Zhadovsky monastery: history, shrines, Religious procession

With the blessing of Metropolitan of Kazan Tikhon, a man’s monastery was founded on the site of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This event occurred in 1714. In a dream, the peasant Tikhon, suffering from the ailment of relaxation, was the Virgin Mary. She indicated the place where the appearance of the image will be. After gaining Tikhon received healing. Near the spring, where there was a phenomenon, the construction of the Zhadovsky monastery began.

Zhzhadovsky monastery

The history of the monastery

The construction of the monastery began in 1711 by the nobleman Obukhov. She was dedicated to the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan . Construction began near the spring, where Tikhon was a phenomenon.

Abbot Michael became the first rector of the monastery . In 1714, the building was consecrated. This year is considered to be the date of foundation of the monastery.

In 1739, a stone temple was laid on the territory of the Zhadovsky Monastery. It was consecrated in 1748. This building was destroyed in 1967.

In 1764, the deserts were abolished and attributed to a priest and sexton for worship. The building back received the status of a monastery almost a hundred years later.

During the religious struggle in March 1930, the monastery was closed. And only in 1996 he was revived.

Finding the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The Zhadovsky Monastery is considered the place where the icon of the Kazan Mother of God appeared.

In the village of Ivanovsky (Rumyantsevo) there was a villager Tikhon. For six years he was paralyzed. Without help, he could neither sit down, nor stand up, nor eat. Tikhon did not complain about his fate, but prayed. In his prayers, he asked God to free him from a long illness.

One summer night, he dreamed of a girl. She touched his shoulder and ordered to get up and go to the clearing located beyond the source of the Nugget. There, on the key, he will have to see the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The girl ordered to drink water from the key and wash it. After that, Tikhon will be healed.

The man woke up and could not fall asleep for a long time, tormented by conjectures, which could mean a dream. In the afternoon, what was seen in a dream was forgotten.

On another night, Tikhon again dreamed of a girl. She asked why he did not go where she told him to go. Tikhon told her that he could not go because he was paralyzed. From a vision, Tikhon jumped up from his bed, dressed, and, without telling his family about what had happened, went to where the icon was. However, he could not find it and returned home with nothing.

Zhadovsky monastery how to get there

At night to Tikhon the maiden appeared for the third time. She said that the icon is located near the river at the highest glade. This is where you need to go in the morning. Waking up, Tikhon packed up and went to the stream, taking with him a little girl. He went around several springs. Finally, after searching, he noticed a trickle flowing from under the bush. Spreading it, Tikhon found an icon. She swam on the surface of the water. He took her. Shepherds from a neighboring village saw this.

Returning to the village, Tikhon told his family about what had happened. The shepherds did the same. The news of the appearance of the icon in the stream and the place of the phenomenon quickly spread throughout the district. People began to flock to this wonderful place.

During accidents, during a drought, an icon procession was made with an icon. After him, the Queen of Heaven gave people what they asked for.

How to get to the Zhadovsky Monastery


Many people are looking for how to get to the Zhadovsky Monastery, just to take part in the procession. This tradition has been preserved since 1848.

In 1846, the icon of the Mother of God was decorated. The people of Simbirsk decided to ask permission from the higher authorities to bring the icon to the city at least for a short time, so that the townspeople could enjoy it.

Having received permission, the Diocesan authorities began preparations for the first procession in the city of Simbirsk, which took place in 1848. Right Reverend Theodotius arrived in the wilderness, followed by ordinary citizens. On the day of the passage, liturgies began, only after that a procession began. The icon is taken out of the church.

Where is the Zhadovsky Monastery


The main Shrine of the Zhadov Monastery is the Kazan-Zhadov Icon of the Mother of God. Also in the temple there is an icon of the Crucifixion of Christ with a part of the Robe of the Lord and other icons. There is a graveyard with 84 relics of saints.

How to get there

To get to the monastery, you need to know where the Zhadovsky Monastery is. The cloister is located in the Ulyanovsk region, in the Baryshsky district, the village of Samorodki.

So how do you get to the Zhadovsky Monastery? You can get to the monastery by bus. To do this, at the bus station in the city of Barysh, take the bus going to the village. Zhadovka. There are ongoing flights from Ulyanovsk. Then you need to walk about three kilometers on foot. It is most convenient to get to the monastery by taxi: from the station to the station. Barysh about eighteen kilometers.

For those who travel by car, the route is made up of the following coordinates: 53.572492, 46.901016.


  • from Zhadovka to the southwest about three kilometers;
  • from Ulyanovsk - to the southwest a little more than 160 km;
  • from Nizhny Novgorod - to the southeast almost 415 km;
  • from Balakovo - to the north-west 148 km.

Knowing how to get to the Zhadovsky Monastery, you can not only visit this amazing place, but also worship the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan, the relics of saints stored in the monastery.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15492/

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