History of the Arkhangelsk region: legends, sights and interesting facts

Arkhangelsk region is our Russian North. Archaeologists find household items of ancient people who lived in this territory in the IX-VII centuries. BC e. On the territory of the modern Arkhangelsk region once interesting events took place, believe me, she has something to tell us.


On the territory of the Arkhangelsk region , sites of people from the Paleolithic times were discovered. The region has an impressive history, during which many events took place in the world, civilizations arose and collapsed. We will consider the history of the Arkhangelsk region briefly.

The entire territory of the region is dotted with rivers and lakes, the largest of them are the Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen and Pechora. About 2.5 thousand lakes, the largest of which are Lacha, Kenozero and Kozhozero. In ancient times, all settlements were located near water bodies. The rich fauna and flora attracted our ancestors here. The remains of these ancient settlements are still found by archaeologists and paleontologists.

The first written mention of the region can be found in the charter of the times of Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich (1137), who collected church tithes from local residents.

After the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the territory of this northern region, a mass migration of the population of Russia began, in connection with this the number of Slavs in these lands increased significantly.

In the XIV century, according to the annals, the land of the Arkhangelsk region belonged to Novgorod and was called Dvinskaya. However, in the XVI century. they recaptured her. The territory became part of the Moscow principality. It was at this time that a new city was built at the mouth of the Northern Dvina - Novo-Kholmogory (Arkhangelsk).

The importance of the region greatly increased during the time of Peter I, who organized extensive shipbuilding there.

After the civil war, the territorial structure of the Arkhangelsk region repeatedly changed. The region was called the Northern Territory and was part of the Vologda Oblast; it owned the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Komi. As a result, after all the transformations, on September 23, 1937 the history of the Arkhangelsk region with the capital Arkhangelsk began.


Arkhangelsk is the largest city in the north of Russia, located at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River. The city is located on a plain and is a large seaport with access to the White Sea. In tsarist times, a fleet based in Arkhangelsk actively participated in the development of the Arctic, numbered 13 icebreakers. At the same time, the city was also a major forestry center.

In Soviet times, he did not lose his significance, continuing to carry out important economic functions. The city, along with Molotovsky and Murmansk, during the war years was one of the main ports that received cargo of allied countries. For which he subsequently received the honorary title "City of Military Glory."

City Arkhangelsk

Now the city is actively developing and has more than 350 thousand people. It has more than 8000 private enterprises. It occupies 40% of the timber industry market in Russia. Arkhangelsk CHP is the main energy supplier. Also in the city there are about two hundred educational institutions. Arkhangelsk is the final destination of the main passage of the Northern Railway.

Cities of the region

In total, there are 38 large cities and towns with a population of over 3,000 people. The region also includes archipelagos and islands, where important military installations are now located.

We mention only the largest cities of the Arkhangelsk region and the history of their occurrence:

  • Severodvinsk. In the Northern Dvina Delta in 1936, it was decided to create a city in which ships would be built. This was his main task. The city was named Molotovsk in honor of the later executed politician V. Molotov. During the Second World War, Molotovsk, along with Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, received military cargo from the allied countries. Now it is a large (population - about 184 thousand people) beautiful city, the basis of the economy of which is large enterprises of the shipbuilding and ship repair complex. The city is also an important military base on which military weapons are regularly tested. The naval forces of the Northern Fleet are also concentrated there.
  • Closed Peace. The city of Mirny, Arkhangelsk Oblast, has no less fascinating history. It is there that the Plesetsk cosmodrome is located. The city was founded in 1966. The cosmodrome got its name from its location: on Lake Plessy. The construction of the landfill began in 1957. Now it is the largest scientific and technical complex in Russia, which includes 1473 buildings and structures. Over its entire existence, more than 2,000 spacecraft were launched into orbit, about 1,600 launch rockets and about 500 launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles were conducted, 11 space rocket complexes and 60 types of spacecraft were tested.
  • Kotlas is the third most populated city in the region (almost 62 thousand people). Located 600 km from Arkhangelsk. The first mention of it dates back to the first quarter of the 17th century, although Finno-Ugric tribes settled this territory much earlier. The basis of the economy is the railway and related activities (about 40-45% of all budget revenues).

Villages and villages of the region

The villages and villages of the region are best known for their churches and temples. In total there are more than 3,500 thousand of such settlements. The history of some villages of the Arkhangelsk region is further.

The villages of the Arkhangelsk region

The village of Vozhgora was founded in the 16th century. When Ivan the Terrible took Kazan, the first settlers arrived with carts and stood on the mountain. Hence the name - Vozgora, after being transformed into Vozhgora. Now about 600 people live there.

