Sights of Bologna (Italy): historical sites, museums, exhibitions and travel tips

Is it worth it to consider Bologna on the eve of vacation when choosing a travel route? Of course, when you dream of visiting Italy, the first thing that comes to mind is Rome and Venice, Florence and Milan. But what about Bologna? Today it lies away from popular tourist routes from Russia. Tours in Bologna (Italy) are not particularly popular with vacationers. The fact is that this city has one of the largest exhibition centers in Europe. That is why the Russians, if they come here, are mainly only on a business trip. The purpose of this trip is an exhibition in Bologna (Italy) on topics of interest. However, there are many reasons to visit this city in Italy and while on vacation. It is not worth discounting this route, because the charm of the medieval city and transport accessibility make it a pretty attractive destination. At the same time, tourists can easily see the main attractions of Bologna (Italy) in one day.

Location on the map

G. Bologna (Italy) is the largest city and the capital of one of the regions of the state - Emilia-Romagna. On the map, the settlement can be found in the north of the Apennine Peninsula. The city is located approximately halfway between Florence and Venice, as well as Rimini and Milan. From them you can get to Bologna either by rail or by bus. This is one of the most prosperous cities in the country, its culinary capital, as well as the birthplace of the oldest university in Europe.

The historical center in Bologna in Italy (see photo below) is full of quarters, temples and palaces built during the early Middle Ages. At the same time, all the objects of the city are quite well preserved thanks to the work on their reconstruction.

top view of the city of Bologna

Judging by the reviews, Bologna should definitely be visited in Italy, because this is a city where the great Dante and Copernicus roamed the streets, its diligent chefs invented new types of sauce and pasta for the wedding of Lucretia Borgia, and the grateful flock listened to the sermons of the founder of the ancient Order of the Dominicans. The history of Italy was born in Bologna. And the city has been keeping its pages for many centuries.

A bit of history

According to scientists, Bologna was founded by the Etruscans. It happened in about 510 BC. e. In those days, the city had a different name - Felsina. Moreover, all of its buildings surrounded the ancient sanctuary. In the 4th century BC e. this area was captured by the Celts. They renamed the city. Thus, Felsina became Bonnonia.

In the second century, this settlement fell under the power of the Roman Empire, the heyday of which allowed the city to become one of the largest and richest in the state. Beautiful monuments and buildings appeared in Bologna, which, unfortunately, have not survived to date.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the city came under the rule of the Greek Exarchate of Ravenna, and after it was ruled by the Lombard king Luitprand. The right of a free city was bestowed by Bologna by Charles the Great.

In the 12th century these territories became part of the Lombard League. In 1512, Bologna was again in Roman possessions. Since the 17th century. the city began to be regarded as the intellectual center of Europe. Famous scientists gathered in it, and graduates of the open one back in the 11th century. University pleased the world with its discoveries.

In 1860, the city of Bologna was annexed to the Italian kingdom.

When is the best time to go?

Italians themselves believe that the climate in Bologna is rainy. However, judging by the reviews of Russian tourists, exhausted in their homeland by temperature extremes and tired of the seemingly eternal winter, the weather in this city is quite normal. In the coldest months, the thermometer seldom drops below zero. However, there is no snow at all, and 35 kilometers of covered city galleries save from rain.

Nevertheless, experienced tourists advise those who decide to go to Bologna in the winter, still stock up on a down jacket. The fact is that the weather at this time in the city can be described as dank due to high humidity. But already at the end of February it becomes so warm that you can wear a raincoat and shoes.

In April and May, the air in Bologna warms up to 25 degrees. June and July are even hotter. Definitely experienced travelers are not advised to visit this place in August. This month, the city is literally hot. There are no rivers or seas in Bologna (Italy). The vegetation in the city center is rather sparse. That is why staying in the heat becomes simply unbearable.

Gastronomic capital

Judging by the reviews of tourists, it is worth going to Bologna (Italy) in order to get acquainted with the local cuisine, because the city is considered the country's gastronomic center. The basis of dishes served at food establishments is homemade pasta, which is made with meat sauce or with a variety of fillings. Parmesan, Parma ham and balsamic modena sauce are also produced in this region. In addition, the surroundings of Bologna are known for their vineyards. That is why good gastronomic and inexpensive wines come from here. One of them is the famous Lambrusco.

Visiting famous manufacturers

What can you see while relaxing in Bologna (Italy)? Experienced tourists recommend those travelers who are interested in cars to drive around the city, where there are manufactures of Ferrari, Ducati, Maserati and Lamborghini. Each of these companies has its own museum, where you can see the legendary motorcycles and cars, hear about them and even touch the exhibited pieces with your hands. In addition, the museum will also be offered to purchase equipment and some souvenir. Maserati will offer unique courses to drivers. Also, every year in the May month in the region, you can become a spectator of a historical race in which rare cars participate.

Indoor Galleries

This is one of the main attractions of Bologna (Italy). The city has 35 kilometers of covered galleries, allowing you to stroll in rainy weather without an umbrella. After walking along the longest of them you can get to the temple towering on a hill.

