UK coins: pennies and pounds

The UK numismatic system is extremely complex. All UK coins are regularly updated, and until 1971 they were still not a multiple of ten. This circumstance forced ordinary buyers to carry out a number of complicated mathematical operations in their minds.

coins of great britain

The official and unchanged currency of all UK territories for decades is Pound sterling. Today, the British also use pence. Great Britain's pound and two-pound coins adorn Queen Elizabeth II's profile. On the back is a symbolic coat of arms. It is a reflection of several heraldic traditions. The basis of his drawing lay the English and Scottish lions and the Celtic harp.

Mass production

The whole emblem present on the reverse can only boast UK coins of 1 GBP denomination. An intricate abstract ornament flaunts on two pounds. It is worth noting that Pound sterling does not have an established reverse. It is updated every couple of years. Previously, this procedure was carried out annually. The cycle has a certain thematic focus. One season may be devoted to metropolitan megacities, the other to bridge structures and famous crossings.

1 pound UK coin

As part of the interim issues, the coat of arms of the United Kingdom is placed on the reverse. In this case, they are presented most fully, without cuts and abbreviations. So, the following motifs decorating the coins of Great Britain were included in the circulation collection “Symbols”:

  • scottish lion;
  • dragon of Wales;
  • english lions;
  • Celtic cross of Northern Ireland.

The “Bridges” line is decorated with images of the Millennium Bridge, which is located in England, the Grog and Bort crossings, located on the lands of Wales, the Scottish fortifications, the Egyptian arch, which rises among the mountain landscapes of Northern Ireland.

An amazing series of "Bushes". It included coins of Great Britain, on the reverse side of which there are illustrations of typical plants found in the United Kingdom. This is flax growing in the north of Ireland, English oak, Welsh onion, Scottish thistle.

You can buy them both with hands and at the box office of state institutions: at the post office or at the treasury. Today, prices for complete sets of UK coins start at £ 23. If rare specimens are included in the kit, then sums in the hundreds of GBP are asked for it.

Folk love

1 penny UK coin

As for the attitude of ordinary citizens of the Kingdom to metal pounds, it is rather negative. According to most, their weight is unreasonably large. Coins draw pockets and spoil the look of clothing. It’s inconvenient to wear them in your wallet, so the British are doing their best to get rid of them.

The easiest, but at the same time extraordinary way to get one pound worth of UK coins is to exchange banknotes in any slot machine.


Now in the UK are in circulation pence of various designs. The national emblem appeared on them only nine years ago. Until 2008, their appearance had different features. Below you can see what a 1 penny coin looks like. Great Britain has a sufficient number of symbols, so the coins of this country are distinguished by their originality.

uk coin sets

Most often, elements are applied to pennies, one way or another symbolizing the United Kingdom. If you're lucky, you might get the image of the feathers of the Prince of Wales.

The reverse is decorated with portraits of Elizabeth II. Coins differ in the metal from which they are cast. Modern realities dictate their own rules, so the cost of pennies is gradually reduced due to the use of cheaper alloys.

Anniversary Issues

As in Russia, the numismatics of the United Kingdom has its own limited series, the production of which was timed to coincide with a particular solemn event in the life of the country. There are four varieties in total.

Please note that the 1 pound coin (UK) is not available in limited editions. In everyday life you can meet only the limits of 50 pennies and 2 £. Every year, the mint minted in one variety, sometimes two.

In addition to the usual jubilee designs, there are three more types available in the UK. These are large-denominated coins cast from precious metals and the so-called Mandy money. The latter are a special invention of the English royal throne. Representatives of the ruling family give them in the form of alms. In the MM store they accept according to the indicated face value, but collectors are ready to give a fortune for them.

coin 1 crown uk

Colonial Numismatics

For centuries, England has been known as an influential marine mistress. These times have sunk into oblivion, but their legacy still serves as proof of the country's mighty past navy. Currently, more than ten United Kingdom autonomies use the pound sterling. They also have a 1 penny coin (Great Britain). However, the land itself is not part of the UK.

Such territories include Gibraltar, the Isle of Man and Jersey, St. Helena, Asuncion, Guernsey and other entities. Many of them issue their own banknotes. Gibraltar officially uses local bills, but their pence (penny) is English.

On the Isle of Man, national and British pounds are in use. Anniversary series are periodically issued.

Back to the past

The first monetary unit, which was cast from metal and used by residents of all territories of the United Kingdom, was a coin of 1 kroon. Great Britain released it in 1526. It was made entirely of gold. Over time, the nominal weight was reduced. At the court of Jacob I, its value was equal to five shillings. And after 1663 she was replaced by a guinea.


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