Toropets: attractions, excursions, the history of the city, interesting facts, tips and reviews of tourists about the city

Toropets is a small provincial town located on the banks of a picturesque river. Despite this name, life here is not too hasty. That is why tourists like to come here to enjoy the peace and tranquility, to touch the history of this amazing land. Sights of Toropets, what to see, where to go and how to spend your free time - all this will be discussed in this article.

What's interesting in the city of Toropets?

The appearance of Toropets cannot be compared with any city in Russia. Of particular interest to this town is a connoisseur of history. Toropets is famous for its magnificent architectural structures that leave a mark on their memory for a long time. There are many wonderful temples and monasteries, the history of which is rooted in the distant past. High-rise buildings are rarely found in the city. But this fact only enhances its attractiveness. The city seems to be breathing history. A photo of Toropets sights with their description will be presented in this article.

The city and its surroundings offer many interesting places to visit. These are cultural monuments, and architectural masterpieces, and objects of the spiritual heritage of the region, and natural attractions. In Toropets there are a large number of temples, cathedrals, churches and monasteries.

St. Tikhon Convent

In 2005, on the 140th anniversary of the appearance of the great Patriarch Tikhon, a monastery community was formed in his honor. It was erected on the site of the male Nicholas Monastery, which in turn was built as a defensive structure to protect the borders of the city, presumably in the 11th century.

Sights of Toropets

Initially, it was located on the coast of a beautiful lake, later, when the city itself was moved to a new place, the monastery changed its location. In 1634, it was almost completely burned out. It was restored, but in 1764 it was abolished and in its place a church was erected in honor of the Virgin. In 1929 the church was closed, and stables were organized in its premises.

Korsunsky-Bogoroditsky Cathedral

The shrine is located in the city center on the site of the former Kremlin. The cathedral cannot be attributed to the most beautiful temples in the city, but in its importance it takes the first place. The cathedral was erected on the site of the St. George Church. For several millennia, a unique icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” was kept in its walls.

This is a landmark relic for Toropets. In this city, Alexander Nevsky married Princess Alexandra, his first wife. In honor of this event, she brought as a gift an old icon brought from Byzantium itself. The Korsun icon is special in that according to legend it was created during the life of the Virgin Mary by the apostle Luke himself. The icon was first brought to Polotsk.

Toropets, Tver region attractions

This icon was so dear to local residents that they even went to the deception of Ivan the Terrible to save it. When he decided to take the holy image to Moscow, the locals secretly made a copy of it, and the original was left in the altar. But Ivan the Terrible never came for her.

At first, the icon was stored in the St. George Church. In 1675, a stone cathedral was erected in its place, which soon burned down. It was restored for a long time due to lack of funding. Local residents turned to the emperor himself. An iconostasis was installed at his expense. Under the new ruler, the temple was finally completed.

Museum of Patriarch Tikhon

In the center of Toropets you can come across a small house. Not so long ago, it was simply considered an old house, of which there are a huge number in the city. The only difference was that on its facade there was always a small plaque on which it was written that the future Patriarch lived here. Today it is a museum. Recently, a part of the house was redeemed and furnished with exhibits that tell visitors about the elements of everyday life and life of the priest John Bellavin and his famous son.

Toropets attractions photo

The museum is of particular interest to believers. The father, who initiated his creation, personally conducts excursions. Some of the sights of the city of Toropets are represented by entire nature reserves.

Biostation "Clean Forest"

In the vicinity of the city of Toropets there are a lot of empty villages. In one of them, in Bubonitsy, a station was established in 1985. Its main goal was to study the life of a brown bear. Today, anyone can visit the biostation and learn a lot of interesting things about one of the most striking representatives of the fauna - the brown bear. You will be given a lecture with bewitching frames, which at the moment will immerse you in the amazing and mysterious world of predators.

City Toropets attractions

You can just walk around the reserve. There are several archaeological sites. A pedestrian route passes through a mysterious forest. In this unique place all kinds of trees grow, and you can even meet representatives of flora and fauna that are listed in the Red Book.

The city of Toropets, Tver Region, the sights of which can satisfy everyone's interest, became famous for its unusual museums.

Museum of the History of Photography and Russian Life

In this place you can personally see the history of the city. Here are many pictures of Toropets from the beginning of its foundation. Ancient estates, churches, houses and parks - today they can be seen only in photographs. Among the exhibits of the museum you can also find cameras, modern and ancient. All photos are subdivided. For example, "Temples", "City yesterday and today."

The second floor is occupied by racks with cameras. Among them you can find even very old specimens. On the ground floor there is an exhibition of Russian life. An original corner with objects of Russian everyday life was organized within the walls of the museum. A small room has been recreated here, equipped with all the elements of that time - the iconostasis, embroidered towels, a huge table, woven walkways. All objects that are represented in this corner - pots, towels, fishing tackle and other exhibits - can be touched and examined, picked up.

Alexander Nevsky Oak

There is an unusual tree in Toropets. It looks like all others, but has an amazing origin. It is said that this oak was planted from the seed of a tree that Alexander Nevsky planted back in 1239. Today the oak is fenced. It grows opposite the city museum.

City Toropets, Tver region attractions

Many tourists are advised to pay attention to some monumental buildings in the city.

Monument to the Teacher

A monument stands on Sovetskaya Street, which was erected in honor of those related to the teaching profession. The monument was opened in 1974. The monument flaunts opposite the first school. This is the first monument in Russia of this nature. The beginning of the construction of this monument dates back to 1908. Then a school was opened in the city, which was later reorganized into a school. The first teachers devoted a lot of time to work. Their dedicated work and dedication were embodied in a bronze statue.

Toropets attractions what to see

During the occupation of the city, the school did not work. Later, classes resumed. At the 60th anniversary, the idea was announced to erect a monument to the teacher. The monument itself depicts a man who leads a lesson. Every year on September 1, flowers are brought to the monument.

It may seem that Toropets is not of particular interest to tourists. But this is far from the case. This city is unique in its culture, and many of the attractions of Toropets are proof of this. There are many temples, places with a rich history, beautiful nature and a huge cultural heritage. People don’t come here for entertainment, but there are places where you can spend your time mentally and learn a lot of interesting things. The impressions of the trip here will definitely remain in memory for a long time.


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