Bologna began to build their own covered galleries (arcades) in the 13th century. A similar idea came to them due to the fact that the streets of the city were too narrow and limited the size of the houses. It was then that a compromise was found. The sidewalk remained pedestrian. However, a house was erected above it, resting on a portico with columns. Thus formed the arcade. Residents of the city really liked the invented element, and similar construction continued afterwards. So there were these 35 km of covered galleries.

indoor galleries in Bologna

Let's take a closer look at the photos and descriptions of the sights of Bologna (Italy), which deserve special attention of the city guests.


As mentioned above, during the Middle Ages, Bologna was able to obtain the status of the intellectual center of Europe. The city was able to achieve such recognition thanks to the university located in it. Copernicus, Dante, Dürer and Petrarch received knowledge within the walls of this educational institution. And to date, this university is active. It has an extensive structure, which includes campuses located in various areas of the city, as well as museums and research centers, a huge library, as well as a botanical garden, which is considered the oldest in Europe. Branches of this university work not only in Italy, but also abroad.

University of Bologna

Until the 16th century, the university’s academic buildings were located in various buildings. After that, Pope Pius IV issued an order to erect the University Palace. This building is today one of the architectural attractions of Bologna.

Church of St. Luke

We continue our acquaintance with the sights of Bologna (Italy). The next of the objects worthy of the attention of travelers is the Catholic church of Madonna di San Luca. It is located on Guard Hill, not far from the historic city center. This building was founded as early as 1194, and the longest gallery of Bologna leads to it, the length of which is 3976 m.

church of St. Luke

Having visited the temple, tourists can see the miraculous icon of the Virgin. A thousand years ago, it was written by the famous evangelist Luke. Italians believe that the pilgrim who managed to meekly and patiently overpower the path to the shrine will surely be forgiven of all sins. There is also a legend according to which any person can make three of his most cherished desires before the icon. They will certainly be fulfilled, even if they are the most incredible.

This temple, located in Bologna in Italy (photo above), was built using the Baroque architectural style. In its main part, the structure has the shape of a polygonal octagonal cylinder, which crowns the impressive size of the dome. The pediment of the temple is supported by round pilasters.

The interior of the church is in the form of an ellipse. It is decorated with frescoes with drawings on religious subjects, as well as sculptures.

Once on Karaul Hill, travelers can not only get acquainted with the building, which is a real architectural masterpiece of Baroque, but also enjoy the beautiful bird's-eye views of the city.

Main square

What to see in Bologna (Italy)? Many travelers are interested in Piazza Maggiore. It is the main square of Bologna and appeared in the city in the 13th century. as the place where the city market was located. This territory was fully equipped only by the 16th century. It was surrounded by perfectly preserved medieval palaces. These are the Palazzo Commune, the Palazzo Podesta, as well as the Palazzo D'Accursio, in the building of which the city municipality now works.

main square of Bologna

From the square you can see the facade of the Basilica of San Petronio, the construction of which was carried out in 1390-1479. This is the main church of the city and one of the best examples of structures made in the style of Italian Gothic. In the church building is the oldest organ in the country, as well as frescoes of the early Renaissance.

Two towers

These buildings are also in the list of attractions of Bologna (Italy). Photos with their images can be seen in many pictures. After all, the towers, which are called Garisenda and Asinelli, are considered a symbol of the city. Their height is 47 and 97 m, respectively. The tower got its name by the names of the rich, who allocated money for their construction.

two towers in Bologna

The construction of these structures was carried out in a hurry. In addition, preliminary engineering calculations were made by experts incorrectly. As a result, the towers began to lean towards each other during construction. Today, Garisenda has already deviated from the vertical by 3 m. That is why it is closed to tourists. But you can climb Azinelli. Judging by the reviews of experienced travelers, from its observation deck offers a beautiful view of the endless galleries of the city and the red roofs of its houses.

Santo Stefano Square

Walking around the city and taking a photo of Bologna (Italy), you should not go far from the Two Towers, because just a few steps away is a cozy square called Santo Stefano. It also hosts the eponymous basilica, represented by a whole complex of several churches. Here, the builders erected an exact copy of the construction of the Holy Sepulcher located in Jerusalem. This tomb today looks exactly the same as hundreds of years ago.

If possible, experienced tourists are advised to visit this square on the second weekend of any month, in addition to July and August, in order to get to the antiques market. It offers old postcards and furniture, newspapers and records of different years, gramophones and toys, etc.

Not far from this place is the quarter where they sell wine and chocolate, fresh seafood and fish, vegetables and recently cut flowers. There are also meat and cheese shops.

Fountain "Neptune"

This building is located on the square of the same name and is also included in the list of attractions of Bologna (Italy). Another name for the fountain is “Giant”. This structure rises 3.2 m above the ground and has a weight of 2.2 tons.

On the pedestal of the fountain, Neptune majestically sits. This ancient god, the lord of the sea and the embodiment of power and masculinity, holds in his hands a trident, which was taken by Maserati Airlines as a prototype for its designation.

fountain neptune

The central figure of the fountain is surrounded by various representatives of the underwater world. The heraldic shields located here are also decorated.


