How to make a boat out of wood with your own hands

Probably, many looked at the magnificent wooden sailboats in the windows of shops or in the apartments of friends. How good they are! Even in the simplest boats, you can feel the wind blowing, you want to look at it for a long, long time and delve into the details. And then the question arises of how to make a boat out of wood. But most people refuse this idea, only imagining the complexity of this enterprise. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail the features of the construction of small ships.

how to make a boat out of wood
What are the models

First of all, you need to decide in order to create a boat. If it is needed in order to run it on a river or lake, strength and driving performance will be important, and some details of the decoration in this case are useless. If you have the goal to learn how to make a boat out of wood, which will decorate the interior, then you should come up more thoroughly to think over its appearance. Often, enthusiasts even restore in detail the ships, sailboats and schooners that existed in reality and became almost legendary. But first, it’s worth making the boat simpler to try your hand.

how to make a boat out of sweets
What you need for a simple boat

Those who are seriously thinking about how to make a boat out of wood will need:

  • actually a wooden block, the size of which depends on the desired dimensions of the product;
  • several thin sticks for masts;
  • fabric or soft paper for sails;
  • tools: knife, chisel, drill, hammer;
  • good glue, best of all - super glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • varnish or paint for final decoration.

How to do

First of all, you need to trim the bar so that it takes the form of the hull of the future vessel. Then, a deck with a depth of 5–7 mm is hollowed out inside it and a side with a width of about 3–7 mm is left (10 mm can also be left, depending on the model conceived). Masts should be cut from prepared sticks to make them even and smooth. In the hull of the ship, it is necessary to drill holes along the diameter of these rods and install masts in them. Then proceed to the manufacture of sails.

DIY paper boat

How to make sails

When deciding how to make a boat out of wood, you should imagine the future design of the sails. It can be a single sail, large and snow-white. Or you can place several such elements on each mast, which will create the impression of a large vessel. Try to carve out several long rags from the fabric (according to the number of masts) in the form of an isosceles trapezoid, where the upper base will be slightly smaller than the lower. The length of the workpieces should be 6-7 centimeters longer than the length of the masts. Each part should be divided into three parts, stick toothpicks and fasten, give the form of sails.


And the last step in making a boat out of wood is its decoration. It is necessary to process the workpiece with sandpaper, draw portholes, paint and varnish. Here you can show ingenuity, for example, such as making a boat out of sweets by gluing them along the edges of the workpiece.

Such a fairly simple to manufacture boat will be a good original gift. He will bring a smile and add a good mood. If working with wood nevertheless causes too great difficulties, you can make a boat out of paper with your own hands. Only in order to get a really beautiful product, you should use thick cardboard, from which the body is glued. Masts can be left wooden, and painting such a creation will be much easier.


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