Cash Operations Rules: Analysis of Some Changes

Since this year, 2012, the relevant Regulation amended the procedure and rules for conducting cash transactions by business entities of the Russian Federation. Consider the pros and cons of some of the innovations.

First, the new rules for conducting cash transactions provide for a wider range of business entities than before , which are required to be guided by them in their activities. If earlier the rules of conducting cash transactions were required to be observed by enterprises, associations, organizations and institutions, then now they should be guided in their business activities by all legal entities, including entities working under the simplified taxation scheme, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Actually, individual entrepreneurs, the bodies regulating entrepreneurial activity have long tried to oblige to keep records of their activities in accordance with existing rules. To some extent, the new rules for conducting cash transactions satisfied their wishes. However, it should be recognized that in this regard, not all the nuances of the new rules were carefully thought out by their developers. This raised a lot of questions, both from individual entrepreneurs themselves, and from regulatory and supervisory organizations. Thus, the new document practically does not provide for the distinction of entrepreneurs between those who use wage labor and those who do not attract employees in their activities. Naturally, additional clarifications from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be required on this issue.

In addition, the new rules regarding the activities of individual entrepreneurs have left open a number of questions that also require practical recommendations and answers. For instance:

  • to what extent are the new rules applicable to individual entrepreneurs working without wage labor and to managers who have the right to conduct cash transactions;
  • what to do with proceeds received in excess of the established limit for an individual entrepreneur who does not have a current account in any bank, namely:
    • for what purposes, and how he can take cash from the cashier;
    • as an entrepreneur to pay wages to himself.

It is clear that in the course of the practical application of the new rules a whole series of other issues may arise that will require corresponding clarifications.

But it should be recognized: the new rules introduced on January 1 have, on the whole, many positive aspects. So, at present, the right to determine the limit on cash balance in cash is granted to the companies and entrepreneurs themselves, which determine its size by issuing its administrative document. The bank can either reject it or approve it. At the same time, the bank is still entitled to exercise control over cash discipline. And the bank is obliged to exercise such a right at least once in two years.

Since this year, the rules for maintaining a cash book have also changed somewhat . Now clearly defined persons who can conduct it and sign the relevant cash documents. This can be a cashier (senior cashier), determined by the relevant order of the head, or the head himself (entrepreneur). There are also two ways to fill in cash documents: on paper or using a computer. In the latter case, these documents must be printed. The same goes for the cash book.

It should be noted that even the considered aspects of conducting accounting documentation show that the new rules for conducting cash transactions can be considered as an attempt to bring them closer to the real conditions in which the business is currently conducted. Although, of course, while everything is foggy and ambiguous.


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