How to soften polymer clay at home

Almost every craftswoman working with polymer clay, more than once faced with such a nuisance as a hardened mass for modeling. Such a substance is difficult to knead, it begins to crumble greatly. Often, newcomers, faced with a similar problem, abandoned modeling classes, believing that such a tedious thing is not for them.

It is very difficult even for experienced needlewomen to work with low-quality materials, the molding process does not bring pleasure, but only tires.

Although hardening the clay does not mean at all that it is of poor quality. It happens that it is simply stored in inappropriate conditions.

Pieces of polymer clay become more rigid over time, if storage is carried out without packaging containers, direct sunlight falls on the clay or the temperature is unsuitable for it.

In such cases, it seems that there is nothing left but to throw it away! But do not despair - if your plastic still deteriorated, do not rush to part with it. We will tell you how to soften polymer clay if it has dried. There are several ways - from mechanical exposure to chemicals.

What is polymer clay

This substance, similar in properties to ordinary plasticine, but contains a plasticizer. During the heat treatment of an already finished product, it evaporates, and the figure acquires strength and a solid texture. Non-fired plastics that do not require heating are also produced.

Manufacturers offer various types of clay - a huge palette of shades, translucent consistency, pearlescent additives, shimmer, etc.

Before starting work, the polymer clay must be kneaded with your fingers - this will convert it into a plastic mass.

kneading with fingers

But it also happens that the texture becomes too dry and crumbling, that is, absolutely unsuitable for creativity. Such a nuisance occurs when using inexpensive plastic, and when working with expired ones, and if storage conditions are violated (this is the most common case).

Do not overheat the mass - this will lead to the evaporation of the plasticizer, you can not freeze it - operation in the future may become impossible. Open polymer clay also hardens very quickly.

Since it is rather difficult to soften polymer clay and restore its original properties to it, after finishing work with clay, it is necessary to carefully pack it, wrapping it with foil or cling film. Storage is best done in cool places.

How to soften dried polymer clay with improvised means

But sometimes it happens that there is no time to pack and everything is left as it is. As a result, lumps of clay that have lost their plasticity are obtained, which are absolutely worthless. No need to rush to throw away this rather expensive product - make a little effort and plastic will again please.

So how to soften polymer clay at home?

For the resuscitation of dried up residues, funds that are definitely in every house are suitable! But do not immediately soften the whole mass, it is better to break off a small piece and try on it.

So, there are several options:

  • Sunflower vegetable oil - it is used in extreme cases, because it can ruin the clay. 1 drop is added, this is enough to restore ductility. The dye loses its degree of resistance, work must be carried out using gloves.
  • The grape seed oil gives a much better effect - you can buy it in pharmacies. But the paint is also washed out and hands must be protected with gloves.
  • The third option will be the use of petroleum jelly.
    petroleum jelly for softening
    The result of adding it is similar to the first two.
  • Nourishing hand creams are also added. The effect is not bad, but the mass for modeling becomes more sticky.

All these methods are suitable only for beginners, since it is impossible to soften polymer clay with the use of these substances without ruining the quality of the substance. Of course, for the first trial work, you should not buy expensive funds.

But in the case when the products are created for sale, you should not save - after all, this is the "face" of the master!

In this case, it is better to purchase special substances that do not violate the structure of clay and do not spoil the appearance of crafts.

Softening with special products

Each self-respecting manufacturing company, faced with these problems, seeks to eliminate them. How to soften polymer clay for sculpting so as not to spoil it? Developed many different tools for softening plastic on a professional level. Here is a description of several of them:

  • "Artifact" - the product is a gel-like softener that does not damage the shade of clay. Suitable for plastics of any brands. Enough 2-3 drops of the substance, after which everything is thoroughly kneading.
  • Skulpey is an oily highly concentrated liquid. Do not add a large amount, otherwise there is a risk of obtaining a "floating" substance. The resistance of the dye is broken, it is recommended to work in protective gloves.
  • Fimo - is a liquid plastic. It mixes with solid and crumbles well. Gloves are optional, as the color does not change.
  • Cernit and Fimo are dry softeners. They are a solid white mass, which is mixed in small portions. In general, the addition of almost the same volume as a piece of dried clay is permissible; this does not change the initial properties.

Each of these funds has an excellent reputation, marred only by a very high cost.

clay softening

This is the reason that they are widely used in a professional environment.

Clay mechanical resuscitation methods

For amateur craftsmen who are just learning to work with plastic and apply small volumes, simpler ways to restore it are possible:

  • It is necessary to break a piece into smaller ones and try to knead it with your fingers. Since polymer clay can be softened using heat transfer, the heat generated in this process will help restore lost plasticity.
  • Warm water can also help - you just need to immerse the clay in it, and after a few minutes, knead.
  • Perhaps heating in the oven for several seconds - no longer than eleven!

All these methods of resuscitation of dried clay are effective and tested by experienced craftsmen.

clay storage

Applying one of them, and, perhaps, several at once, you will get the opportunity to make a petrified clay lump plastic and pliable, suitable for creating works of art material!


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