Militaristic Japan: Characteristics, Origin and Development

Militaristic Japan was born at the beginning of the 20th century. The first prerequisites appeared in 1910, when Korea was annexed. The chauvinistic ideology finally took shape in the 1920s, during the period of the global economic crisis and the growth of totalitarianism. In this article we will talk about the birth of militarism in this Asian country, its development and collapse.

First prerequisites

The emergence of militaristic Japan was facilitated by the situation that developed in the first half of the 20th century. The Asian state successfully used the First World War for successful economic development. During this period, national wealth increased by a quarter. Japanese industry was able to develop due to exports, taking advantage of the weakening of previously powerful powers in the Far East. At the same time, the restoration of the pre-war situation led to the beginning of a recession in the Japanese economy due to the reduction of sales markets.

In 1920-1923, the economy of this country was in crisis, which exacerbated the earthquake that happened in Tokyo.

It is worth recognizing that the Washington Conference played a role in the development of the militaristic regime in Japan. In it, in 1921-1922, issues of the post-war balance of forces in the Pacific basin were considered. In particular, it was a question of reducing naval weapons.

The new balance of power was based on a partnership of great powers based on guarantees of general principles of politics in China. In particular, Japan had to abandon its claims in Russia and China, an alliance with England. In return, she was ensured naval security. As a result, it has become the main guarantor of the established system of relationships.

Another outcome of the Washington Conference was the Nine Power Treaty, whose participants proclaimed the principle of administrative and territorial sovereignty of China. It was signed by Japan.

New emperor

Emperor Hirohito

At the end of 1926, the 25-year-old Hirohito inherited the imperial throne in Japan. The entire first part of his reign was marked by increasing militarism. The army in the country has played a large role since 1900, when the generals and admirals received the veto when forming the cabinet. In 1932, the military took control of almost all of political life after the assassination of Prime Minister Tsuyoshi Inukai during the coup. In fact, it finally established a militaristic state in Japan, led to the Sino-Japanese War and entry into World War II.

A few years earlier, another change of government took place in the country. The new prime minister, General Tanaka Giichi, came up with a plan according to which, in order to achieve world domination, his nation should conquer Mongolia and Manchuria, and in the long run - all of China. It was Tanaka who began to pursue an aggressive foreign policy. In 1927-1928, he sent troops three times to neighboring China, in which there was a civil war.

Open interference in internal affairs led to an increase in anti-Japanese sentiment in China.

Sino-Japanese War

The war with China still erupted in 1937. The country was declared a general mobilization. Parliament at an emergency meeting was forced to urgently adjust the budget. The financial situation was critical, since even without war the treasury was provided with incomes of only a third, and all other expenses were planned to be covered by state loans.

The economy was urgently transferred to military rails. Deputies adopted laws on control over military finances, which closed the free movement of capital, as well as other projects aimed at strengthening the defense complex.

Japanese troops waged a successful campaign in China, occupying Beijing. After that, they launched a powerful offensive in three directions at once. By August, Shanghai had fallen after three months of fierce fighting. In the occupied territories, the Japanese created puppet governments.

A turning point was outlined in early 1938, when in the battle of Taierzhuang, a 60,000-strong Japanese group was surrounded and lost a third of the personnel killed. Disappointing actions in China and the difficult economic situation inside the country force Prime Minister Konoe to resign in early 1939. The army decides to move from active operations to tactics of exhausting the enemy.

At the height of the conflict, Japan learns that Germany and the USSR have concluded a non-aggression pact. This was regarded as a betrayal. Since the Japanese considered Hitler as an ally, and the USSR as a likely adversary.

When the Second World War began, Prime Minister Abe said that Japan would solve the Chinese conflict without interfering in European affairs. An agreement was concluded on the cessation of hostilities with the USSR on the border with Mongolia. Moreover, Japan tried to restore relations with the United States. But the Americans demanded redress for the infringement of their rights in China, as well as guarantees of compliance with international agreements.

In China itself, the situation was aggravated by the fact that in the depths of the country the offensive was again stopped. By that time, the loss of the Japanese army was already about one million people. Inside Japan, there were difficulties in providing food, which caused strong social discontent.

Description of the political regime

War with Militaristic Japan

Among modern historians, there are several opinions on how to characterize the regime that existed in the 20-40s. Among the options are fascism, parafascism, chauvinism and militarism. Now most researchers adhere to the latest version, claiming that there was no fascism in the country at all.

Supporters of fascist militaristic Japan claim that organizations with this ideology existed in the country, and after their defeat โ€œfascism from aboveโ€ formed. Their opponents note that there were no typical signs of a fascist state in the country. This requires the existence of a dictator and a single ruling party.

In Japan, fascism existed only in the form of a political movement, which was liquidated by decree of the emperor in 1936, and all its leaders were executed. Moreover, the aggressiveness of the government towards its neighbors is obvious, which allows us to talk about militaristic Japan. At the same time, she strove for power superiority over other nations, which is a sign of chauvinism.

Militaristic Japan Flag

The flag of militaristic Japan is the military banner of the empire. Initially, it was used as a symbol of a wish for success. It was first used as a military banner in 1854. During the Meiji period, it turned into a national flag. Currently, the Japanese naval forces continue to use it in almost unchanged form.

During World War II, it was this flag that was used during the conquests and occupation of South Korea and the countries of Southeast Asia, which is why it is considered a symbol of Japanese imperialism and militarism. Its use in some countries is considered offensive. For example, in China and South Korea, which suffered from occupation by Japanese forces.

In Japan itself, the flag is used during protests by ultra-right organizations, as well as at sporting events. His image can be found on the labels of some products.

