Temple floristry - the art of decorating the temple

Decorative and applied art is developing in different directions. One of them is temple floristry. For professionals working in this industry, it is important to combine professional skills and spiritual efforts. It is not enough just to pick up a list of flowers allowed in the temple and study the rules for maintaining their freshness for a long time. This work should be done with prayer and love.

temple floristry

the main task

Church floristics has many tasks, but the main one is the harmony of floral decoration with architectural features, temple paintings and carvings. It is important to consider that religious shrines are decorated not only with flowers, but also with rich salaries, numerous draperies, embroidered vestments and boards.

Temple floristics need to emphasize the relationship between man and nature. It should reveal the beauty of the world created by the Creator, and lead to the idea that man is part of this world.

Living material or artificial

There are no prohibitions on decorating temples with artificial flowers . If there is no way or means to use living plants, then bouquets and garlands can be made up of fabric or paper flowers. But nevertheless, preference should be given to the living, since one living flower is endowed with greater grace than a whole armful of artificial jewelry.

church floristry

What is used to compose temple compositions

Temple floristics are not only bouquets in vases. Decorations are made in the form of wreaths, garlands, living flowering walls and arches. As a basis, floral oases are usually used. For weaving garlands take the greens of ruscus, asparagus, arborvitae or spruce paws. Frames for garlands and arches are made of wire of various thicknesses and stiffnesses.

Types of flowers

Florists never use poisonous flowers and plants with a strong intoxicating odor in their compositions. This rule is strictly observed. Also refrain from prickly plants. When used in jewelry, roses, they completely remove the thorns. It is customary to refrain from using exotic species such as protea and anthurium.

Temple floristry prefers roses, tulips, lisianthus, ammarilis, not smelling lilies, daffodils, gerberas, onitogalum, dendrobium, irises, gladioli, gypsophila, chrysanthemums.

Floral arrangements are often supplemented with rowan berries or viburnum - both live and dried. Branches of various trees are used in large numbers.

flower decoration temple floristry

What places in the temple are usually decorated with flowers

The Orthodox Church, unlike the Protestant and Catholic, does not welcome too abundant and lush floral decorations. Therefore, flower decoration (temple floristry) is required to strike a balance between modesty and the need to express a festive mood. By tradition, flowers decorate not only the temple itself, but also the territory around it.

Before starting work, always consult with the priest of the temple. He explains the preferences in the choice of material, colors and places for decoration. Floral decorations are placed around the most revered icons, decorate the remote cross, ceiling and wall lamps and candlesticks. In addition, do not forget about the shroud, doors and doorways, entrances and arches. Attention is always paid to Cancer with holy relics, analogue and the Royal Gates.

Temple Floristry Palm Sunday

Temple Decoration for Holy Holidays: Christmas

All holy holidays have well-established features that are observed by church floristics. For the Christmas holidays, for example, in the temples they always put a magnificent spruce. And in the design they use a large number of spruce branches and small trees in flowerpots. It is acceptable to replace young trees with cone-shaped flower arrangements. Flowers in compositions of yellow or white. They should symbolize purity and create an atmosphere of miracle. All holiday decorations are performed in a single style, creating a common composition of the external and internal decoration.

Palm Sunday

Temple floristry is also actively involved on this day. Palm Sunday is celebrated 7 days before Easter. It symbolizes the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The festive decoration uses palm branches and fluffy willow. On this holiday willow branches are sanctified, and parishioners take them home. Palm bouquets are not thrown away, but dried and stored. Often in water, the roots sprout, then the willow is planted in a convenient place.

temple floristry


On Easter, temples are decorated especially carefully. Use lush compositions in white or red-white colors. Often bouquets are complemented by orange flowers. In the bright decoration of the temple, the florist must express a nationwide glee that filled the hearts of Christians.

Often on both sides of the Royal Doors have an egg-shaped composition, which is the main symbol of the holiday. The entrance to the temple is decorated with the greeting β€œChrist is Risen!”, Which is made up of fresh flowers fixed in a floral oasis.


Traditionally, the Trinity in the decoration of temples is dominated by green. Green birch branches, meadow grasses and wildflowers are used. The festive decoration of the temple looks lush and multicolored, creating a feeling of freshness.

Mother of God holidays

Decoration for all the holidays of the Virgin is kept in white, blue and blue. This is due to the fact that the vestment of the clergy on this day consists of the same tones. The Shroud is decorated with blue flowers, emphasizing the sublimity and cordiality of the relationship with the Queen of Heaven. The flower of the Immaculate Mother of God is considered a lily. Florists complement the composition with white roses, gypsophila, chrysanthemums and freesia.

church floristry

Correspondence of the interior of the temple with the color scheme of the vestments of the clergy is one of the basic rules of temple floristics. This is the first thing newcomers to the industry are told about. Decoration also depends on the financial possibilities of the parishioners. Florists have to consider how much the temple can spend on decorating. In small churches, parishioners collect most of the green ornaments (branches of deciduous and coniferous trees) on their own.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15549/

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