San Marino: attractions that will bring you back to the Middle Ages

Italy is a country very spoiled by tourists. There is not only a large number of historical sites and the heart of the Christian church. The Apennine Peninsula attracts vacationers with a mild climate, rich nature, diverse landscapes. The azure Mediterranean coast, the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, and that's not all. On the territory of this country there is another small pearl named San Marino. Its sights are amazing, therefore it is not surprising that about three million travelers come here every year.

San Marino Attractions

What attracts guests to this tiny country? The main attractions in San Marino are the wonderfully preserved atmosphere and appearance of the Middle Ages. The abundance of castles is so huge that almost the entire population of the state lives in castle towns. Faetano, Montejardino, Aquaviva, Maggiore, Chiesanuovo survived almost in its original form. The remaining villages and cities are so picturesque that historical films are constantly shot here. Therefore, if you consider yourself a history buff, a trip to San Marino will be your best gift. Attractions, a map of this confirmation, here at every step.

San Marino Attractions Map

The capital of a dwarf state bears the same name as the country. It consists of small old houses, which are located on the terraces of the slopes of Mount Titano. Narrow streets connect small squares, residential buildings and the remains of former fortifications. Once in the city there were already three belts of impregnable stone walls! However, the main attractions in San Marino are the buildings of the Palazzo Publico built in 1884 or the Government Palace. Polygonal balconies, battlements, gabled turrets are complemented by the Voting Hall, Assembly Hall, Council Hall with 60 seats and a huge fireplace. The premises are decorated with a large number of amazing examples of medieval art. In front of the magnificent building is Piazza della Liberta - Liberty Square, in the central part of which stands the monument “Statue of Liberty”. Also on the square there is a marble slab engraved with a “wind rose” and tanks for collecting rainwater dating from the fifteenth century. This is practically the only source of drinking water in the country, since there are no rivers, only a few mountain streams. Another attraction of the city is the Montalbo Cemetery.

Italy San Marino Attractions

In San Marino, sights are everywhere. A special word should be said about Catholic churches, which are very ancient here. The Basilica of Del Santo, the church of San Pietro, the church of St. Quirin, the monastery of the Capuchins, the church of Ciza di San Francesco - this list goes on and on.

Like neighboring Italy, San Marino guards its attractions. Rich museums with unique collections of ancient weapons, historical waxworks peacefully coexist with museums of curious things, instruments of torture, antique cars. Therefore, looking into this paradise of the planet, you will be rewarded with interest for all the efforts.


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