How to connect a time relay?

Often it is necessary to periodically turn on and off a certain electrical appliance. It can be a fan motor or the same heater. However, it is impossible to constantly be near to carry out these actions, because then you will have to hire individuals who will be on duty around the clock at the launcher. In this case, the installation of special equipment that will support the necessary cycles will help. In today's article, we will talk about how to connect a time relay, what it represents and in what areas it is used.

how to connect abb time relay

What is a time relay?

In fact, this is an element of automatic protection that allows you to turn off the equipment for a certain time, and then again supply power to it. For example, lighting is required only at night, while during the day it is useless. Having figured out how to properly connect the time relay, you can easily resolve this issue.

If we talk about which devices you can switch it with, the list will be very extensive. Most often, a time relay is used with a magnetic starter. Such automation elements are quite convenient when applying voltage to the heating boiler, if it is not equipped with a temperature sensor. After all, constant heating of the coolant is also useless. It is worth trying to figure out how its switching is performed.

Types of similar devices

On the shelves of electrical stores you can find various timers, including:

  • analog automation;
  • digital devices
  • time relays plugged into an outlet, which is an adapter.

Analog devices are becoming less common today. This is not surprising, because the functionality of digital is much greater. With their help it is possible, for example, to plan the cycles of turning on the lighting a week in advance.

Socket relays are used in everyday life. For example, a periodic supply of power to the fan is required. You don’t even have to figure out how to connect a 220V time relay. Just plug it into a power outlet. And already the fan will be connected to the time relay through the plug.

how to connect the time relay

Advantages and disadvantages of such automation

Despite the fact that such devices facilitate the management of electrical appliances, they have drawbacks that cannot be ignored. If we talk about digital timers, then their cost is quite high. In addition, they require the most accurate settings. However, minimizing the likelihood of errors in cycles overrides the flaws. Sometimes there simply is no choice but to install such automation.

Another drawback, some consider it rather difficult to figure out how to connect a time relay to a magnetic starter. However, it is worth not agreeing here. In the course of today's article, a respected reader will understand that in fact the work is simple, you just need to grasp the essence.

The principle of operation of the timer: general information

The basis of digital equipment is an electromagnetic coil, paired with a timer. The pulses arriving in the counting mechanism or electronic device are counted, and when a specified number is reached, the indicators are reset.

Analog timers have a mechanism that can be compared to a cuckoo pendulum clock. Upon reaching a certain time, the β€œbird” crawled out of the birdhouse, and an audible signal sounded. Here the principle of operation is the same, only instead of the cuckoo the mechanism for switching on or opening the contact group is triggered.

Methods for setting the time relay depending on the type

Analog or mechanical PBs can have a different design, so there are no general rules for setting a delay here. You should study the technical documentation to understand how to properly perform this work.

time relay how to connect

Setting up digital devices is a bit easier. The display shows the current time, the countdown timer until the next action. It is possible to set the operation cycles for a day, a week or even a month.

We connect the time relay to the magnetic relay

Such switching is used when it is necessary to start an electric motor or other powerful equipment. After all, the time relay itself is not able to withstand more than 16 A. For a start, it is necessary to fix both devices so that the fixation is maximum, and the location does not deviate by more than 10 degrees. The switching itself should look like this.

On the PB there are 5 numbered contacts - two on the top and 3 on the bottom. The phase wire simultaneously goes to terminals 1, 4 and one of the terminals of the magnetic starter group. The output from pin 5 is sent to the coil. It is she who is responsible for the operation of the magnetic starter.

The neutral wire path is terminal 2, the second side of the coil and the load. Of course, PBs may differ from one another. In the figure below you can see a slightly different way of switching.

PB connection diagram

Having figured out how to connect the time relay to the starter, you can proceed to the lighting. Consider this issue in detail.

How to connect a time relay to the lighting

If the home master figured out how to switch the PB with a magnetic starter, such a connection will not be any difficulties. The essence of connecting a time relay to lighting can be understood from the diagram below.

