Neil Armstrong. First man on the moon

In the entire history of mankind, earthlings stepped onto the surface of another astronomical object six times, and each time the only satellite of our planet - the Moon - became this object.

In 1961, the United States Civilian Space Program (NASA) adopted the Apollo program, the purpose of which was to carry out a manned landing on the moon. At that time, the United States could not allow the first person on the moon to be not an American, but a citizen of some other country. After 8 years, the goal of the program was achieved during the mission Apollo 11 (manned spacecraft of the Apollo series) - the landing of astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin.

first man on the moon
Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the lunar surface in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Tranquility. At that moment, he took a step which was destined to become an outstanding historical event. The astronaut himself forever acquired the honorary title of the first man on the moon. What qualities did this person possess who became one of the leading figures in space exploration? Why was Neil Armstrong chosen to carry out such a crucial mission?

Biography of Neil Alden Armstrong

Neil Armstrong was born on July 5, 1930. His hometown is called Wapakoneta (Ohio). During his school years, Neil was an active participant in the United States Boy Scout movement. In this organization, of all achievable ranks, he achieved the highest (Eagle Scout). Neal combined his studies in high school with classes in a city aviation school. Young Armstrong’s first cadet pilot license appeared earlier than his driver’s license. The next place of study was Purdue University, the result of training in which was acquired in 1955, an academic degree of a bachelor of science in aviation technology. Neil Armstrong received his master's degree in 1970 after completing his studies at the University of Southern California.

The first man on the moon before the start of space training served in the U.S. naval forces, was a test pilot, during the Korean War he made combat sorties on a fighter-bomber. In 1958, the Nile began preparing for space flights in a group of pilots who were taught to control an experimental rocket plane. However, Armstrong was completely unsatisfied with flights below 50 miles, and he left the project. In 1962, after a competitive selection, he was enrolled in the NASA astronaut group. In March 1966, Armstrong made its first space flight. Then he was appointed commander of the ship Demini-8. "

amstrong on the moon
One of the July days of 1969 became a special date in the biography of the astronaut. On July 20, a lunar module with two pilots - Apollo11 ​​spacecraft commander Neil Armstrong and crew member Buzz Aldrin - landed on the surface of the Earth's satellite. Armstrong spent a little less than a day on the moon, of which 2 hours and 21 minutes outside the lander.

After Neil Armstrong left NASA, he taught students at the University of Cincinnati.

Neil Amstrong biography

On August 25, 2012, the greatest American hero who made a truly invaluable contribution to the development of astronautics, the first man on the moon, died. The U.S. Navy has a tradition of betraying the waters of honorable veterans. Neil Armstrong was also buried.


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