Interesting sights of Glazov

180 kilometers from Izhevsk is the northernmost city of the Udmurt Republic - Glazov. The uranium production company gave him a new life and helped to recover in the post-war period. Over the years since its foundation in 1780, the population of the city has increased from 1,500 people to 100,000 people. Thanks to the developed infrastructure, living here became comfortable.

glazov attractions

What's interestnig

But not only this is interesting for the city. Tourists have something to see in Glazov. The sights here are interesting, many of them are related to the history of the country. Therefore, you can safely come to this northern city for new experiences.

The main attractions of Glazov are the Idnakar settlement, churches, a museum, and monuments. They will be discussed in this article.

Freedom Square

Previously, it was called the Cathedral. Designed in such a way that she herself and the streets diverging from her resemble an eye with eyelashes. One side of the square overlooks the Cheptsa River. Here are other attractions of the city of Glazov. This is the Transfiguration Cathedral and a memorial to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Holy places

Before becoming a city, Glazov was a village of Glazovskaya. Therefore, the first church was built of wood in 1750. Local people raised money for it,
Udmurts who have just been baptized. The church was named after the Ascension of the Lord, and its aisle was named after Nicholas the Wonderworker. A parish formed, and the village became a village. In 1786, the wooden church was dismantled, and in its place a new stone church grew. This time the bulk of the money for the construction was donated by the widow of the merchant Korenev. The tables were gradually attached to the church, and already by 1913 it had 7 thrones. In Soviet times, the temple was closed, and then completely destroyed. Currently, the Transfiguration Cathedral is restored.

Churches are undoubtedly the sights of Glazov. They are interesting for their architecture and history. For example, back in 1988, during the Soviet era, a wooden church was built in the village of Syga, consecrated in honor of St. George the Victorious. Now this area has become the outskirts of the city.

sights of glazov

Ancient sights of Glazov

In order to see the ancient settlement, it is enough to drive away from the city for 4 kilometers. It is called the ancient settlement of Idnakar or the Soldyr first fortification. Glazov’s sights are interesting because they help to learn the history of Udmurtia, the customs of its inhabitants in ancient times.

The city of Idnakar got its name from the name of the Udmurt batyr Idna, who became its founder in the 9th century. The village has been a craft, trade and cultural center for four centuries. Archaeological excavations helped everyone to see the homes of the ancient Udmurts, household items.

the main attractions of the eye

Interesting subjects

Excavations were begun in 1885. They were studied by archaeologist A. A. Sinitsyn and local historian N. G. Pervukhin. Scientists still work at this place, and research is also being carried out on found objects of everyday life and culture. It's hard to believe, but today we can even see wooden log cabins that are still well preserved. In addition, the Idnakar Museum has collected more than a thousand artifacts found during excavations. Among them are the remains of craft tools, utensils, amulets, jewelry. The ancient settlement of Idnakar is protected as a monument of archeology of national importance.

sights of glazov

Learn more

No wonder the sights of Glazov attract tourists. One of them is a museum of local lore with many interesting exhibits. It was discovered at the beginning of the XVIII century. In 8 halls there are various thematic exhibitions affecting one side or another of the life of the city and the Udmurts. The exposition "Pre-Soviet Eyes" tells the story of the life of the local people since the 11th century. Ethnographic and historical expositions tell about the culture, traditions, customs of the Udmurts and the city itself. Among the exhibits there are coins, national costumes, weapons and many other interesting items. In one of the halls of the museum, various events and creative evenings are held. Near the museum are sculptures of mythological heroes of Udmurtia. Tourists will certainly be surprised to find in one of the halls of the museum an exhibition dedicated to P.F. Tchaikovsky. The grandfather of the famous composer was the mayor of Glazov, and exhibits tell about this.

Other sights of Glazov

There are other notable places in the city. Architectural monuments are represented by buildings that have survived to this day: the house of merchant Stolbov (1890), the house of merchant Volkov, merchant Sergeyev, merchant Timofeev, merchant Smyshlyaev (early XIX century). Of course, they changed their purpose and became a restaurant, a shop, an administrative building, a house of culture, respectively. But the main thing is that they retained their original appearance, which gives us an idea of ​​how they built in the century before last.

There are also monuments in Glazov. This is a monument to the hero of the USSR T. Barmzina (1958), a monument to soldiers who died from wounds (1956), a monument to the Red Army soldiers of the Volyn regiment (1919), a monument to Lenin (1966), a monument to Pavlik Morozov (1966 g.), a monument to the victims of political repression, a monument to soldiers-internationalists. The monument to the janitor with a broom in his hands looks funny and original.

Also in Glazov there is a transfer prison, the building of which is a monument of architecture. It was there that the Decembrists were once held on the road to Siberia.

what to see in the eye of the sights

Visit the small, cozy city of Udmurtia. There are few attractions in it, but all of them, undoubtedly, deserve the attention of tourists.


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