Electronic document management: advantages and disadvantages, the essence of the system, ways of implementation

More and more companies are switching to electronic document management, which involves the use of different programs to create and store documents. However, the organization does not have an archive containing paper copies of documents. There are many advantages of electronic document management, due to which entrepreneurs gladly refuse to use paper documentation. But in order to switch to it, it is required to install specialized software on working computers, as well as to appoint a responsible employee who will deal with this document flow.

The concept of electronic document management

It is represented by a modern method of working with different documentation. In the process of activity of absolutely any organization, a lot of different papers arise that have to be constantly printed and stored in a separate room for a long period of time.

If the entrepreneur or company has a correctly executed electronic signature, which certifies documents in electronic form, then this documentation is not required to be printed on paper.

main advantages of electronic document management

Benefits of Electronic Document Management

There are many advantages of switching to electronic documentation certified by electronic digital signature. It is due to the presence of numerous positive parameters that more and more entrepreneurs are switching to this method of maintaining documentation. But first you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of electronic document management. The main advantages include:

  • an operative search for the necessary documentation is carried out due to competent structuredness and reliability of storage;
  • workflow structure is centralized;
  • all documents can be stored electronically on different media and even in remote servers, so even if a fire occurs in the office, you don’t have to worry that any important documentation will be destroyed;
  • all documents are easily registered and agreed;
  • all papers are signed on the basis of their sending by electronic communication channels, which saves a significant amount of time and effort of employees of any enterprise;
  • if necessary, you can make a copy of the desired document in a few seconds;
  • the audit is greatly simplified, since it is carried out in electronic form, and you can also invite hired specialists who receive documentation through electronic channels for these purposes.

The advantages of electronic document management systems are significant and undeniable, but before switching to them, you should evaluate the negative aspects of each system.

advantages of electronic document management improved management

System flaws

The advantages of implementing an electronic document management system are undeniable, but this process has some disadvantages. These include the following points:

  • it is required to register an electronic digital signature, the creation of which pays a large amount of funds;
  • there is no opportunity to use electronic documents if partners have not switched to electronic document management;
  • A lot of time and money is spent on installing additional software and hiring a reliable employee who maintains all electronic documentation;
  • any strictly unified formats of such a document flow have not yet been fixed;
  • many counterparties and buyers are distrustful of the use of electronic documents signed by digital signatures.

Therefore, each entrepreneur must first study the advantages and disadvantages of electronic document management in order to make the right and relevant decision.

electronic workflow benefits

Development reasons

The benefits of electronic document management are numerous and significant. This leads to the fact that it is constantly developing and being introduced into the work of various enterprises, which are not only commercial, but also state-owned. The main prerequisites for its effective and continuous development include:

  • The possibility of its application in tax legislation is provided. Some types of tax returns may be submitted exclusively in electronic form. This applies to reports on insurance contributions transferred to the Pension Fund for employees, as well as to the 3-NDFL declaration submitted to the Federal Tax Service for each employee of the enterprise. Even the SZV-M report for all company employees is submitted electronically if the organization employs more than 25 people. Therefore, some companies are simply forced to switch to electronic documentation, since in any case they have to draw up EDS.
  • The main advantages of electronic document management include the possibility of fixing it in accounting. On the basis of Federal Law No. 402, primary accounting documentation can be generated not only in paper form, but also in electronic form, if it is possible to endorse it with an electronic signature.
  • In 2017, the effective development of this document flow in legal proceedings began. Now each court decision should be published in open sources. In addition, all firms and individuals have the opportunity to file a lawsuit or complaint in electronic form, which requires an electronic digital signature. Therefore, an electronic signature is issued not only by large companies, but even by private individuals.
  • The development of electronic technology is happening rapidly, so now almost everyone has access to the Internet, which greatly simplifies the process of communicating with other people and government officials.

Therefore, it can be argued that the use of such a document flow is becoming more and more popular.

Another significant advantage

Additionally, many companies cooperate with enterprises located in other regions or countries, so it is much easier to exchange different documents when conducting electronic document management. This allows you to significantly increase sales markets and establish contacts with direct manufacturers.

This is an additional significant advantage of electronic document management. Improving the quality of management is observed from the first day of the implementation of a suitable system.

advantages and disadvantages of electronic document management

How is it introduced?

