Safari Park (Gelendzhik): life is good in captivity

Gelendzhik is considered one of the most visited resorts in Russia. The city is developing rapidly, and every year you can see all the new attractions. But special attention deserves the inimitable wildlife reserve "Safari Park".

Almost royal apartments

"Safari Park" (Gelendzhik) is located on the mountainside of the Markotkh Range. The territory of the park has a rather impressive size - 156 hectares, but getting lost here is almost impossible, as signs with a plan of the park are everywhere.

Many residents and guests of the city are simply sure that those who did not visit the reserve and did not ride the cable car did not see Gelendzhik. Park "Safari" (see photo below) is simply amazing in its beauty. Its entire territory is surrounded by greenery and flowers.

safari park gelendzhik

Of course, the main asset of this place is animals. Many people avoid visiting zoos, because watching animals that languish for days in the sun in small cages, you see, does not give much pleasure. Safari Park (Gelendzhik) is not just an ordinary zoo - here the animals are in very clean and spacious enclosures.

There are quite a few representatives of the fauna in the park: bears, llamas, raccoons, lions, ferrets, tigers, leopards and many others. There is also a terrarium with lizards, snakes and other cold-blooded beauties.

The fate of many animals that are here is very tragic. Someone was taken from the unfortunate photographers, someone got from the circus, and some simply became an unnecessary thing for wealthy people who had already played enough with their pet. Safari Park (Gelendzhik) happily sheltered such animals and became a real rehabilitation center for them.

gelendzhik safari park prices

Almost all animals can be fed. By the way, we advise you to indulge bears with their favorite treat - dried fruits. Some animals can be stroked, but vigilance can not be lost anyway, especially if you have children with you.

We hasten to note that animal enclosures are not all that Safari Park can offer you. Gelendzhik is a very picturesque resort, so why not enjoy its bird's-eye views? Moreover, the cable car stretches here to the top of the Markotkh Range .

However, this is not all. The park has a beautifully decorated maritime museum, the mysterious Bear Cave, an exhibition of butterflies and a Jurassic park.


The ticket price will vary depending on the number of seats that you want to visit. But in any case, almost every tourist who came to rest in Gelendzhik can afford a visit to the park . "Safari Park" prices are as follows:

  • cable car and park - 700 rubles for adults and 350 for children;
  • complex ticket (park, cave, cable car, maritime museum and terrarium) - 1000 rubles for an adult, for children - 500 rubles.

For children under 6 years of age, visiting the Safari Park and all other attractions is absolutely free. Disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups receive a 50% discount.

The park operates year round seven days a week. In winter, he is ready to receive guests from 9 to 19 hours, and in the summer a little longer - from 9 to 22 hours.

Gelendzhik park safari photo

How to get there

This amazing place is located near the bus station. A shuttle bus runs from the central market of the city, which will take you to your destination absolutely free.

If you plan to travel by car, you need to go to the bypass road. There you will see a gas station and a bridge - this is where you will get to Safari Park.

We wish you to visit the Safari Park with its unique animals, enjoy the breathtaking panorama of the picturesque resort of Gelendzhik.


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