The beach capital of Myanmar. Or how to organize a luxuriously tropical tropical dinner on the ocean shore for 120 rubles

Myanmar (old Burma) is a country of thousands of golden pagodas and precious stones, where sapphires and rubies are mined in unimaginable quantities. For a curious traveler, she reveals real miracles. Naypyidaw - the current capital of Myanmar, until 2005, it was the city of Yangon (Rangoon). Throughout history, the capital has been postponed several times due to unfavorable forecasts of astrologers, but the last transfer was made to ensure strategic security.

Burma is called the country of golden pagodas, their number is approaching two and a half thousand. The most famous pagoda is Shwe-Dagon, its height is 100 meters. In addition to the pagodas, the country has many other attractions.

In the city of Amarapura (the ancient capital of Myanmar), it is worth seeing the largest wooden bridge on earth (length 1.2 km). It was built in teak in the 18th century. At a height of 3 meters above the water, 1086 piles support it.

Echoes of the distant past, the ruins of entire cities, overgrown with jungles, have remained in Burma. And there are a lot of museums all over the country, there is something to see. But an ordinary tourist is primarily attracted by the opportunity to relax by the warm ocean.

the capital of Myanmar

On the shore of the Bay of Bengal, near the village of Ngapali, the main fashionable resort is being built. The work is still far from complete, so local fishermen live their usual lives here. And the bay has retained its original appearance with clean sand and clear water. The water of the bay is warm (25-30 degrees). Hotels in the form of bungalow houses with all amenities are hidden in the coastal greenery, and along the bay for three kilometers stretches a strip of equipped beach.

The hotel offers a fabulous fabulous view from the balcony of the room. Caressing wind from the ocean. Sunlight, under which the sea sparkles with bright glare. Coconut palms lean over the blinding white sand of the beach . Lush vegetation approaches the water itself. In front of the balcony are red flowers on hibiscus bushes. And around no one, in the silence is heard only the splashing of ocean waves. The physical sensation of heaven on earth.

Far from the cozy hotel, village children gather crabs, and in the distance fishing boats with forked noses are visible. On the beach there are women selling excellent pearls and souvenirs. Basically, a few Europeans and Americans, prone to solitude, rest here. The Russians have not yet chosen this fertile corner.

Going outside the hotel, you immediately find yourself in the center of the natural life of provincial Burma. On both sides of the road, fields are visible that the peasants plow using buffaloes. Women walk between cane roof huts carrying loads on their heads. A two-wheeled cart pulled by buffalo rolls. On an old bike, the fisherman delivers the night catch to customers. A crowded truck is buzzing.

Myanmar reviews

At a standstill is a village market. There is no abundance, because it is not the capital of Myanmar, but there is everything necessary for the villagers. On the shelves are vegetables and fruits, rice, huge pieces of soap, irons that are heated by coals, kerosene, clothes and even flowers. The goods are weighed on a balance beam, instead of weights, batteries are most often used.

Myanmar is a country of Buddhism, therefore, the open trade in soft drugs is surprising. Betel leaves of betel, a local stupefying plant, are beautifully laid in baskets on the market. Smoking opium is common. But Buddhism forbids drugs.

Burmese people are amazingly friendly and peaceful. Wherever you are, whether it is a remote village or the capital of Myanmar, everywhere you will find the kind attitude of the indigenous people who are happy to help with anything. For foreigners there is a delicate, unobtrusive interest, people willingly support the conversation, and the smile does not leave their faces. In popular tourist destinations everything can be explained in English.

A restaurant located on the shore requires a special story. In the morning, breakfast is served in it, European, or local traditional. Fruits and juices are abundant. And evening is gourmet time. Sitting at a table on the outdoor terrace, you order something luxuriously

Myanmar Embassy
marine. While waiting for the dish, you watch the sunset, accompanied by the sounds of the sea surf. It's getting dark fast. On the table, the waiter lights candles, brings cold beer. With the onset of darkness, a bonfire is built on the shore, sparks from which are carried away into the starry sky. And when dinner ends, you get a pleasant surprise - the bill is only 4-7 dollars.

Every year, for about a hundred tourists from Russia, Myanmar becomes a vacation destination, reviews are positive, many come back here again. The country has its representative office in Russia, the Myanmar embassy is located in a historic two-story Moscow mansion at 41 Bolshaya Nikitskaya .


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