DIY bottle decoration: photo

Recently, there has been a tendency to give gifts made or decorated with your own hands. This is appreciated and considered an exclusive and expensive sign of attention. A decade ago, our society openly did not accept this approach. Now many will subscribe to the words of the great Coco Chanel, who said:

“Handmade things are a luxury; everyone does not have to have them. Those who want to get them either pay the master for the work or do it themselves.”

Today we will try to follow her advice, and do it ourselves.

Each person has acquaintances, a gift for which is difficult to choose, but to surprise them with something is almost impossible. This article will tell you win-win options that will help out in such a situation.

Extremely fascinating hobby

painting bottles with paints

DIY bottle decoration is an interesting and even exciting experience. There are a lot of options for creativity: decoupage, painting with paints, decor with ribbons, threads, fabric, leather, decoration with polymer clay, rhinestones, crepe paper, flowers, coffee grains and even edible elements for further use as a snack.

A separate masterpiece is the art of some masters to give the bottle the image of the person to whom it is presented: a doctor, a policeman, a fisherman, a ballerina, and so on. By the way, such a hobby can bring quite good and stable income, because there are many holidays in the year, and an original and unforgettable sign of attention is highly valued. In addition, after using the gift itself, the bottle will certainly be left as a keepsake as a handmade vase. But first things first.

Decoupage is easy!

The topic of decorating bottles with your own hands should start with a description of the most common technique - decoupage (translated from French as “cut out”). The point is that a cut pattern or element is applied to any surface. This technique is most often used together with paints for glass, ceramics or porcelain. To make the picture look more harmonious, its edges are coated with paint in a special technique, which gives the final result a finished and simply “masterpiece” look. Information about decorating bottles with your own hands (you can find the photo on this topic in the article) at a certain moment becomes relevant for each master, because it opens up endless possibilities for a person who has at least minimal skills in manual creativity.

New Year's decoupage

We will focus on general points, and then practice, imagination and experiments will tell you which options will be most acceptable and convenient specifically for you.

How it's done?

  • To begin with, you should choose a picture (it is most convenient to use a picture from paper napkins - a great option for beginners).
  • Cut it, and better - gently cut off the edges, which is many times more difficult, but also more beautiful.
  • Apply PVA glue to the bottle and attach a decorative element, gently smoothing and smoothing the picture. This must be done especially carefully so as not to tear the tissue element.
  • Some authors of the workshops suggest applying glue also on top of the drawing, but this is not necessary.
  • If desired, a special varnish can be applied at the final stage for a glossy shine.
  • Next, we take a foam sponge and apply any paint for ceramic or glass with sharp jerky movements. An unusual texture will turn out, the borders of the picture will be hidden.
  • While the paint has not dried, you can add sparkles, rhinestones, fine multi-colored decorative sand or something else.
New Year decoupage

Polymer clay decoration in festive bottle decor

The next thing we will look at is polymer clay décor. It is used to decorate champagne bottles, for example, for a wedding (it looks wonderful complete with glasses decorated in the same style - this is a separate branch of handicraft, which is in great demand). New Year’s decor made of polymer clay will also be appropriate, because it opens up endless possibilities for both beginners and experienced craftsmen.

christmas decor

First you need the presence of polymer clay (baked or self-hardening) of the colors that you plan to use. In order to start the sculpting process itself, it is important to remember that all manipulations are best performed with rubber gloves of the appropriate size, then the products will be neat and will look more aesthetically pleasing.

The second point: in any store for lovers of needlework, you can buy molds (special printing forms) of leaves, petals and even flowers. This will greatly facilitate the process for those who were engaged in modeling only in kindergarten. But there is one more secret: if the purchase of additional accessories is not included in your plans, you can use live leaves, applying them to doubles made of polymer clay and cutting along the contour. Nature will give a unique drawing to your creativity.

champagne decoration with polymer clay flowers

Instruction for the decoration of polymer clay

So, let's begin:

  • To decorate a bottle of champagne, for example, on March 8, you will need to make at least 5 flowers of different sizes and twice as many leaflets to make a full-fledged composition.
  • You can arrange the decor elements in different ways, it is customary to decorate the neckline of the bottle, where the label does not interfere, and you can use the space as you wish.
  • After preliminary degreasing the surface of the bottle, apply transparent glue and fix each element individually.
  • Rhinestones, beads, sequins or a few strokes of paint can be added to the composition.
  • At the final stage - varnish your masterpiece (only polymer clay parts).
polymer clay decor

Decorating bottles with flowers is a good idea for a gift for any occasion: birthday, international women's day, teacher’s day, Easter, mother’s day, any professional holiday (for example, a health worker will be pleasantly surprised by such a gift, because most of them are women), New year and christmas.

