Tai Siegel, US Marine Sergeant: biography

The story of Ty Ziegel is a sad story about the difficult fate of a man who, through no fault of his own, became a monster. This is a tragic story of betrayal, grief of loss and disappointment. About how quickly the fate of a person can change when even the closest people turn away from him.

thai Siegel

Taya's carefree childhood

Tyler, or Thai for short, Siegel was born in a quiet town called Peoria (Illinois) on October 16, 1982. His parents were law-abiding Americans working for the good of society. So, father Tay Jeffrey worked as a builder in a local company, and his mother Rebecca was a waitress in a cafe.

All the boy’s childhood passed in this small town. Like all his peers, Ty liked to play from morning to late in the local park, for which he often received from his parents at home. And although the young man was not an excellent student at school, his industriousness more than compensated for this shortcoming. That is why the father was sure that after graduation, the son would go to work for him on a construction site. Alas, Tai Siegel ordered his fate differently.

In the ranks of the soldiers of the American army

In March 2003, America launched a new military company in Iraq. Naturally, such an invasion required both weapons and human resources. Therefore, during this period, the authorities begin to actively campaign among the youth of the country. They promise military glory and generous material compensation that can provide a comfortable old age.

Tai Siegel was inspired by this opportunity, and therefore, immediately after graduation, he joined the ranks of the American army. Here he goes through the crash course of a naval fighter. And after a few months, together with his platoon, he went to serve in one of the cities of Iraq.

thai siegel before and after

Belief in true love

Back in school, Ty Siegel met a nice girl named Rene Klein. Like a real gentleman, Tyler looked after his princess for a long time, until she agreed to become his girlfriend. Tyler knew - this is true love that nothing in the world can destroy. Even leaving for Iraq, he was sure that his chosen one would definitely wait for him.

However, the separation did not last long. It just so happened that Rene’s father died in an accident, which greatly affected the emotional state of the girl. Knowing this, Ty took leave for a few weeks on vacation in order to help her deal with this disaster. Moreover, it was during this difficult period that the young couple decides to get married.

A Sound of Thunder…

On December 22, 2004, Sergeant Tai Siegel, along with his squad, patrolled the area near Al-Kaim. Soon they were to be replaced, so the guys cheerfully thought about plans for the evening. And then suddenly another car crashed into their truck at full speed. Only a moment passes - and an explosion is heard, absorbing everything around.

It later turned out that Sergeant Siegel’s car was rammed by a suicide bomber. And although there is practically no chance to survive in such a batch, some invisible force still saved Tyler from death. True, for such a miracle he had to pay too much value.

thai Siegel divorced his wife

Tai Siegel: before and after the Iraq incident

Undoubtedly, before serving in the army, Tyler was not a stunning handsome man, but still many girls considered him attractive. In addition, the guy’s uniform gave him more masculinity. Alas, the bombing took everything that he had before from Ty.

Even after numerous plastic surgeries, his face remained disfigured. So, the fire flame took away all the hair, ears, nose, lips and even the lacrimal glands from the guy. Most of his body was covered with scars of fire, which not only disfigured him, but also hurt terribly. Thus, Tai Siegel returned from Iraq as a real monster. And worst of all, the wheel of his misfortune was just beginning to gain momentum.

thai Siegel is dead


In the homeland of Ty, Siegel was greeted as a real hero. Everyone applauded him, talked about his courage and courage. The government even handed him one of America's most honorable medals, the Purple Heart. But such honors were not particularly pleasing to the young guy, since they all could not return him to a normal appearance.

As for Rene Klein, she welcomed her boyfriend with dignity. Despite all his protests, she insisted on their wedding, which took place on October 7, 2006. However, they were not destined to become a happy family. A year later, Tai Siegel divorced his wife.

If you believe their words, then they were simply not ready for such responsibility. But only others are sure that Ty's wife could not live under the same roof for a long time with the monster. Indeed, despite everything that was between them in the past, waking up in the same bed with a person who does not have a face is a painful burden.

ty ziegel

Life after Iraq

“America remembers its heroes” - this was the slogan of one of the US military campaigns. The trouble is that the memory of this country is painfully short. Tyler understood this at the moment when, instead of the promised 4 thousand, he began to receive only 2.7 thousand dollars. Such sacrilege is unacceptable even in relation to an ordinary soldier, not to mention the one who sacrificed everything for his homeland.

Fortunately, CNN television helped restore justice. On its air a documentary was shown revealing the tragic fate of Ty Siegel. Shortly after its release, the US Department of the Armed Forces restored full payouts for Tyler.

thai Siegel

Final story

On December 26, 2012, all the country's TV channels reported that Tai Siegel had died. At that time, the head injury was considered a head injury sustained by a young man during a fall on the ice. Then all of America mourned, recalling the past merits of her hero.

In February 2013, the Governor of Illinois delivered a fiery speech to his constituents. He said that Tai Siegel was a true role model and never caved in under the burden of life's trials. Therefore, all the citizens of this great country must comply with it. Alas, three months after this speech, a terrible secret surfaced about Tyler’s death, which forever changed his attitude towards him.

So, according to the doctors, the cause of Tye's death was not a brain injury, but an overdose of drugs. And to be more precise - the wrong combination of alcohol with heroin, which led to cardiac arrest. Thus, the great hero turned into a drug addict, who did not manage to measure his fate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15579/

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