RV mounting for lighting

Leading manufacturers of such equipment

The assortment of RV on the shelves of Russian stores is huge. If we talk about manufacturers that are popular among consumers, then a brand with an ideal price / quality ratio can be called ABB. This corporation was founded by the merger of two fairly large companies in 1988, and already in the early 90s of the last century its representative office was opened in St. Petersburg. Today, the company occupies a leading position in the production of protective and industrial automation systems.

Before you figure out how to connect an ABB time relay, it is worth considering the features of such equipment.

What distinguishes ABB automation from products of other brands

Such RVs have some advantages over devices produced by other companies, including:

  • Easy installation and use. Thanks to the diagrams applied to the housing of the RV, the user does not have a question how to connect the ABB time relay. Cycle settings are quite simple, regardless of whether a digital or analog device is used. The dial, like the screen, is clearly readable in any light.
  • Such timers can be turned off forcibly. Such an action is necessary when an urgent audit or maintenance of the device is required. In this case, the predefined cycle programs do not go astray. Speaking of certification, it can be noted that all devices undergo mandatory testing according to EN 60730-1 and EN 60730-2-7 standards.
  • ABB time relays are quite compact. When mounted on a DIN rail, such a device takes only 2 modular places. But, despite the small dimensions, the manufacturer was able to achieve a fairly small minimum time step, which is only 15 minutes.
  • Some models provide for the use of their own battery, which will not allow programs to go astray, providing autonomous power during an unexpected power outage.
Time relay - convenient automation

What to look for when buying a PB

When purchasing such equipment, you should pay attention to a number of nuances. How to connect a time relay, how complicated this process is - in this case, such issues are secondary. The main thing to note when buying a PB:

  • What current load is the maximum permissible for the purchased equipment. Calculating the necessary is easy. It is enough to add the power consumption of devices planned to be connected via a time relay and divide the resulting figure by the network voltage - 220 V.
  • PB may differ in type of mounting. Some of them are mounted on a DIN rail, others are fixed with bolts.
  • According to the range of operating temperatures, devices can also be different. Keep in mind that the larger it is, the higher the cost.
  • Type RV - analog or digital. Despite the fact that the second is more expensive, its functionality is higher, and management is simpler. This means that it will be preferable to choose it.
  • The number of control channels. If you need to connect the main and auxiliary lighting, a two-channel time relay is suitable.
  • Type of timer. Here you should choose depending on the application. The most expensive option will be a device with an annual timer and taking into account weekends.
  • There are models with an astronomical timer. Such devices are tied to the terrain, and then independently adjust the cycle time, depending on sunsets and sunrises.
  • The complexity of installation. This is the last thing to pay attention to. After all, regardless of how the time relay is connected, its switching can always be sorted out according to the scheme.
devices are not too easy to install

What you need to know for sensitive street lighting savings

By itself, a time relay will not produce the effect that the owner would like to see - electricity bills for street lighting will decrease slightly. This is not surprising, because the PB will turn it on in the evening and turn it off in the morning. The question arises: why do the lamps shine when there is no one in the yard? A justified solution would be switching a time relay with a motion sensor. With such a connection, the PB will supply voltage, but in the absence of people in the yard it will not reach the lamps. However, as soon as a person appears in the field of view of the motion sensor, the circuit closes and the lights turn on.

You can also think about how to connect a time relay paired with a sound sensor. After all, no one can move silently, it is unnatural. Especially at night, when sounds are heard more clearly. Such improvements to the PB with additional sensors will save up to 70-80% of the consumed electricity, which will sensitively affect the bills from the energy sales or service company.

Final part

The time relay is really worthy and sometimes necessary automation, which can help in many areas, both in industry and in everyday life. Of course, the cost of such devices cannot be called low, but with the right approach, it quickly pays for itself. The main thing is to understand the ways of connecting the time relay and its settings, as well as make the right choice by acquiring a PB. Only then will such a device meet the expectations of the user, extend the life of the lighting devices and other electrical equipment.


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