Washing machine Whirlpool AWS 63213: specifications, instructions, reviews

It is simply impossible to imagine life without a washing machine. It is unlikely that anyone would want to return to the time when the laundry took almost the whole day. Thanks to modern developments and innovations, each resident of the Russian Federation can purchase an excellent apparatus that can not only wash things, but also rinse and wring it out. All that remains to be done is to take them out and hang them to dry.

But is it that simple? Sometimes a wide range of products leads to the fact that an unprepared buyer is simply lost, not knowing which manufacturer to choose. Those who prefer proven brands and are willing to pay for a famous name will find the Virpul front-loading washing machine perfect. What is the difference between the products of this manufacturer? First of all, build quality and materials. Thanks to this approach, all devices work without breakdowns for quite a long time. Also worth noting is a simple control panel, a convenient powder box, classic design and innovative technology. In a word, the entire Virpul lineup deserves the attention of buyers. But the article will describe one of the most successful models of this manufacturer - the Whirlpool AWS 63213 washing machine. They just talk about it - an ingenious creation with compact dimensions. So, let's take a closer look at the technical characteristics of this device, its advantages and disadvantages. And also be sure to read the reviews of the owners.

washing machine whirlpool aws 63213

Design features

The Whirlpool AWS 63213 washing machine has a classic design. Case color - white. Thanks to this solution, the device fits perfectly into any space. The front panel is divided into three parts: the hatch is located in the middle, the control panel is on top, and the drain filter covered by a decorative bar is located below. The door is equipped with a convenient handle. The control panel is equipped with a display. There is a mechanical regulator designed to select washing modes. It is located in the center. There are also a large number of control buttons. Some of them are located under the display, the rest are near the regulator. On a box for detergents the manufacturer's logo flaunts. The control panel has information on technical specifications. It is stated quite briefly, but clearly talks about important criteria. This is the amount of load of linen, efficiency class and spin speed.

washing machine whirlpool reviews


So, a Whirlpool AWS 63213 washing machine is already installed in your home. Instructions are a document that you are recommended to familiarize yourself with first. It has a lot of useful information. At the beginning of operation, it is worth examining the technical specifications. This model is frontal type. The top cover is removed, which is convenient enough for embedding under the countertop. The dimensions of the device are 85 × 60 × 46 cm. It is worth talking about the depth in more detail. It is she who is the highlight of this model. With a maximum drum filling of 6 kg of laundry, having a depth of less than 50 cm is, quite frankly, a rarity. There are few devices that can boast of such dimensions.

This unit occupies a cell in the segment of economical equipment. In terms of energy consumption, it belongs to the highest class - A +++ . The washing efficiency is also of a sufficient level - A. Spin is carried out at a speed of 1200 revolutions. This number of rotations occurs in just one minute. This indicator corresponds to the class - B.

The Whirlpool AWS 63213 washing machine is equipped with intelligent controls. Only 18 programs are designed for washing. Of these, the economy and express modes can be distinguished. It is proposed to use the options of prewash, anti-crease, super rinse. There are also programs for special types of fabric - six and other delicate materials.

repair of washing machines whirlpool

First operation

The Whirlpool AWS 63213 washing machine is an indispensable assistant for every housewife. However, in order for it to work flawlessly, it is necessary to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations before starting operation. What are they? Let's look at them.

  • Before installation, the device must be completely unpacked and the shipping bolts removed.
  • Use the rotating legs to level the washing machine.
  • Connect the device to the water supply and sewage system. For these purposes, only new hoses are used, otherwise leaks may occur.
  • The device is connected to the power supply only through a grounded outlet. It is important during the operation of the washing machine not to occupy it with other household appliances.
    front-loading whirlpool washing machine

Choice of detergents

Damage and subsequent repair of Whirlpool washing machines can be eliminated in most cases, if the right detergent is selected. The manufacturer in the instructions suggests familiarizing yourself with important information that will help in their selection. There are four criteria for this:

  • color of linen;
  • degree of pollution;
  • temperature condition;
  • type of fabric.

Currently, there are several types of powders and gels that are used in different conditions. For example, at 95 ° only white linen can be washed. In this case, a sufficiently effective detergent with bleach is used. For colored linen, the optimum temperature is 40 ° -60 °. For this type, special powders of soft action have been developed. They do not contain bleach. In their composition there are particles that saturate the color.

The focus is also on the type of detergent. Special mixtures with low foaming have been developed for automatic washing machines, since a large amount of it can lead to problems in the operation of the device.

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The Whirlpool brand produces devices that have many significant advantages. As mentioned above, the company pays special attention to quality. The assembly is excellent. During operation, nothing knocks. The materials used are of high quality. And many owners call the main advantage that with a large capacity this washing machine is narrow. Whirlpool AWS 63213 excellent wring. It has many automatic modes. During operation, it practically does not vibrate. Value for money is perfect.


Unfortunately, the Virpul front-loading washing machine also has drawbacks. These include a non-informative display, which displays only the washing time with the parameters. There are difficulties with the operation of the regulator, which is responsible for the choice of modes. Apart from the clicks, you can enable another program. A short inlet hose gives a lot of inconvenience to the owners. A loud noise appears during the discharge of water.

narrow washing machine whirlpool aws 63213

Error codes for Virpul washing machines

The washing machines of this brand are equipped with a self-diagnosis system. On models without a display, errors are displayed using specific combinations of lit LEDs. Thanks to them, you can prevent a small malfunction of the device. However, given that the AWS 63213 model has a display, we will dwell in more detail on the encoding consisting of English letters and numbers. All owners should understand that it is better to repair Whirlpool washing machines in specialized centers. Therefore, if a complex breakdown occurs, it is undesirable to disassemble the device on its own, as it can significantly aggravate the situation.

So let's look at the error codes.

  • FH (F01), F13, F23 - a problem with the filling of water.
  • FA (F02) - Aquastop system activated. It alerts you to valve breakdowns, leaks, electronics failures.
  • FP (F03) - water does not drain.
  • F04 - violation of the temperature regime.
  • F05 - NTC sensor failed.
  • F06, F07, F10, F15, F26, F27 - problems with the electric motor.
  • F08, F12, F22 - failure of the heater; the water does not heat up.
  • F09, F24 - the water level in the tank is exceeded.
  • F11, F19 - differences in the electrical network.
  • F14 (EEPROM), F16, F21 - control panel malfunctions.
  • F18 (Fod) - The wrong type of detergent is being used.
  • F20 - the washing mode does not start.
  • FDL - violation of the operation of the AGR blocker.
  • FDU - the sunroof is not closed.
    Virpul washing machine error codes

Washer Whirlpool: reviews

Studying the reviews of the owners, we can draw certain conclusions. Almost none of them have complaints about the operation of the device. With washing, rinsing and spinning, the model copes 100%. The design is beautiful, there are programs for various fabrics. You can independently select the temperature and speed of rotation of the drum during the spin cycle. The Whirlpool washing machine (owner reviews are confirmation) is an economical appliance. The 15-minute wash mode deserves special attention.

As for the shortcomings, the comments are only on the noisy operation of the pump and the length of the inlet hose.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15451/

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