Pest Reject consumer reviews: how effective is the device

Owners of city apartments and private houses often face the problem of the appearance of rodents and insects. These parasites are unpleasant in themselves, they transmit infections, spoil furniture and textiles, destroy the tile lining and create a lot of additional inconvenience. To combat them, some use insecticides, which are both harmful and dangerous for children and pets. Therefore, in the wake of popularity, more modern methods. We invite you to get acquainted with one of them, the Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller, and customer reviews about it.

pest reject repeller

Product Description

The Pest Reject repeller is a new generation device that allows you to effectively fight insect pests and rodents. The principle of operation is as follows: it connects to the network, begins to publish an ultrasound that people and warm-blooded pets do not hear. But parasites, due to its high frequency, which affects their nervous system, feel discomfort and try not to get close to such an inhospitable house or leave it as soon as possible. Thus, the device does not destroy pests, but keeps them at a distance.

Its advantage over insecticides and other chemicals is obvious - the device is completely safe. If for treating the house with poison it is necessary to leave the room for a while and work only in a cotton-gauze bandage and a protective suit, then the ultrasonic repeller does not need such measures. It is enough to just plug it into the network.

reviews pest reject

Advantages and disadvantages

In their reviews of Pest Reject, consumers noted its strengths and weaknesses, which are shown in the comparative table below.

Repeller Features



Very energy efficient

The first result is to wait a couple of weeks at least, until this time the unpleasant neighborhood of pests will have to endure

Easy to handle

Owners of domestic rodents and hamsters will have to temporarily relocate their pets, because the ultrasound published by the device is also uncomfortable for them, as well as for pests

The compact size allows you to install the device even in small rooms

The device has a pretty impressive cost

Helps to get rid of insects and rodents without killing them. Therefore, you don’t need to worry that corpses will decompose in hard-to-reach places, causing an unpleasant odor

In some parasites (users note that most often it is rats), over time, resistance to ultrasound may develop. But such cases are not often described.

It performs preventive functions perfectly, pests prefer to stay at home from a distance

Safe for domestic cats and dogs.

The area of ​​action of one device is quite large - up to 200 square meters. m

In general, as the table shows, the product has more advantages than disadvantages, which is why it is widely popular.

insect repeller pest reject

What pests helps

In reviews of Pest Reject, consumers indicate that it is effective against insects and rodents, such as:

  • cockroaches;
  • bedbugs;
  • ants
  • flies;
  • spiders
  • beetles;
  • mosquitoes;
  • mice
  • rats.

At the same time, owners of private houses note that in the summer the device literally saves them from annoying mosquitoes that interfere with sleep at night.

reviews pest reject

Features of use

In reviews of Pest Reject, customers share that using this device is very simple. Just plug it into a power outlet and leave it to work. Additional actions from the owner, such as replacing batteries or intermittently disconnecting from the mains, are not required. Conveniently, the Pest Reject insect repeller is equipped with LEDs that allow you to see it in the dark.

It is completely safe, therefore, even when leaving home, you can leave it plugged in.

So, a review of consumer reviews about Pest Reject showed that, in general, the device performs the functions assigned to it, is an excellent means of combating insect pests and rodents and preventing their further use. It is suitable for families with children, since it is completely safe for people. And the identified shortcomings should be taken into account, because even the most modern inventions are not without minor flaws.


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