Initially, the head of the enterprise assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic document management system. If a decision is made to introduce him into the company, then the following steps are implemented:

  • A meeting of shareholders is held, where a vote is taken for the implementation of this system.
  • If the decision is positive, then the corresponding order is issued by the director of the company.
  • It is advisable to develop an internal regulatory act governing the rules for the use of electronic documentation.
  • The signature that will be used in the process of signing various documents is selected.
  • If a simple signature is chosen, then it is affixed on the basis of codes and passwords, as well as other means, and access to it is limited, so a specific person is appointed who will deal with the endorsement of electronic documentation.
  • A certification authority is selected. He is represented by a specialized organization that deals with electronic document management. It is important to choose a company with which it will be profitable and comfortable to cooperate. You should pre-evaluate the cost of the services offered, as well as various functions that can be used during cooperation. It is determined what responsibility the selected center bears for various errors that may occur during the electronic document management process.
  • Documents are prepared on the basis of which an agreement is concluded with the selected center.
  • A contract is belted with the selected organization. After that, the center creates and issues a digital signature key certificate to its client.
  • There is a direct implementation of electronic document management in the organization. To do this, all paper documents are translated into electronic form, and the procedure for exchanging electronic documents is being established.

Invoices can be compiled electronically, but first make sure that the use of such documentation is convenient for the counterparty. This is due to the fact that the company must have the technical means to enable the processing of these documents.

benefits of electronic document management cost reduction

EDS selection

Included even in the advantages of electronic document management is the reduction in the cost of preparing numerous paper documents. But in the transition, in any case, you will have to incur certain costs. They are associated with the issuance of electronic signatures used in the process of endorsement of electronic documentation.

EDS can be presented in unskilled or qualified form.


It is executed using cryptographic data conversion, for which a special key is used, which is available to the owner of the digital signature. It is important to decide in advance who exactly in the company will sign electronic papers.

With the help of such a signature, you can detect various edits made to the documentation after its signing.


For this, the company receives a special certificate containing a key to verify the digital signature. To create such a signature, the requirements that are listed in the Federal Law No. 63 are taken into account.

Typically, such an EDS is used in large companies that seek to maintain trade secrets, therefore, due to the enhanced qualified EDS, the security of electronic documents is ensured.

After choosing a specific type of electronic signature, an agreement is concluded with the selected certification authority.

advantages of introducing electronic document management system

Rules for implementing the system in the company

The advantages of electronic document management over paper are considered undeniable, but often in the process of its implementation in the organization’s work, certain difficulties arise. Therefore, the rules of this process include:

  • Initially, a specialist will be appointed by order of the head, who will be engaged in the translation of paper documents into electronic form;
  • special software is installed on each working computer, which allows you to sign documents of a previously executed digital signature;
  • in the preparation, execution and coordination of various documents, the basic rules of office work are taken into account, which apply to paper documents;
  • electronic documents must have all the necessary details, seals and electronic digital signatures;
  • information may be entered into company regulations regarding what methods of confirmation of actions with these documents will be applied.

The process is not considered too complicated if it is well understood.

Rules for cooperation with other companies

Each company that implements such a system in its work wants to use electronic documentation in cooperation with major contractors. For this, when drawing up an agreement with another company, a clause should be added to the text of the document stating that all papers will be transferred via electronic communication channels. After that, the necessary documentation is compiled and signed by the previously executed EDS. All EDS funds must be certified, otherwise they cannot be used during the work of the company.

It is much easier to establish such a document flow with various state institutions, for example, with the Federal Tax Service or the Pension Fund. This is due to the fact that such organizations already have the necessary software for working with electronic documentation.

advantages of electronic document management systems

How are documents stored?

The main advantage of electronic document management is that the organization does not need to allocate a separate room designed to create an archive, since all the papers are stored on computers, servers or various electronic media. But still, every company must devote to the competent storage of documentation so that it is not accessed by unauthorized persons or organizations.

During the storage of electronic documents, the following rules are taken into account:

  • a nomenclature of affairs is compiled for the entire company, and its appearance and content depend on the industry in which the company operates;
  • an examination of the value of documents is carried out;
  • each documentation is marked with the use of electronic document management;
  • All documents must be archived.

When these rules are taken into account, it will not be difficult to correctly store the documentation in electronic form.


There are many benefits of electronic document management. Improving the quality of the company is a consequence of its implementation. For this, it is important to make an appropriate decision to the management of the enterprise, select a certification center and issue an EDS. Special software is installed on computers, and the necessary changes are made to the regulatory local acts of the company.

Using electronic documentation, the company’s work is greatly simplified, and ease of cooperation with other companies and government organizations is ensured.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15500/

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