LG: TV labeling, model name decoding

When buying serious equipment, such as a TV, you always want to know more about it than is written on the store price tag. Today we will tell you about one effective way to get a little more of this information - you only need to decipher the markings of LG TVs. Let us examine both the sample examples and the meanings of all existing designations.

LG TV designations

The marking of the TV is usually indicated on the price tag, so you can even find and decrypt it without the help of a sales assistant. For LG technology, it looks like this:

LG 00 AB 2 3 4 C, where:

  • 00 - the first two digits indicate the size of the TV display (in inches);
  • A - letter codes of a variety of screen matrix;
  • In - the letter code of the year when this model was developed;
  • 2 - series to which the device belongs;
  • 3 - serial number of the model in the series;
  • 4 - a figure indicating any changes in design;
  • C - letter code of matrix type, its resolution, digital tuner.

lg marking tvs

We draw your attention to the fact that the marking of LG OLED TVs is somewhat different from the one presented:

OLED 00 A 1 B, where:

  • OLED - type of TV display;
  • 00 - screen size in inches;
  • A - number of an excellent model in the design;
  • 1 - the year when this model was presented by the developers;
  • B - device tuner type.

Now you can proceed to a more detailed analysis of each item

Display size

Everything is simple here. The LG 42 ... is a 42 -inch device. For reference: in 1 inch 2.54 cm. The dimensions of the display have a direct impact on the price, so even a difference of several inches can have a significant impact on the cost.

tv lg 42

The fastest-selling models are with a diagonal of 32-50 inches. More and more buyers stop at 55-inch screens. Therefore, the LG 42 ... TV, which we identified in the example, is the average model for these characteristics.

TV screen type

The second part of the labeling of the models indicates the following:

  • P - in front of you is a plasma panel.
  • C - LCD (LCD TV) with fluorescent backlight.
  • L - LCD-TV with LED-backlight (on LED lamps).
  • U - LCD screen with LED backlight and Ultra HD resolution.
  • E, EC - OLED display (until 2016, then such models were denoted by the OLED ... marking, which we examined in the previous section).
  • S - 2017 innovation, Super UHD-TV with Nano Cell matrix (super-matrix with particles emitting light, the size of which does not exceed 1 nanometer).
  • (LG) LF - Televisions with high quality Full HD resolution.
  • UF is a 4K flat-screen TV.
  • EF is an OLED flat-screen TV with a resolution of 4K.
  • EG is an OLED TV, but with a concave screen, whose resolution is also at least 4K, and the matrix is โ€‹โ€‹four-color.
  • UB is a device with a 4K screen resolution.
  • UC - TV with a concave display type C-curved.
  • LB - the technique has a Full HD screen quality.
  • LY is a special designation for large commercial televisions used in bars, hotels, supermarkets, etc.

3d lg tvs

LCD, plasma, OLED: advantages and disadvantages

Thus, today the company provides three main types of TVs:

  • LCD (liquid crystal) - such a screen consists of an LCD matrix (liquid crystals located between the polymers), light sources, wires, a housing that imparts rigidity. Each "liquid crystal" is two layers of polarizing filters, between which electrodes are enclosed, and between them, in turn, is a layer of molecules.
  • Plasma (SED) - the so-called gas-discharge monitors. Their work is based on the glow of the phosphor under the influence of UV rays. Recent occur in the ionized gas by passing an electrical discharge.
  • OLED - this type of screen is made up of organic compounds that are capable of emitting light when an electric current passes through them.

lg tv designations

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the presented models of LG TVs in the table.

Liquid crystal displays

Light weight and device size.

Unlike electron beam devices, there is no flicker, image focusing defects, clarity interference and geometry of the transmitted image.

Many models are characterized by obviously low power consumption - it completely depends on the luminous power of the lamps or backlight LEDs.

A clear image is possible with only one resolution.

Low contrast of the image, as well as the depth of the black tint.

Sometimes there is a problem of inhomogeneous image brightness.

Virtually unprotected from mechanical damage.

Often there is a problem of "broken pixel".

Replacing fragile matrices is very expensive.

Low overrun of permissible operating temperatures.

Plasma TVs

Color rendering depth.

High contrast picture.

The uniformity of the glow of black and white.

Long service life (according to some manufacturers, up to 30 years).

Increased power consumption (compared to LCD monitors).

Oversized pixels mean the development of oversized screens.

It is possible that the screen burns out in areas where a stationary image has been broadcast for a long time.

OLED displays

Light weight and dimensions.

Low power consumption while maintaining high image brightness.

Ability to develop flexible displays.

The ability to create TVs with giant screens.

No backlight needed.

Large viewing angle - the image is clearly visible from any angle.

Lack of inertia, instant response.

High contrast picture.

The screen can fully work in a wide range: -40 ... +70 .

Short diode life.

Red and green compounds burn out much slower than blue, which can significantly distort the color rendering of the image.

The inability to create durable 24-bit displays.

High price coupled with some technology flaws

Having examined the features of the presented types of screens, we go further on decoding the markings.

Year of development

The letter code that corresponds to the marking of LG TVs for the year of development of a particular model may be as follows:

  • J - 2017.
  • H - 2016.
  • G, F - 2015.
  • C, B - 2014.
  • A, N - 2013.
  • M, S, W - 2012.
  • V - 2011.

first two digits

LG TV Series

Let's look at the following table of the LG TV series and their distinctive characteristics.

9The series is represented by models with a widescreen (80-100 inches) screen, equipped with a maximum set of related accessories.
8LG 3D TVs with a range of optional accessories, such as a webcam.
73D TVs that have enhanced screen quality features.
6LG 3D TVs with display sizes up to 60 inches.
5The usual, but widescreen screen is 32-50 inches.
4Televisions characterized by a small screen size (22-28 inches).

We pass to the penultimate point of marking.

Model number

The following two symbols on the LG TV markings indicate the following:

  • The first digit is the number of this model in the series from the subtitle above.
  • The second figure - highlights any design features of your chosen TV: color, design solution, the shape of its stand, and so on.

lg lf tvs

HD support and tuner

The last letter code will tell you about the capabilities of the matrix or tuner to support a specific resolution. Present this information in the table.

The codeFormatValue
U, BHDThe screen does not support Full HD; screen size not less than 32 inches
VDVB-C, DVB-S2, DVB-T2Display resolution of at least 1920 x 1080 pixels
SDVB-S2Supports satellite digital television format
CDVB-CSupports digital cable TV format
TDVB-TConforms to the European standard for digital terrestrial television

The most โ€œsuccessfulโ€ code is, of course, V. Such TVs support all formats of TV broadcast in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition, it is with this letter that Full HD screens are designated.

Types of Tuners

We will tell you more about the announced formats:

  • DVB-C is a pan-European digital TV standard used by cable operators.
  • DVB-S, DVB-S2 - TV support for these digital TV formats means that you only need a satellite dish and a special card from the provider to watch satellite channels. A special prefix (receiver) is not needed.
  • DVB-T, DVB-T2 - the first digital terrestrial TV format ("caught" by a conventional remote antenna) is typical for the countries of the European Union, and the second - for Russia and the CIS countries. Although T2 is an improved version of T, they are not interchangeable.

lg tv series

That's all we wanted to tell you about the labeling of LG TVs. We hope that the information presented will help you make the right choice when buying, or you will learn a little more about the equipment you already have. It goes without saying that the information indicated in the labeling should not contradict the characteristics of the goods in its documents, warranty card, instructions - this state of affairs may be the basis for doubting the authenticity of the TV.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15571/

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