How to make a gun out of paper for the joy of his son

Our children are our joy. They grow and develop. Every year the child learns more about the world, is fond of new toys, finds himself a favorite pastime. In order for your child to develop creatively, it is necessary to create all the conditions for this. Try to acquire educational toys and board games that are appropriate for his age, abilities and hobbies.

how to make a gun out of paper

Today, many parents prefer to mess with their children, putting together a variety of paper figures. You can safely design together with a child who has reached the age of four. For example, show him how to make paper weapons. The question "how to make a gun out of paper" must be prepared in advance. And here, the ancient art of origami will surely come to your aid - the creation of funny figures by folding a paper sheet in a certain way.


Being engaged in paper construction, you do not just make your son a funny toy - you accustom him to work, develop imagination, logic, perseverance and other, equally important, qualities. By your own example, you can teach a child how to make a gun out of paper. After all, preschoolers and younger schoolchildren often play war, and pistols, revolvers, and other "firearms" primitive paper weapons are most acceptable to them.

paper gun

Origami crafts are very popular these days. Adults are also keen on this activity, organizing even exhibitions of finished works, in particular paper weapons.

In this article, you will learn how to make a gun out of paper with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in origami art. Of course, you have simple skills in working with paper and scissors (even a child from 4 years old can do this), and if you follow the instructions carefully, you will end up with a paper toy no less than your baby.

how to make a gun out of paper

Instructions: how to make a gun out of paper

First step. So, in order to build a gun out of paper, you need a sheet of A4 office paper. It must be folded in half in length once, then the second and third. The result is a thin, folded in the form of a tube, the trunk of the future product. We set it aside for now, proceeding to the next stage of work.

Second step. We fold a similar sheet of paper in the same way, but the result should be a wider folded strip. This blank will serve us as a weapon handle.

Third step. Carefully straighten both designed workpieces. On a wide strip we put a narrow blank, which was made at the very beginning. The ends of the lower part must be bent evenly to the center, then again, closer to the middle.

paper gun

Fourth step. At the very base of this workpiece we make a notch too large a scissor.

Fifth step. We make the trigger from the same sheet, but fold it very finely and carefully along the short edge to about the very middle of the sheet. The rest is cut off. The resulting tube is folded in half and pushed into the slot.

Sixth step. We insert a thin part into the resulting pockets of a wide blank. It turns out a figure resembling a future gun. We bend the ends evenly, cut off the excess.

The gun is ready.

Understanding the description scheme is easy. If you follow all the points strictly according to the instructions, you get a real paper weapon. And when your child asks how to make a gun out of paper, you will be in full combat readiness.


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