The path to the title of Mistress of the Sea, or the Dynasty of English kings

In different periods of history, England was ruled by various English royal dynasties, and often often completely unrelated to each other. The monarchy in the British Isles appeared in ancient times, during the existence of the Roman Empire.

dynasties of english kings
At that time, it was inhabited mainly by indigenous tribes, among which there were already kings.

During the period of the Great Migration of Peoples and after the fall of the Roman Empire , the tribes of Saxons, Jutes and many others rushed to England. In the course of a stubborn struggle between them, kingdoms were gradually formed, each of which had its own monarch. In the VIII - IX centuries, the British Isles were subjected to systematic invasions of the Vikings, as a result of which many kingdoms weakened, and the kingdom of Wessex became dominant. Alfred the Great, king of Wessex, was able to annex several neighboring kingdoms. He is associated with the fastening on the throne of the Wessex dynasty of English kings, whose reign continues until the 11th century. In the 11th century, England was invaded by the Danes, and the reign of the Danish kings begins.

In 1066, William I was conquered by England.

the last English king of the York dynasty
From this period began the rule of the Norman dynasty of English kings, which lasted until the middle of the XII century. Then the throne passes to the Plantagenet dynasty.

During the reign of the Plantagenets in England, there was an exacerbation of the struggle between different classes. Richard the First, or, as he was also called, the Lionheart for many years was in the crusade, during the reign of his brother - John Landless - England greatly lost its position in the international arena. In the XIV century, England began the Hundred Years War with France, during which Richard II was overthrown by Henry Lancaster as a result of the coup. Then begins the reign of the Lancaster dynasty of English kings.

In the War of the Scarlet and White Roses, another branch of the Plantagenets comes to power - the York. But the period of their reign was short. Richard III is the last English king of the York Dynasty. And already in 1485 the throne passed to Henry VII - a descendant of Lancaster. From it begins the reign of the Tudors. During this period, the Anglican Church was formed, and under Elizabeth I, England was transformed into a powerful and advanced European state in all respects.

english royal dynasties
The years of her power are called the "golden age", since not only the country's political situation is being developed and strengthened, but also culture and art.

After the death of Elizabeth I, power in the country passed to the Stuart dynasty. They ruled from 1603 to 1714 with short interruptions due to civil wars.

Further, until 1901, the Hannover dynasty ruled Great Britain. During their reign, England became a truly world empire. In the course of many colonial wars, she seized vast lands around the world and firmly established her status as "sea mistress."

After the reign of the Windsor dynasty of English kings begins, which retains its power to this day. Since 1952, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is Elizabeth II.


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