Bottle with individual decor as a gift to a man

In the year there are many different holidays related to the strong half of humanity, including birthdays, professional holidays and just memorable dates. Decorating a bottle for February 23 is a guarantee that this holiday will be special for a man. Consider the main decor options for the "male" bottle:

  • The easiest option is to make a name label for alcohol, which you plan to hand over to the hero of the occasion. On it you can place a photo of a person, or even make a mini collage. Do not forget about the inscription, which can become your personal aphorism, giving the moment a playful or solemn tone. This method is perhaps the easiest to execute, since the finished label can be simply glued over the main one.
  • Decoupage of a bottle using a plot picture of hunting, fishing, etc. will be a little more difficult to perform. It looks very cool when at the final stage they take a burning candle and let the wax merge onto the top of the bottle. When it is covered with a frozen layer of wax, the effect of a sealed thing will be achieved, which is very original and unusual.
  • A bottle with a decor of leather or burlap, using shells or wooden decorative elements looks amazing. You can make a leather case according to the size of the bottle. Alternatively, simply roughly wrap the burlap or skin around the bottle, after wetting the vessel with glue.
  • The most popular option for decorating bottles is their "humanization": giving the image of the person to whom it is planned to give such a gift. The work of such a plan requires more imagination and ingenuity than artistic skills. A bottle-fisherman or a bottle-hunter using camouflage and the corresponding attributes is a kind of work of art that will be remembered for a lifetime and will create a valuable effect of gift exclusivity.
bottle for a soldier

Simple, easy, beautiful!

You can decorate the bottle for the holiday with twine, for this we need scissors, an adhesive gun and the twine itself. You can start both from above and below, apply a layer of glue around the bottle, apply the thread, make sure that it turns out smoothly and accurately. The work is monotonous and time-consuming, but the effect is amazing, especially if you add dry flowers, coffee grains, lace, small aged elements: a key with traces of rust, buttons in a retro style, a vintage brooch or something like that.

coffee bottle decor

Bottle decor with satin ribbons

Surely, you have met photos of wedding themes, in which bottles in the form of a bride and groom occupy a central place. Most often, this technique is used to decorate wedding bottles. To create figures for the newlyweds with hats and accessories, components will require a little, but a lot of patience. Decorating bottles with ribbons is done according to the same principle as in the previous example. However, it is worth considering that this is an occupation of a higher level of complexity, requiring attention, patience and strong nerves.

Satin fabric is a delicate slippery material that requires careful, painstaking work. They have ribbons, depending on the idea, in the form of dress coats, suits, multi-colored "dresses" and cross-patterns. Buttons, lace, rhinestones and bows - certainly accompany this decor.

wedding bottle decor

In the photo - bottle decoration, made with his own hands, in this technique. Very impressive and unusual. Decorating bottles for a wedding is a whole art, within the framework of which it is possible to convey in detail the image of the bride and groom. Such a gift will be kept in the family for years, recalling the most important event in life.

Fresh flowers in a festive bottle decor

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decoration of bottles with real flowers. The fact that they are alive significantly reduces the shelf life, but does not detract from the originality of this gift. In the flower industry, this is a separate industry that is rapidly developing and gaining popularity. For such purposes, both noble and wildflowers, a variety of plant crops and even berries are used. It turns out 2 in 1: a bouquet and a good drink, aesthetically pleasing and practical.

decor with natural flowers

It is a masterpiece!

Separately, it is worth considering such a chic option as the transformation of a bottle of champagne into pineapple. In the ranking of other types of jewelry for bottles and gifts in general - this is an unrivaled leader! The outlandish fruit looks simply gorgeous, the idea itself involves the use of decorative elements along with the main product, which is truly brilliant.

pineapple from a bottle of champagne and sweets

DIY beauty

To make such a "pineapple" is very easy, it is enough to have the following on hand:

  1. Glue gun.
  2. Green crepe or crepe paper for leaves.
  3. A rope or a thick thread of beige color (can be replaced with something similar).
  4. Candies suitable in shape and style.
  5. A bottle of champagne.

In order not to damage the packaging of the liquor itself, it is worth wrapping the bottle with paper and sticking it in several places so that it fits the future “pineapple” quite tightly. So it will be more aesthetic, but this point can be omitted.

Using glue gun we attach sweets to the bottle, starting from the bottom, in a checkerboard pattern, as tight as possible to each other. When the whole sweet assortment is attached (the beginning is the neck of the bottle), cut out the leaves to decorate the upper part of the "fruit". Keep in mind that the leaves must exceed the size of the remaining part of the bottle, covering the entire neck and even the cork with lush vegetation. At this stage, the thicker the “hair” of the pineapple is, the better. It remains only to decorate with a rope the place where sweets and leaves meet. To do this, wrap the neck with it more than ten times, depending on the width of the joint. If desired, you can add a bow or other decorative element.

This is far from all

fur decor

In our article there are many photos of the decoration of champagne bottles for festive events. However, there are still many different techniques: decoupage of bottles with cloth, leather, painting with paints, decoration with decorative tape, using salt, colored and ordinary (to create a snow effect), using beads, eggshells, and salt dough for decoration. They also use cereals, legumes, semolina, sweets, and even sleeve sleeves from shirts as unusual packing cases. Craftswomen who know how to knit, put bottles in sweaters, hats and scarves, seamstresses - in themed costumes, for example, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

christmas decor

Whatever method of decorating the bottle you choose, you can be sure that such a gift will make a splash and will be remembered for a long time!


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