Where is the money found? Urgently need money, what to do? How to find money fast?

Finance-related issues concern many people. It’s even better to put it this way: and who in our time does not care about matters relating to material means? Each person at least once in his life, but thought about where other people find money. How to become rich? Or at least wealthy? There are a million of such questions. And they ask just a huge number of people.

where is the money found

Nice find

How many stories are known in which it is told how this or that person found money! And this is not about those cases when someone accidentally dropped 50-100 rubles in a minibus. There were situations when people found quite large amounts - sometimes several tens of thousands of dollars! So, one person from the USA (Utah) bought a house, and when I drove into it, I found a bag with bundles of money tied with ropes in the attic. In total, there was about $ 50,000. The previous owner, who died shortly before, had the habit of hiding dollars and saving them that way. However, the new owner contacted his children and transferred the found to the rightful heirs.

In fact, there are many such cases. But everyone knows where the money is most often found and how much. A trifle - 50, 100, maybe 500 rubles - in supermarkets, shops, fixed-route taxis and other public places, simply because of human inattention or distraction. But in this way it is almost impossible to solve your financial difficulties - fortune and randomness are necessary here. Although a couple of tips on how to find money exist. The recommendations are elementary - you need to walk more often in public places, visit shopping and entertainment centers and be more attentive, looking at any little things. So, perhaps, it will turn out to find some bill lost by an absent-minded buyer.

Can I take what I found?

So, where you can find the money, it’s clear, but many are interested in another question. Can I pick them up? Some believe that it is undesirable and even dangerous - because it is someone else's money. The superstitious even assure that, having picked up the found, then you can lose much more. There is another opinion - you can pick up a bill, but it must be urgently spent. Allegedly easy money (won or found) brings failure, so you should get rid of them as soon as possible. Other people have a more logical opinion - if money already lies on the road, then they already belong to no one. No wonder they say that what has fallen is gone. If you find it, if you need money - why not take it? Indeed, in any case, someone else will pick them up. What if this money wants to come to life in this way, why not? In general, everyone thinks differently, here it is a purely individual matter.

how to find money

Become a debtor - as an option

Today, many people live on credit. Sometimes you think about where all these wealthy people find money, who drive expensive cars and live in the city center? But it turns out that everything is not so simple - they owe to the bank. But consumer credit is often a real way out of a difficult situation, and it’s not very expensive if you calculate everything. But how to find money in another way, if there is no other way out? Many people are afraid to register at the bank, but then they get used to it and solve any financial issues using this method. Most banks offer pretty favorable terms. For example, you can borrow 3,000,000 rubles from the Bank of Moscow at a rate of 22% per year for up to 60 months. There are more loyal offers, only they need to be searched.

However, puzzled by the question of where to borrow money , you should be responsible for finding a suitable bank. You should not be led to tempting offers from an unknown organization, otherwise you can lose everything. Better go to government agencies. But, it should be noted that banks are quite serious about issuing loans, putting forward rather stringent requirements for borrowers. A certain age, length of service, a certificate from the workplace, proof of income, a pledge, sureties, a good credit history, the absence of outstanding debts - not every person will still receive consent.

MFIs - an easy and fast way to solve financial problems

Microfinance organizations are a really great method that will help you to forget about issues that concern everyone for a while, such as “where to borrow money” or “how to quickly find a highly paid job”. True, then the financial issue will again become relevant. Why? Everything is simple. MFIs are organizations that issue a loan for a short period of time (from a week to six months, in the case of individual entrepreneurs - up to a year) and for small amounts (from a thousand, or even less, up to 100,000 rubles, although it all depends from the MFI itself). And everything, it would seem, is good - only a passport is needed, credit history does not play any role at all, income certificates are not needed, there is no need for a guarantee, and even an 18-year-old schoolboy, even a very old man can turn to such a company.

need money

The specifics of microfinance organizations

However, there is one thing. This is a fairly high percentage. Starting from 0.5% to 2% per day. Such rates are determined by the risk to which MFIs themselves are exposed, because they give money to people about whom they know nothing. We were talking about banks a little higher - and you can see how much their approach differs from that of MFIs. But in general, such companies are in demand, and their number is growing every month. Due to their high competitiveness, many MFIs are starting to lower rates and make better offers to their clients. And, in principle, if you need money before your salary, then you can use their services - if you take, for example, 10,000 rubles for a period of two weeks at 1% per day, then upon completion you will need to pay only 1400 rubles more. Sometimes, when these ten thousand can greatly help out, the difference will not be so significant.