Village of Sudrem (Pogost). When Peter I stopped in one of the villages of the region, heading to Arkhangelsk, he was “dumped by a nap”, and the village was immediately given the name Sudrem. In 1888 the church of Elijah the Prophet was built there, which is now a local attraction.

The village of Cherevkovo is one of the oldest. It was founded in the 14th century. It became a large trading settlement due to its favorable location on the Severnaya Dvina River and on the trade route Veliky Ustyug - Kholmogory. In Cherevkovo engaged in gold embroidery. For a long time the village was the center of the Old Believers. The main attraction is the stone Trinity Church, erected in 1727, as well as the Church of the Holy Martyr Peter Cherevkovsky.

The main attraction of the Shiryaikha village is the Assumption Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery, founded in the middle of the 15th century, as well as the Epiphany Church in 1787.

The history of the villages of the Arkhangelsk region is primarily associated with a good geographical location. The region is rich in rivers and lakes, so they were built nearby with large bodies of water.

Legends of the Arkhangelsk region

The history of the Arkhangelsk region goes far back centuries, during the time of the Vikings and Old Believers. It is not surprising that the spirit of mysticism and faith in the power of ancient amulets are in the air.

On the Zayatsky and Solovetsky islands there are northern labyrinths. Until now, no one knows the meaning and meaning of these amazing stone circles. There is an assumption that the magicians performed their rites there. They say that having visited these sacred places, a person begins to feel very cheerful and can even see the future later.

White Sea Labyrinths

Mount Karasova is another mystical place in the region. According to legend, this mountain at the foot of the lake with a double bottom lives its own life. Local residents believe that unhappiness awaits a person who bathed in this lake. The legend of the lake says that a certain Skipper-Serpent attacked the local lands and, in order to stop this, Perun entered into a battle with the monster. The conquered serpent was chained to this mountain. And his spirit lives to this day there, not letting people forget about evil and good.

A beautiful legend of eighty healing springs is popular in the village of Kurtiaevo. It is there that the mysterious stream Talets flows, which never freezes. These sources are named after the Slavic goddess of fate Makosh, their waters, according to legend, heal and heal wounds.


The history of the Arkhangelsk region is interesting and rich. To this day, quite a lot of attractions have survived, the main of which are temples and churches. The region is located in the picturesque northern region, and, of course, this is one of its advantages.

Kenozero Park is a historical and cultural complex with numerous wooden structures. This is one of the few corners of Russia where the original Russian way of life has been preserved. Created in 1991, the park attracts many tourists to admire an ecologically clean place and everyone can see the monuments of the Neolithic era related to the Kargopol archaeological culture.

Konozero Park

Cue Island in the White Sea is another area attraction. The two-kilometer island surprises with its natural beauty. Pine trees on the rocks and the rich northern flora and fauna will not leave indifferent any visitors.

The historical monuments of the Arkhangelsk region are considered below.

Historical monuments

Speaking about the historical and cultural monuments of the Arkhangelsk region, one cannot but say about the Solovetsky Islands. This is the largest archipelago in the White Sea, on one of the islands of which the Solovetsky Stauropegial Monastery was erected. The date of foundation of the first settlement is considered to be 1436. During its existence, the monastery acquired a rich spiritual and military history. Having survived several wars, he retained his greatness for our generation. Now it is a specially protected territory of federal significance.

Sorvets islands

Anthony-Siysky monastery. This monastery was founded in 1520 by the Monk Anthony. From 1601 to 1605, prisoners were kept there. In 1730, Lomonosov stayed at the monastery, as his uncle served there.

Now in the museum of the monastery are collected monuments of Russian culture, which are of worldwide importance. Books were copied in the monastery. There are about 300 manuscript books, as well as an archive of valuable documents, of which there are now more than 20 thousand. The monastery formed the famous school of icon painting. The founder of the monastery, Rev. Anthony, was himself an icon painter.

Antonevo-Siy ​​Monastery


Every year on the island of Kiev , the international jazz festival “Warm Sounds of the North” takes place.

In the Arkhangelsk region there is a truly magical place - a karst cave Golubinsky failure with a length of 1622 m. Fabulous views of this amazing place are fascinating.

Karst cave


The history of the region is very multifaceted. The historical monuments of the Arkhangelsk region cannot be fit into one article. The ancient northern region is rich in spirituality and incredibly picturesque. Having preserved and carried through the centuries its ancient Slavic culture, myths and legends of pagan ancestors, it is unique in its kind. The history of these lands preserves the memory of the Viking raids, the wars of Ancient Russia and the Soviet past.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1536/

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