Who are the Illuminati? Illuminati sign

Over the past two millennia, some mysterious religious ghost organizations have appeared and disappeared in our world . They were always shrouded in mystery and therefore gave rise to a lot of legends. They experienced mystical fear. Acting in different countries and changing their appearance, they kept invariable only their name - “Illuminati”. Discarding fiction and turning to historical sources, we will try to find out who the Illuminati really are.

From the Cybele cult to enlightenment

Who are the Illuminati

The first information about them, relating to the II century, is filled with nightmares. The Illuminati sect arose in Greece among admirers of the gloomy and cruel cult of the goddess Cybele. Her high priest Montan first introduced this surviving name. The fact that they represented the rituals associated with the veneration of the goddess can be understood from the description of the rite of reception of new members of the sect.

Documents that have reached us tell how temple priests in their frenzy inflict bloody wounds on themselves with daggers, and the neophyte (a new member of the fraternity) as a sign of detachment from the world and complete disappearance into the bosom of the goddess Cybele. All their other rituals are also filled with blood and mystical horror.

First Illuminati Community

In Greece, paganism reigned during this period, but Christian communities also appeared. And this very Montan, having become interested in a new teaching for all and taking as its basis his main provisions, created a secret Christian society, whose members were called enlightened, that is, illuminated by the light of truth. The main provisions of this truth were the predictions of the imminent end of the world and the need to abandon all material goods for complete spiritual purification.

Illuminati and Masons

The founder of society himself suffered from epilepsy and his seizures, during which he rolled on the ground and shouted something incoherent, posing as the invasion of the Holy Spirit. This was a success with his followers. But the first Illuminati did not last long. The pagan emperor persecuted them for their connection with Christianity. Later, for the distortion of the true doctrine, the Christians turned away from them, declaring the Illuminati heretics. Over time, their historical traces were completely lost.

Illuminati among Syrian dervishes

Four centuries later, the Syrian dervises felt enlightened. These beggars (in the literal sense of the word) followers of a religious-mystical movement close to Buddhism led a wandering lifestyle or settled at monasteries. They were popular among the people, because they knew how to heal diseases, predict the future and call spirits with prayers and spells. Sometimes dervishes united in fraternities. To understand who the Illuminati are in Syria, you need to turn to one of these fraternities, called the enlightened.

These wanderers, blackened by the sun and dust, formed their own cult of worship of the divine light, which runs counter to the generally accepted religion. This was followed by an immediate reaction of the authorities, especially since the dervishes enlightened by their teachings from secret activities switched to public agitation.

Illuminati and Zionists

Unauthorized appearances at all times ended badly. Authorities quickly figured out who the Illuminati are. Stray preachers began to be caught and executed. The executions were invented by sophisticated ones, so that it was certainly not inconsequential for others to enlighten. However, it was not possible to completely destroy the current, and it is believed that it could exist in deep secrecy up to the present day.

From the mountains of Afghanistan - to conquer the world

Until the 15th century, nothing was known about the activities of the Illuminati. They revived this time in the mountains of Afghanistan. Bayazet Anzari, a prominent religious figure of that time, formed a secret mystical society, whose name in translation sounded like "enlightened", that is, all the same Illuminati. The goal of creating society was "modest" - just possession of the world.

Adherents of the new doctrine passed eight steps under the leadership of Anzari on the path to excellence and at the end became the owners of magical knowledge, capable, in their opinion, to ensure the success of what was conceived. Of these, a special caste of magicians - the Illuminati - was formed. Soon the enlightened ones tried to take practical steps to conquer the world. They decided to start from India and Persia. But, having too small an army and exorbitantly high arrogance, almost all of them died in this adventure.

Spanish illuminati

Around the same years in Spain, at the height of the Inquisition, the Order of the Illuminati arose. He was, like all other similar organizations, secret and mystical. But this time, his followers took up the teachings of the Christian church itself. Rejecting all church rituals, they argued that the soul itself could well be perfected and enlightened without prayers, sacraments, and everything else that Christianity prescribes.

Order of the Illuminati
The enlightened soul gets the opportunity to contemplate the Holy Spirit and ascend to heaven. Even the concept of sin and repentance, according to their theory, was excluded. One can imagine how the saliva flowed from the father-inquisitors when they heard of such clients. As a result, those who repented ended their lives in the cellars of the monastery prisons, and those who persisted rose to the sky with the smoke of bonfires.

Illuminati activities in Picardy and southern France

But to completely destroy the Order of the Illuminati still failed. Some of them fled safely to France and there, in Picardy, continued their activities. Of course, they kept the name the same. Their center was the Mobizon Abbey. However, here, according to contemporaries, secular, purely mercantile ones were added to purely religious goals of activity. The struggle began for the souls and wallets of local parishioners, as a result, in 1635 their activities were banned.