During the Second World War

Militarist regime in Japan

Describing briefly the militaristic regime in Japan, it is worth noting that by 1940 a fundamentally new system was created in which the government took complete control of the economy.

In the same year, the Triple Alliance was concluded with Germany and Italy, which provided for the division of the occupied territories.

In April 1941, a non-aggression agreement was signed with the USSR. Thus, the government hoped to protect itself from the east. Itself hoped to suddenly attack the Soviet Union, capturing the entire Far East.

Japan played a cunning and slow military party. The most massive operation was the attack on the American base at Pearl Harbor, which forced the United States to enter the war.

War crimes

The Japanese army in the occupied territories has been repeatedly seen in violent crimes. They had the character of genocide, as they were aimed at the destruction of representatives of a different nationality.

At the end of 1937, civilians were brutally murdered in Nanjing. Only about 300 thousand people. At the same time, at least 20 thousand women aged 7 to 60 years were raped.

In February 1942, an operation was carried out against the Chinese population of Singapore. Mostly the participants in the defense were destroyed, but many civilians were also shot. Soon, the borders of the operation expanded to the entire Malay Peninsula. Often interrogations were not even carried out, and the indigenous population was simply destroyed. The exact death toll is unknown. According to various estimates, it is from 50 to 100 thousand people.

In February 1945, Manila was virtually destroyed during the retreat of the Japanese army. The number of dead civilians exceeds 100 thousand people.

USSR enters the war

The Soviet Union declared war on Japan on August 8, 1945, just a few months after the defeat of the Nazi forces.

A few weeks earlier, the United States, China, and England put forward surrender terms to Japan. In case of failure, she was threatened with complete destruction. On July 28, Japan officially refused to give up.

Nuclear explosion

Already on August 6, the United States blew up an atomic bomb over Hiroshima. The day after the Soviet Union came into conflict with Japan, an atomic bomb was detonated over Nagasaki. This predetermined the defeat of militaristic Japan.

Soviet-Japanese war

Soviet-Japanese war

At the same time, the Red Army attacked military facilities in Xinjing, Harbin and Jilin. The troops of the Transbaikal Front went on the offensive from the territory of Transbaikalia and Mongolia. Powerful forces were thrown to the defeat of militaristic Japan. Military operations were conducted against the empire itself and the puppet state of Manzhou, created by the Japanese in the occupied territory in Manchuria.

The war with militaristic Japan was waged by the First and Second Far Eastern Front. Almost immediately, Harbin was occupied by them, the Ussuri and Amur rivers were forced.

By August 19, Japanese troops everywhere began to surrender. In Mukden, the Emperor of Manzhougo Pu I. was captured

The victory over militaristic Japan was not far off. As a result of the actions of the Soviet troops, the Kwantung Army was finally defeated, the number of which reached one million people. About 600 thousand of them were captured, 84 thousand were killed. The loss of Soviet troops is about 12 thousand people. After that, Manchuria was finally occupied.

The USSR launched the Kuril landing operation. Its result was the capture of the islands of the same name. During the South Sakhalin land operation, part of Sakhalin was liberated.

As part of the defeat of militaristic Japan by Soviet troops, the fighting on the continent itself took only 12 days. Separate clashes continued until September 10th. It is this date that went down in history as the day of the complete surrender of the Kwantung Army.


Signing of surrender

On September 2, an act of unconditional surrender was signed. After that, it became possible to officially speak of the defeat of fascist Germany and militaristic Japan. The act was concluded on board the Missouri battleship in Tokyo Bay.

Speaking briefly about the defeat of militaristic Japan, it is worth noting that, along with surrender in the country, the totalitarian system was liquidated. Since the beginning of the occupation, trials of war criminals have been organized. The first official tribunal was held in Tokyo from May 1946 to November 1948. He went down in history as the Tokyo process. A special judicial body was formed, which included representatives of 11 states, including the Soviet Union.

The defendants were 29 people, mainly representatives of the highest civil and military leadership of the empire. In total, more than 800 open court hearings were held. Seven defendants were sentenced to death and hanged. Among them were two former prime ministers - Hideki Tojo and Koki Hirota. Another 15 people received life sentences, three were sentenced to different terms of imprisonment. Two defendants died during the trial, one committed suicide, and another was recognized as mentally insane.

Moreover, the actual termination of the state of war between the USSR and this Asian country occurred only in December 1956, when the Moscow Declaration entered into force.

The results of a victorious war are reflected in Russian culture. For example, already in 1945, a documentary film entitled "The rout of militaristic Japan" was shot. A brief summary of this picture gives a complete picture of how the Second World War ended.

The consequences of the existence of a totalitarian system and participation in the war

For Japan, the consequences were very depressing. By the time of surrender, the economy was almost completely destroyed, full-scale inflation began in the country. Moreover, political relations within the state were actually required to be built anew.

In addition, all major cities were destroyed by Allied forces. Transport, industrial and information networks were badly damaged. The army was first almost completely destroyed, and then officially liquidated.

The trial of war criminals continued until 1948. Moreover, more than five hundred officers committed suicide immediately after the announcement of surrender. Hundreds were under the tribunal. Emperor Hirohito was not declared a war criminal, so he was able to continue his reign, even though during the occupation he was deprived of many powers.

The occupation authorities established in Japan carried out reforms in the political, economic, cultural and social fields. The main goal was to eliminate any elements of the past totalitarian system, to prevent the likelihood of a recurrence of armed conflict. The result of the reforms was the transformation of an absolute monarchy into a constitutional one. The paramilitary elite was eliminated. This finally destroyed the traces of militarism in Japanese politics.

The occupation lasted seven years. It was removed only in 1952, after the official signing of the peace treaty.


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