Shod flower girls: the ancient craft decorates our life

Many of those who follow fashion trends in the field of interior and landscape design, note this interesting phenomenon: products made by a method such as art hand forging, have recently become more and more popular and in demand. Forged metal is stylish. This is a sign of sophistication and aristocracy.

Forged flower girls
It should also be noted that such a conservative material as metal is very difficult to process and requires unconditional respect.

Revival of an old craft

It would seem that in the post-industrial era no one will remember such things as a hammer and an anvil. But fashion trends are not so rarely very unexpected. And today, wrought iron florists are found more and more often and in a variety of places - from luxury office centers to country houses. Their forms often strike the imagination with their variety, pretentiousness. They are expressive of their exclusivity. Of course, the modern blacksmith is technically armed incomparably stronger than his medieval counterpart; modern technology at the beginning of the twenty-first century is on his side. On many products you can see the print of the individual craftsmanship of a blacksmith, who embodied the vivid plastic image of the designer-developer. Often, the work of an artisan becomes a work of art. Therefore, forged flower girls are more than just fashionable trinkets. You should take a closer look at them.

Part of a single concept

Hand forging

Forged flower girls are, of course, a bright and eye-catching element of interior design of a country house and the landscape around it. But products must be organically integrated into a single architectural design concept. Forged flower girls simply have to be made in the same stylistic key with other forged metal elements of interior or landscape design: pergolas, fireplace and decorative grilles, balustrades, nadvernye peaks and fences. All details and elements should be carefully thought out at the project level. Previously, you can look at the pages of special publications and, having examined a variety of forged flower girls, photos of which are presented in abundance there, come up with your own version.

Forged flower girls photo
You can try your hand

Working with metal requires skills, qualifications and a variety of special tools. As well as a special room equipped with a heating furnace and workbenches. For people who once tried forging, this activity often becomes a kind of hobby. The old craft in the new technological conditions captivates both the process of work and the results achieved in it. And wrought iron florists here are just a special case. You can do a lot with your own hands. And work aimed at creating your own well-being and comfort brings incomparable pleasure. Complex parts and elements can be simply purchased. They are presented in a considerable assortment in the construction market.


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