Alekhine Alexander Alexandrovich: parties, photo, biography

Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine is a chess literary theorist, the fourth world champion in chess, a doctor of law and just a wonderful person with a bright tragic fate. The life of Alexander Alexandrovich was not easy, it was filled with many different events. He survived the war, suffered more than one wound, served an undeserved term in prison, escaped execution, and changed many countries.

After many years from the date of his death, the 4th king of chess is still one of the unsurpassed world-class attackers. The parties conducted by him were famous for complex combination strategies. From the point of view of traditional chess schools, Alekhine Alexander Alexandrovich was a follower of Mikhail Chigorin and an absolute antipode to Jose Capablanca, who preceded him on the gaming throne. The position of A.Alekhin on the style of the game was expressed in words that he willingly combines strategy with tactics, position and combination, and science with science fiction, trying to simultaneously satisfy the requirements for each listed position.

Alexander Alekhine is a chess player. Grandmaster's biography from birth to adulthood

In October 1892, a son named after his father was born in the family of the noble leader Aleksandr Ivanovich Alekhine and the daughter of a textile worker Anisya Prokhorova. In 1901, Alekhine Jr. became a student of the classical gymnasium named after L.I. Polivanov in Moscow.

Alekhin Alexander Alexandrovich
Having successfully completed it, the talented Sasha in 1910 passes the entrance exams at the law school in the city on the Neva, where upon graduation he becomes the holder of the title of titular adviser to the captain.

The first successes in the chess field

Alekhine Aleksandr Aleksandrovich began to get involved in chess from the age of seven, he not only played at the amateur level with households, but also took part in dozens of professional correspondence tournaments. The 16th anniversary of the boy was marked by a triumph at the All-Russian tournament dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Chigorin. Five years later, in 1914, Alekhine took 3rd place in the tournament of champions, which instantly turns him into the main candidate for the title of world champion.

Alexander Alekhine (biography). War time, repression

The war brought Alexander Alexandrovich one wound, shell shock, the Order of St. Svyatoslav with swords and two St. George medals.

Alexander Alekhine biography
The year 1919 became tragic for the chess player. During a tour of Ukraine, Alekhine was arrested and sentenced to death for alleged links with the White Guards. He managed to escape execution and a prison term only thanks to the request of Kh.G. Rakovsky, who at that time held the post of chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine. In the same 1919, the future champion successfully passed the entrance exams at the State Film Studio, but, having never finished his studies there, in 1920 he became an employee of the capital criminal investigation department, and in the fall he was re-qualified as a translator of the Comintern. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich successfully combines success in the field of profession and education with a hobby, and soon won the title of champion in chess of Soviet Russia.
Alekhine Alexander Alexandrovich photo
The chess player is also not deprived of the attention of women, his personal life is seething. In 1921, Alekhine married an active Swiss democrat Anne-Lise Ruegg, and although the marriage was not long, he contributed to the best changes in Alekhine’s fate. 1921 is the year when A.A. Alekhine emigrates from Russia.

Overseas period. Records and victories

For a short period from 1921 to 1927 Alekhine Alexander Aleksandrovich manages to take part in 22 tournaments, 14 of which become triumphant for him. The most significant were the following victories of this period: 1922 - Hastings tournament, 1925 - Baden-Baden, 1927 - Kecskeméts.

Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine, an undefeated Russian champion, was a remarkable theoretician. It was he who became the founder of chess beginning 1 (e4 kf6), which will later be called the legendary "Defense of Alekhine."

Aleksandrovich Alekhine undefeated Russian champion

The years 1924-1925 became for a chess player sometimes blind victories in many simultaneous games. In 1924, Alexander Alekhine (chess player) defeated New York, a total of 26 games were played, 16 of which were victorious for him, and 5 ended in a draw. In 1925, the grandmaster conquered Paris with his talent: 27 sessions were held, of which 22 winning and 3 draws.

In addition to the undoubted triumph in Paris, 1925 was marked for Alexander Alexandrovich by receiving at the Sorbonne the scientific degree of Doctor of Law.

The triumph of Alexander Alekhine over Jose Capablanca

A.Alekhin became the absolute world champion in 1927, when he defeated Cuban Jose Capablanca in Buenos Aires.

Alekhine Alexander Alexandrovich party
A total of 34 games were played, of which Alekhine Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (the parties and their layouts scattered around the world) won 25, and 5 of them ended in a draw. In 1931, a chess player who received the title of winner in Yugoslavia in an international tournament, set an unconditional record for the entire existence of chess.

Winner Naughty

There are many cases where the games of Alexander Alekhine caused a wide resonance in the global chess community. During the game, he deliberately made mistakes, upsetting the balance already at the first moves. For example, in the famous sixth game with Euwe in the 2nd tournament in 1937, after the standard 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 dxc4 4.e4 e5 instead of 5.Nf3 he left the horse unprotected (5.Bxc4 exd4 6.Nf3 )

party of Alexander Alekhine
Euwe was so surprised and shocked that he immediately made a mistake and quickly lost. In 1935, M. Euwe challenged the chess player to a duel for the world title, in the match with him Alekhine A.A. lost 1 point, but in 1937 he not only returned it in a rematch, but also rehabilitated with a difference of 5.5 points. So Alekhine regained the title of world chess king.

A.A. Alekhin - first touring chess player

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Alekhine is the first professional grandmaster to complete a world tour. His journey lasted from 09/10/1932 to 05/20/1933. For 9 months, the grandmaster honored with his presence 15 states: Mexico, Ceylon, Cuba, Shanghai, the Philippines, USA, Egypt, Hawaii, Palestine, Japan, Italy, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and Indonesia. A total of 1320 games were played, 1165 of which were winning, 65 were losing.

War years

In 1940, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Alekhine, translator and writer of the French army, whose photo can be seen in this article, is captured, from where he was released only after French surrender.

Unplayed match. Eternal champion

The fourth king of chess never participated in 87 tournaments in his life, 62 of which turned out to be winning for him; in 23 matches, of which 17 were also triumphant for him, 4 ended in a draw. In March 1946 Alekhine was called up for the fight by USSR champion Botvinnik. Alexander Alexandrovich agreed, but the battle never took place in connection with the sudden death of the great chess player. The dead man was found on March 24 in the room of the Estoril Park Hotel near Lisbon. Judging by the situation, on the evening before death, the grandmaster was having dinner with someone. Guesses about the causes of the tragedy were different, but most admirers of the chess player’s work believed that the Chekists were directly connected with his death. Alekhine's funeral was held in Estoril, but in 1956 his reburial was organized in Paris at the Montparnasse cemetery. On the marble tombstone of the chess player it is written that he is the chess genius of the two great powers of France and Russia. He passed away, continuing to maintain the title of chess king, who was never able to be overthrown.

Alexander Alekhine chess player biography
In 1965, a follower of A. A. Alekhin A. A. Kotov published a book about the life of the greatest of Russian chess players, “White and Black”. In 1980, the life of the great Russian chess player was immortalized in the film “White Snows of Russia”, shot based on the aforementioned book. Alexander Alekhine is a man who will remain in the hearts of compatriots for centuries, because his services to his native country are invaluable.


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