How to make wings to "fly" in a masquerade and in life?

In modern clubs quite often costumed masquerades and various theme parties are held. But carnival costumes are useful not only for them. Many of us like to participate in photo shoots, creating very unusual, and sometimes even fantastic, images. Anyone who decides to try to make an angel or butterfly costume will find it very useful to learn how to make wings.

The main thing is the right template

How to make wings
Before you begin, create a sketch and template for the future magic accessory. Wings are an indispensable attribute of the costume of an angel, butterfly and fairy bird. Draw at least schematically on paper how the costume should look on the figure of a person. Not enough imagination or no inspiration? It doesnโ€™t matter - you can find a ready-made picture that reflects your plan as accurately as possible. Butterfly wings can have a rounded or complex polygonal shape. For a fairy or an elf, draw out elongated leaflet-like wings. They may also be oval. But angelic is most often depicted as drop-shaped, elongated. Is the sketch ready? Do not rush to ask how to make wings with your own hands. Transfer the selected shape onto the paper for making patterns. The template should be made in full size.

Materials for making wings and the most popular techniques

How to make wings with your own hands
There are two ways to make the carnival accessory we need. In the first case, it is necessary to cut two identical parts according to the prepared template from a fairly dense cardboard and then decorate them in the selected way. The second option involves the manufacture of a wire frame and its subsequent tightening with a translucent fabric. How to make wings at home, what materials will be needed for this? For the manufacture of accessories on a wire basis, you will need the wire itself, a fabric like tulle or nylon tights / stockings. If you decide to make cardboard wings - you need cardboard. Regardless of the technique, consider fastening. Light wings can simply be sewn to a fancy dress. But the most convenient option is straps made of thin rubber or with adjusting buckles. Do not forget about the decorative elements: feathers or boas are useful for angel wings, and the accessory for dressing fairies or butterflies can be decorated with colored sequins, beads and rhinestones.

Angel wings

The costume of heavenly creation cannot be considered complete without weightless or, conversely, huge and majestic wings. Start making this element by creating a framework. According to the drawn pattern, make a wire frame or cut a cardboard base. Since we make an angel costume, use white materials or paint the finished structure. Once the base is ready, decide how the wings will connect to each other. Wire frames simply fasten together, leaving a little wire at the ends. If you make wings from cardboard, you can glue them using a strong adhesive, or fix them in the right position in another way, for example, sew on a wide strip of fabric. Already at this stage of work, fasteners can be attached to the base. How to make angel wings as realistic as possible? Paste them with white feathers, in rows, starting to fill the surface of each wing from below. You can also use downy boas or pieces of faux light fur. If you donโ€™t have such materials for decoration, feathers on the wings can be cut out of paper and glued to the base.

Fairy and Butterfly Wings

How to make wings to fly
For magical creatures and colorful insects, weightless wings created on a wire frame are best suited. Tighten the wire with a capron or translucent cloth. Useful advice: take colored tights or stockings, and your accessory will turn out to be more interesting. How to make wings from kapron and wire? Everything is simple: first pull the workpiece and carefully fix the ends of the fabric. Then you can paint it with multi-colored paints or even paint it with some interesting ornaments. You can also add colorful sequins, beads or embed small shiny foil elements. Glue the decor on your wings and dry well; in the end, do not forget to attach the straps, thanks to which the accessory will be held on its back.

Interesting ideas for creativity

how to make angel wings
Knowing how to make wings, you can not only surprise everyone with a unique fancy dress. Try to make a fairy outfit for a doll by this principle or make an original souvenir figurine of a Christmas angel. You can also experiment with the design of an accessory for an adult fancy dress. Try to make the wings of a fairy bird by decorating them with colorful feathers, or craft black wings for a Halloween party. What is especially nice, the manufacture of such an accessory will take very little time, and materials for crafts can be found in any home. Now you know how to make wings to "fly" over a crowd of other guests in any costume masquerade. We wish you creative success and only the most striking images!


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