Let's get acquainted with the museums of Bologna (Italy). The most famous of them in the city is Pinakothek. It offers its visitors expositions whose exhibits have been collected since 1796. The very first of them were objects seized by the Napoleon administration from churches and monasteries.

The museum has several sections. The first of them presents to visitors a painting dated to the 13-14th centuries. The second section contains the works of those artists who did not live in Bologna. The third section contains paintings dating back to the Renaissance. The expositions of the fourth hall are represented by samples of Baroque art.

International level library and museum

This building can be found in the historic city center. And it also, judging by the reviews of tourists, in Bologna (Italy) is a pretty popular place to visit. The museum got its current name in 2004, when it reopened after a large-scale reconstruction.

Among its exhibits are unique murals. They were written in the 18-19th centuries. and represent the style that was characteristic of the time of Napoleon.

St. Pietro Cathedral

Studying the photo and description of the sights of Bologna (Italy), it is impossible to pass by this building. It was built in the 10th century, but after that several times the construction was rebuilt. The reason for the first such work was a fire, which in 1141 severely damaged the building. During the restoration of the temple, crypts and bell towers were added to it. The facade of the building was made in the Romanesque style.

In 1184, the church was consecrated by Pope Lucius III. The new cathedral stood a little more than a century. In 1222, its walls were destroyed by an earthquake. After that, the building was erected in the Gothic style, completely reconstructing the bell tower and installing the Gate of Lviv. In the 14th century a tall portico appeared near the facade of the building. Nevertheless, the main work on the reconstruction of the temple fell on the 16-17th centuries. During this period, builders erected side naves and two bell towers, and also rebuilt the facade.

In the interior of this main cathedral of Bologna, a large number of sculptures and frescoes of the Middle Ages have been preserved to this day. Judging by the reviews of tourists, even the interior of the church itself looks very interesting and rich. It was once performed in the Baroque style, giving a powerful and impressive appearance to every detail. Particularly noteworthy is the decoration of the chapel. This is the painting "Annunciation", made in 1619 by Louis Karachchi, as well as a sculpture of Mary Magdalene on the altar of the 12th century. and the apostle John of the same period.

Of particular historical value is the terracotta statue of Christ dating from the 16th century. It is located on a chapel and created by Alfonso Lombardi.

The cathedral has a huge bell. Its weight is 3300 kg. Many travelers seek to visit the church museum. It presents various religious utensils donated to the cathedral in different periods.

Archaeological Museum

What other attractions in Bologna (Italy) are worth visiting for tourists? The travelers are interested in the archaeological museum of the city, which is located near the Piazza Maggiore and is located in the building of the Palazzo Galvani. It was built in the 15th century. By the end of the 19th century. Significant restoration work was carried out in the building. After that, it (since 1881) began to function as a city museum. A large number of valuable historical exhibits that were previously donated to the University of Bologna by individuals and other well-wishers were brought here. In the list of patrons there were also very famous people. One of them was Pope Benedict XIV, who was a native of this city.

To date, museum exhibits are located in 18 rooms. In 12 of them there are ancient archaeological finds confirming the fact that people settled in the vicinity of Bologna back in the Paleolithic era. Most of these findings were made by accident, during the late 19th century. - beginning of the 20th century earthworks.

In 1994, part of the museum’s exhibits was placed on its ground floor. Here visitors can familiarize themselves with the objects of the Egyptian collection, namely with coins and vases, bas-reliefs dating from 1332, bronze sculptures, funerary steles and decorated wooden coffins. Particular attention is drawn to the posthumous masks of the pharaohs, made more than three and a half thousand years ago.

In the halls located on the first floor of the museum, you can see the tombstones of the heyday of the Roman Empire. Some of them have portraits of people belonging to noble families of that era. There are also tombstones with Cape, Christian and Greek inscriptions. The museum also has an extensive collection of plaster casts of the most famous Roman sculptures.

Judging by the reviews of tourists, the architecture of the museum building itself is noteworthy. She is able to impress anyone with her sophistication and sophistication characteristic of Italian architects.

Museum "Ducati"

There are in the city of Bologna (Italy) and the sights of the modern era. So, since 2016, the Ducati Museum has been operating here. Its exhibits are grouped in three directions. This is the history of motorcycle racing, an exhibition of production models, as well as a story about people associated with the company, about various inventions and interesting facts.

With the help of museum workers, visitors can plunge into the world of technology that existed in the past and is relevant today.

Komunale Theater

Bologna, as a true Italian city, attracts tourists not only with its museums. She invites her guests to theaters. The most famous of them is Komunale. This is the largest opera house in Europe, which was built in the eighteenth century instead of the old theater destroyed by fire, which has been hosting spectators since 1651.

The operas of Wagner, Verdi, Bellini, Rossini, as well as other famous composers sounded from his stage. And today the theater attracts the attention of the most sophisticated art lovers from all over the world, because eight of the most famous operas are staged annually on its stage.


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