attracts guests with cleanliness and novelty. True, there is not enough greenery on the territory, but the structure itself looks very stylish. The hotel has a team of young and talented animators, and original shows are held in the evenings.

Club Palm Bay Hotel

This hotel is noticeably inferior to the two above, although it has its advantages. Firstly, the cost of living, which is very important for many guests. Secondly, tourists from Russia prefer to settle in this hotel in Sri Lanka with children. Perhaps one of the adults is not very inspired by this fact, but the children are very happy because it is easier for them to find friends at the hotel.

Hotel Club Palm Bay Hotel

Entertainment for children: Pinnawela nursery

Elephants fall into this place, as a rule, from unfavorable regions. Employees of the nursery provide assistance to giants, feed and nursing sick and wounded animals. Now 50 adult elephants live in the nursery. You can take pictures with them, feed them with bananas.

Tortoise farm

As these animals are becoming smaller and smaller on the planet, it was decided to create a farm for them in Sri Lanka. Currently, eight species of turtles live here. Excellent care for them allows you to save and enhance the look. An excursion to the farm will be interesting for both adults and children.

National parks

There are currently five of them on the island:

  • The Bundal.
  • "Vasgamuva".
  • "Sinharaja."
  • "Udavalave."
  • Vilpatu.

It is worth visiting each of them, getting to know the exotic local nature, taking a walk through the beautiful evergreen forest, and seeing the rarest species of trees and flowers.

Jungle walk

Such a journey will be remembered for a long time by both you and your children. You will see funny tame and harmless sloths who are already accustomed to many tourists. And if you meet monkeys, carefully monitor your things - they can mysteriously disappear.


This amazing sight will not leave anyone indifferent. The most popular on the island is the Veil of the Bride, which is considered the longest in the world. To see this riot of water jets and sparkling spray should be.

Sri Lanka Waterfalls

Holidays with children in Sri Lanka: reviews and tips from tourists

Most vacationers believe that a trip to Sri Lanka is an interesting and unforgettable trip. Holidays on the island with children have undeniable advantages, which include:

  1. Clean and safe beaches with a gentle entry into the water. Every day, hotel workers carefully clean the garbage and clean the area, so you can not worry that the child will damage the leg.
  2. The mild climate allows you to relax on the island from late spring to late September.
  3. More convenient was the entry into the country. Citizens of the Russian Federation require an electronic invitation and a tourist visa. These documents allow you to stay in the country for a month.

When going on a trip, consider and analyze the disadvantages of relaxing with children:

  1. The sea is not always calm. For the smallest children, a swimming pool located on the territory of the hotel is more suitable.
  2. Coconut trees that grow along the coast of the ocean look very attractive, but the risk that coconut can fall is very high. Do not allow children to play near these trees.
  3. At the famous resorts on the island there are no dangerous reptiles and insects. But keep in mind that in Sri Lanka, cases of snakebites are recorded annually. Do not allow your child to play near tropical trees or in tall grass.
  4. Today, the cost of such a summer vacation for a family of two adults and one child will cost about 120,000 rubles. Most of the cost is airfare and hotel accommodation.
  5. Going to Sri Lanka in the rainy season, do not forget to bring mosquito repellent with you. Chances of getting dengue fever or malaria on the island are high. Safe in this sense are the areas: Kandy and Colombo, Bentota and Galle, Matara and Kalutara.


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