However, the land of France was very fertile for the enlightened mystics. A hundred years later, a society with the same name appears in the south of the country. At the beginning, their activities took on a wide scope and made it possible to attract numerous neophytes. But over time, their ideas began to lose popularity, and the Illuminati were lost among numerous other religious associations.

A truly powerful and influential mystical society with this name appeared in France in 1786. It is characteristic in that its adherents were both the Illuminati and the Masons. Their teachings were based on the works of the Danish mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. The founders of the society, the Polish freemason Gabrienki and former Benedictine monk Joseph de Perietti, demanded that all followers strictly perform magical rituals based on the teachings of Swedenborg.

Illuminati sign

Illuminati organizations in Paris and London

From the south, the Illuminati and Masons moved their activities to Paris, and from there to abroad. By their influence, they swept many countries of Europe. The largest branch of the organization was in London. The Illuminati sign appeared on the banks of the Thames. The public interest in the Illuminati was very high, and this probably explains the birth of a large number of various legends related to their activities. There were even ridiculous rumors that the Illuminati and Zionists, being in conspiracy, seek world domination with the help of magic and mystical actions.

Print Myths

Numerous printed materials on this subject have appeared. To be convinced of the fantasticness of everything stated in them, it is enough to open the monograph “Secret Societies”, published in those years in England. In it, the author, telling about who the Illuminati is, without a shadow of embarrassment, tells of the ritual of the initiation of a new member into the society allegedly seen by him.

In the description you can find the gloomy hall of the ancient castle, and the coffins with the dead, and the revived skeletons participating in the ceremony, and all the other attributes of the Middle Ages. In this version, the alleged Illuminati conspiracy received clear support from otherworldly forces. But the courtyard was already enlightened XVIII century, and the bonfires of the Inquisition in this part of Europe have long gone out.

Illuminati Organization in Germany

Message of the Illuminati

But the most powerful and influential was the organization, which appeared in 1776 in Bavaria. Its founder was the professor of church law Adam Weishaupt. In the creation of society, German pedantry and thoroughness were fully manifested. The society received the name "Order of the Illuminati." This gave him mystery. The fact is that in Germany in those years little was known about who the Illuminati were. Immediately after the creation of the society, Weishaupt became a member of the Masonic lodge of Munich. This far-sighted step allowed him to enter the circle of the most influential people in Germany.

With their support, the organization gained recognition in many European countries, which contributed to the widespread dissemination of doctrines. Interestingly, the goal that the Illuminati set for themselves is the new world order. According to Weishaupt, it included the overthrow of monarchies, the destruction of private property, the liquidation of the institution of marriage, and the eradication of all religions in favor of his teachings.

To implement the plan, a whole system was developed, which includes elements of mysticism, ancient philosophy and the foundations of economics. Various influential rituals have been widely practiced to influence adepts. All this was a success. Enlightened Weishaupt numbered hundreds of thousands. But, having known fame and triumph, this organization ceased to exist, crushed by the powerful press of state and church authorities.

Modern Illuminati fabrications

The world is so arranged that everything mysterious and secret possesses attractive power. It makes our imagination work, which, if there are not enough real facts, immediately completes the picture with the most fantastic details. When it comes to various societies, especially those that have achieved serious results, the flight of human imagination is unlimited. In particular, the Illuminati and the Zionists suffered from idle fabrications.

All serious historians involved in the Bavarian society, called the Illuminati, claim that its activities ceased in the late 1870s. However, rumors that the Illuminati are still alive today remain unusually popular. Moreover, some people even claim that the heads of almost all the governments of the world are members of an organization founded once by Weishaupt. Literally in every political statement he hears the secret message of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati Symbolism in Dan Brown's Novel

Illuminati Russian

They find evidence for their fabrications everywhere. It is enough to recall the interpretation of the symbolism depicted on the dollar bill, so detailed by Dan Brown in his sensational bestselling book “Angels and Demons”. Literally in every symbol he saw the sign of the Illuminati. It makes no sense to list them. Everyone can open the pages of the novel themselves, and in the 31st chapter receive all the information. I just want to say that if you wish, the obscure can always be interpreted in any sense.

Enlightened in our country

Are there illuminati in Russia? Yes, of course they do. This is easy to verify even by simply making a request on the Internet. The opened page will inform that this organization sets as its task the establishment on earth of equality and justice, giving people light. Ways of implementation are not indicated. Judging by the fact that the word "light" is written with a capital letter, you can guess about a certain sacred meaning, embedded in it. In general, everything is very foggy and vague. However, it is possible that this is only for us, for the uninitiated. So all Illuminati behaved. Russian or foreign, they always tried to envelop themselves in mystery.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15479/

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