Error registering a SIM card: what to do and how to fix it?

A SIM card is the main element, without which, in principle, the mobile phone itself is not needed: without it, calls, sending and receiving SMS messages, and “gatherings” on the Internet are not available. However, buying such a mini-card is not enough to enjoy using your smartphone. Although rare, but there are cases when a SIM card fails. And it is not known, because of the phone itself this is happening, or the SIM is the culprit. What is obvious - there is a problem, because it is not for nothing that the phone displayed the inscription: "Error registering a SIM card." What to do when such a situation arises? The answer is this article.

error registering a SIM card

What to do?

Simka fails at the most unnecessary moment. How to fix the situation faster? What to do in such cases? Perhaps the following instruction will help to solve the problem :

  • First you need to open the phone cover, inspect the SIM card for the correct location in the slot. Most likely, the card is simply incorrectly installed or is slightly shifted: as a result, an error occurs. If the design of the phone implies the installation of a SIM card under the battery, and not in a special slot nearby, then, perhaps, the contacts of the SIM receiver and the SIM card itself simply do not touch. To solve the problem, lay a sheet of plain paper in several layers and put such a blank between the SIM card and the battery, and then assemble the phone. It is possible that pressing the SIM card with paper will allow you to establish contact between the parts, and the SIM card will start working again.

error when registering a SIM card what to do

  • The problem is not solved? Should go further! The next step is to inspect the SIM card and receiver for any contamination. Perhaps the contact between them cannot be established only because of some spots, blots. If the reason is really this, then a regular eraser will help to correct the situation. They need to gently wipe the visible contacts. After that, it remains only to install the "fillings" of the phone in place and check the SIM card for performance.
  • And it didn’t help? We need to proceed further! So, you can try to pull out the SIM card and bend it a little so that the side with the contact is convex. Perhaps this method will become a "circle of salvation."
  • If all these actions have not yielded results, you can try installing another card in your phone. Better than another operator. If it works, then the whole problem is in the previously installed SIM card. Otherwise, the reason must be sought in the phone itself.

The culprit of the problem is the telephone

To help solve the problem with registering a SIM card more quickly, you should consider the main reasons that contribute to the occurrence of an error due to the phone:

  1. Some phone models are made tailored to the cards of certain telecom operators. So, attempts to install a SIM card of their competitors will be futile.
  2. Often errors occur in phones with two SIM cards. So, in some models, one SIM card may refuse to register while another is working. To check if the reason is really this, you should insert a dubious card in both slots one by one.
  3. Various mechanical and physical damages to the smartphone itself can also affect the SIM card’s performance. So, for example, water or steam entering the device can cause contact disturbance due to its oxidation. You can try to solve the problem yourself, having sorted the phone toppings and wiped them thoroughly. The problem is not solved? Contact a service center for assistance.

Error registering a SIM card megaphone

It should be noted that the phone may not immediately begin to “glitch” due to a drop or moisture inside. Initially, it can function quite normally and only later begin to act up. Therefore, if an error occurs when registering a SIM card, you should remember if he had to fall or swim recently? Perhaps the reason is precisely in such troubles.

The culprit of the problem is Simka

Next, you should consider the reasons for the refusal to operate the SIM card, when she herself is directly to blame. There are several of them:

  • Expired. Some operators with prolonged non-use of the SIM card simply block it. As a result, it turns into a useless piece of plastic. A refusal to provide services may result from the operator due to the rather long balance being at a negative level.
  • Sim card just bought? Perhaps the reason is simply its incorrect activation. In this case, you should contact the seller for help.
  • Many modern smartphones allow the installation of only mini-cards. Some of their owners, deciding to save money and time, cut their SIM cards on their own. If this is not done correctly, then you should expect an error in registration. Solution: buy a new card!

error when registering pay card sim

Error registering MTS SIM card

If you can’t solve the problem with the inoperability of the SIM card on your own, you can contact your mobile operator directly. For example, if MTS provides communication services, then to resolve an unpleasant situation, you can call 8-800-250-0890 and consult a problem with their specialist.

Most likely, such actions will become the most faithful and will soon bring Simka back to life.

SIM card "Megaphone" does not work

What to do if when using the card of this operator the inscription is displayed: "Error registering a SIM card"? "Megaphone" allows you to solve the problem this way: just dial the customer support number 0500 from another number of the same telecom operator. At the time of the conversation, you should carefully explain under what circumstances the SIM card stopped working. This will help the company employee quickly find out the reason for the refusal of registration and solve the problem.

Beeline SIM card does not work

error while registering SIM card Beeline

In case of refusal to use SIM cards from Beeline, you should contact 0611. A company specialist, having carefully listened to the circumstances that led to the refusal to use the SIM card, will advise the further course of action. As a result, soon the user will be able to enjoy his working card and will no longer get on the nerves inscription: "Error registering a SIM card." Beeline will quickly rectify the situation.

Let the above tips be useful and help you solve the problem!


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