How to make a flower of leather with your own hands?

Leather products have always been considered a special attribute of status. Therefore, it is not surprising that needlewomen, and not only them, are attracted by masterpieces created from this material, especially when it comes to accessories or dressing. And therefore, an example of how you can make a flower of leather with your own hands may turn out to be quite useful.

DIY leather flower

About materials and diagrams

Handicraft, in which the main material is the skin, is a fascinating, but at the same time extremely delicate process. The thing is that it is not enough just to take the skin and mechanically follow the instructions given in the master classes. You must be able to feel this material, especially when the centerpiece of the composition is a flower made of leather made with your own hands.

For those who are just starting to get acquainted with this type of art, the best option for the first material would be leather taken from old products. In this case we are talking about jackets, gloves or bags. Why exactly them? The fact is that a flower made of leather, made with your own hands, requires a particularly thin and soft material. And in the production of these items of clothing or accessories, the skin undergoes special processing, which makes it especially convenient to use.

The skin preparation process is no less important. To do this, it is very carefully wiped with a soap solution and stretched on a flat surface for complete drying.

But in order to make flowers from leather, special schemes are not required. More precisely, you can use both professional cutting and create sketches yourself. The only condition: the scheme (it is also a stencil) must be. It is on it that a workpiece is cut, which then is "collected" into a leather masterpiece.

Leather flower rings. How to make a fashion accessory?

In order to create a cute trinket, you will need not so many improvised materials: leather, a pencil to create a contour, a blank for a ring, acrylic paints, scissors and a glue gun.

First you need to determine the desired flower size. After that, two circles should be drawn on the skin using stencils and cut out.

leather flowers patterns
On the reverse side, outline the star’s outline and use the scissors to shape it accordingly.
leather flowers how to do
You will also need a rectangular segment on which small vertical notches are made.
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Next, the front side of each blank must be painted in the desired tone and left until completely dry.

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After that, incisions are made on the star-shaped parts so that the petals form.
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Now it remains only to assemble a wonderful ring-flower from leather with your own hands. To do this, using a glue gun put two star-shaped blanks so that they are connected by a cross.
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The rectangular workpiece is twisted into a ring so that stamens are formed, and fixed in the center.
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The resulting flower is glued to the blank under the ring.
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The presented process is the simplest example of how you can create small masterpieces using leather, scissors and glue. The main thing is to pre-develop the design and clearly think over the stencil scheme so that working with the skin brings you pleasure.


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