Worth thinking about the future

Of course, when a person thinks how to find money quickly and where, he is not up to reason. However, something should be taken into service. It is worth developing a habit of accumulating funds. Our life is unpredictable, and money may be needed at any time, and in what quantity is unknown. It can be a trifle like a thousand rubles, or maybe a pretty large amount. Therefore, it is worthwhile to get yourself a separate envelope or bank account, and put aside, for example, 20 percent from each salary or from another source of income . This is not very much. Just before that, the remaining 80 will need to be planned.

where to borrow money

How to learn to save

At first it seems that this is difficult - you will have to limit yourself in something, cut down certain expenses. But then it will become a habit, it may turn out to put aside even more than 20%. If a person earns 25,000 rubles a month, then five thousand of them will go “into the envelope”. Just think, in a year it will already be 60,000 accumulated funds! Good increase. And the remaining consumption items can be calculated: one day a week to make it unloading - drink water and eat cereals, do not waste gasoline, buy not in markets, but in markets, drink coffee at home, and not buy it in a cafe next to work. A 500-gram pack of good and high-quality ground coffee costs about 300 rubles, and it will be more than enough for a month and a half, or even two. One espresso costs about 50 rubles. In a month - 24 working days, and if you buy it every day, you get 1,200 rubles, which is 2.5 packs that can be stretched for a very long time! And this is just a single example of savings. So, thinking about your expenses, you will be able to teach yourself to spend at least half as much, and the rest - to put off.

Try your luck

Some, worrying about where certain people find money, may forget that others sometimes take risks. And often this risk is justified. Someone, tormented by thinking about where to find a lot of money, buys lottery tickets for last resort and wins by a lucky chance. The other takes the remaining hundred rubles and puts it, at his own peril and risk, on the weakest football team. It's about bets. By the way, sometimes it turns out to win very large amounts. Suppose, if you bet 500 rubles with a coefficient of 15, the gain will be 7500 p. But here you need a strategy, you need to know how certain teams play, or just be successful. But if there are no options, but you need to urgently find money, where else to try your luck, if not in bets or in lotteries?

urgently find money where

Side job

If all of the above methods are not suitable, then the last way out is to find an urgent part-time job. In fact, there is work, it is even a lot, but labor is not always paid as much as workers deserve. However, when there is no way out, then people agree on almost everything. There are various advertisements and vacancies, such as night shift waiters or banquets, sellers for temporary remote trading, security guards, movers and handymen. Some people, having felt the financial crisis, are getting two jobs - on the night shift and on the day. Of course, it is unlikely to survive for so long, but as a temporary solution to the problem it is quite suitable.

where can I find money

Other methods of earning

There are a few more methods, but they are also not suitable for everyone. For example, making money on the Internet. This can be, for example, copywriting (writing articles) or rewriting (compilation of unique texts based on existing ones). But for this you need to be able to handle the word - without this, good information products cannot be created. Some are starting to create sites. However, for the resource to begin to make a profit, you need a unique idea, embodied in its pages. In addition, it will be necessary to promote it in search engines, register in directories and advertise in social networks. Others master the "Forex" - it will require an economic mindset and the ability to predict. Some buy stocks - there is also a certain risk. And, unfortunately, all this requires at least some time. However, everything is possible. The main thing is to have a desire, desire, incentive, and sometimes the ability to stay awake at night may be required.

how to find lost money at home

Home loss

The question of how to find lost money at home is also relevant. All people are familiar with the situation: you are desperately trying to find keys that were just five minutes ago lying on a pedestal in the hallway, a TV remote control or a little thing to drive through. But it happens that larger things disappear. Not everyone keeps their savings in banks, some use the good old method - put them in an envelope or in a separate wallet. What to do if money is lost? First of all, you need to collect all the household members and clarify - suddenly someone took them? If not, then all together will be able to find them faster. It is best to take a piece of paper with a pen and make a list of those places where, most likely, there may be money. Be sure to remember the time in which they disappeared. And, of course, carefully check all the books, newspapers, folders, shelves, magazines, drawers, cabinets and clothes. Sometimes a man himself forgets where he put the money. In general, it is best to periodically check whether they are in place. Affairs - for half a minute, but it will turn out to save and save, and your own peace of mind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15407/

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