Replacing the screen on the 6 "iPhone": instructions. Repair iPhone 6: screen replacement. Screen Replacement for iPhone 6 Plus

The display of any phone is its most fragile and vulnerable place. The screen of the iPhone 6 is no exception. Since its screen has been enlarged to 5.5 inches, the likelihood of breaking the phone has also increased. If you broke the screen, the official replacement of the screen on the 6 "iPhone" will be very expensive and will take several weeks. So, if you have the necessary knowledge and caution when performing all actions, self-replacement of the screen on the 6 "iPhone" is the best choice.

Earlier independent repair of the iPhone was impossible, so to do all the required operations without the use of specialized equipment was difficult. Therefore, the suitability for self-repair was at a low level. But for the latest smartphone models, this figure is acceptable seven points out of ten possible.

This article describes how to replace the screen of the iPhone 6. Instructions, if followed exactly, will help you do your own repairs. In this case, it will take you from 10 minutes to half an hour.

However, it is worthwhile to warn that self-repairing the phone will invalidate the warranty on the device. Also, with careless repairs, you can run into a series of troubles as a result. Therefore, the owner, repairing the device on his own, does this at his own risk and must strictly observe the entire procedure described in this article. So, self-replacement screen on the 6 "iPhone": step by step instructions.

Required Toolkit

Very often, after self-repair, unpleasant consequences remain. Some of them are chips and scratches, which simply spoil the appearance, while others, like breaks in loops, may lead to the need for repeated repairs. This happens not only due to negligence during the repair, but also due to the lack of necessary tools. To replace the screen with the 6 β€œiPhone” without such consequences, you need to get the following set:

- Pentalobe - screwdriver for iPhone or "star";

- phillips screwdriver phillips;

- tweezers;

- putty knife;

- suction cup for removing the screen;

- A set of plastic openers for the housing.

It is highly recommended to purchase this inexpensive kit in any specialized store, especially since you will certainly need it in the future.

Screen Replacement on iPhone 6

Repair Preparation

Replacing the screen on the "iPhone 6", as on any other phone, should be done on a flat, clean and well-lit surface. It is necessary to free the workplace from other things. It is also recommended to use small boxes to collect fasteners in them. The repairman's hands should be clean and dry, preferably wearing gloves. Before starting the repair, disconnect the phone and remove the cable and headphones from it. If the voltage is not enough to harm a person, then it is enough for a short circuit in the phone. In this case, replacing the screen with a 6 "iPhone" will not be the last repair operation for its owner. Most likely, an expensive motherboard repair will be required.

So, all the preparatory operations are completed. You can proceed directly to replacing the screen.

Step 1: open the phone case

You need to find two slots on the bottom of the phone near the lightning connector. These sockets have asterisks. Unscrew them using a pentalobe screwdriver. We put the screws in a separate box.

iphone 6 screen replacement

Now carefully remove the display cover. For this you need a suction cup for the screen. This is to prevent damage to the seal between the glass and the body. Such damage often occurs when replacing the iPhone 6 screen when using improvised items. As a result, you can get a leaking phone case after reassembly. In this case, replacing the screen of the iPhone 6 will lead to a deterioration in the protective properties of the phone.

The suction cup must be positioned next to the Home button. Now you should pull it a little. Such caution is explained by the fact that the cover, in addition to screws, is fastened with a series of latches, which are located around the perimeter of the phone. Carefully pull each one off one after another.

screen replacement for iphone 6 plus

Step 2: remove the protective panel of the loops

By lifting up the screen, you can see the cables of the front panel, which are located next to the main camera. Further replacement of the iPhone 6 screen cannot be continued without disconnecting them. First you need to remove the protective metal panel, which blocks access to them. This can be done by unscrewing the five screws. These screws have different diameters, so you must not mix them up when reassembling.

iphone 6 screen replacement original

After removing the screws, the protective panel must be lifted with tweezers. A series of loops will open before us.

iphone 6 screen replacement instruction

Step 3: disconnect the front panel cables

We sequentially disconnect the loops of the front camera, speaker, main function key and display. It is recommended to do this using special openers. The procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, as careless execution of it can lead to damage to the cables or connectors and, consequently, to possible interruptions in work or expensive repairs. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, then the screen replacement on the iPhone 6 plus should be carried out in official service centers.

repair iPhone 6 screen replacement

Step 4: disconnect the main function key

Now you should remove the protective panel of the Home button. To do this, unscrew the three screws located on it with a screwdriver.

replacing the screen on the iPhone 6

Next, remove the protective panel with tweezers and disconnect the cable for the home button with an opener or spatula. Before you remove the key itself, it must be heated with a special hairdryer or a simple light bulb. This is because the home button is glued for tightness by the manufacturer.

Step 5: disconnect the speaker cable and the front camera

This step is similar to the previous one. First, remove the protective panel by unscrewing the three screws with a screwdriver, and then disconnect the cables of the speaker and the front camera.

screen replacement for 6 iPhone

Step 6: remove the screen cover

Repair "iPhone 6" (screen replacement), completed by removing the metal panel that protects the display from the inside. To do this, unscrew the seven screws that are located around the perimeter of the front panel.

iphone 6 screen replacement

Now you should lift the display connector with tweezers.

Step 7: Replace iPhone 6 Screen and Reassemble

Now you can change the damaged screen to a new one. But first, it’s worth checking the purchased display for defects, inspecting the connection cables and evaluating their integrity. At the slightest suspicion of a malfunction, you should contact the store where the screen was purchased.

If no defects are found, carefully place the purchased display in the place of the old one. A strong tap on the screen is not allowed. Next, you need to assemble the device in the reverse order. It is highly recommended to check the reliability of the connection of all loops. This will avoid re-disassembling to solve problems associated with the possible incorrect operation of the new screen.

In order for the replacement of the iPhone 6 screen to be successful, it is recommended to photograph successively all the actions that were performed at the disassembly stage. Otherwise, you can find the "extra" parts after reassembling the phone.

If only the glass of the phone is broken

Quite often, when the phone is damaged, only glass is broken, while the matrix of the screen remains operational. In this case, it would be wise to simply replace the glass with a new one, which will allow the owner to save money. However, in this case, you still have to turn to experienced craftsmen for help, since replacing glass on your own can hardly be done correctly. This is due to the fact that the glass itself is firmly attached with glue, and it is impossible to remove it without using special equipment. To do this, you need a special hairdryer to heat the screen, a glue remover, specialized glue itself and an ultraviolet lamp. All this is quite expensive, so it will be more reasonable to contact a specialized workshop. Otherwise, there is a great risk of spoiling the screen matrix. So, if you replace the screen of the iPhone 6 (original) yourself, it is better to replace the entire screen unit, following the instructions.


As you can see, replacing the iPhone 6 screen is not a complicated and long operation. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the entire sequence of actions that is described in the above instructions. This will minimize the risk of damage to the device and incorrect operation after the repair. If everything is done correctly, the phone will again be able to please its owner.


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