How to fix it: the sensor does not work on the phone

Button mobile phones were replaced by ergonomic touch devices. What has changed with the use of new technology? Yes, almost everything related to the management functionality. Therefore, a tricky situation when the sensor does not work on the phone requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in some cases, the user has every chance to make repairs on his own. However, we read about this and much more below.

Why did the sensor stop working?

The sensor does not work on the phone

The reasons can be incredible. Despite the high adaptability of the touchscreen, it is in most cases a fragile and rather “finicky” control element. The functional abilities of such a modern “miracle” are completely dependent on various influencing factors:

  • weather conditions
  • mechanical damage
  • conductive fluid

Software failure, spontaneous system failure may also be responsible for the fact that the sensor does not work on the phone. Of course, all these shortcomings are conditional, because it is the human factor that plays the main role in the life of the used mobile device. Specifically, the operability of the device and its effectiveness in operation depend on our actions.

Common touch screen problems

The sensor has stopped working

Mechanical damage most often results in various breakdowns. Falling and deforming are peculiar champions of a widespread excuse: “I didn’t do anything, I just rode in a crowded minibus” ”or“ It’s not my fault that he is so slippery ”. The consequences of a blow and excessive pressure on the apparatus can be different. From an innocent chip on the case cover to a cobweb-like pattern of a split display. The case may "tolerate", but the touchscreen and screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor does not work on the phone, you should pay special attention to the structural parts of the mobile phone. In the case when the body part of the device moves away from the touchscreen and you visually see the formed gap or find that the control panel has shifted, you need to install the parts in place. Sometimes a smartphone loses its sensory performance due to a small amount of liquid that has got inside the gadget. And often you don’t even know how water is in the bowels of the device. Although you should know that condensate will pick up the most unfavorable moment in order to show its destructive abilities. Check the pads and connector slots for oxidation. Physical defects: screen flickering, image distortion, and other non-standard manifestations in the phone’s operation may indicate that the device needs emergency repair. Procrastination and delay with professional help is not in your interests ...

Sensor works poorly

What are you capable of: on your own does not mean counterproductive

If the sensor on the phone does not work well, first calibrate the touchscreen. Usually this function is available in the main settings window of your device. Such actions are carried out when the apparatus is in good working order, when the case is intact, no traces of deformation and oxidation are detected, and the sensor reflects glare of light with an impeccably smooth surface. With not-so-optimistic forecasts, you have to reincarnate as an engineer to repair mobile devices. Since subsequent actions require certain skills and specific knowledge.

Oxide Elimination and Touch Panel Positioning

Arm yourself with a special (mobile) tool: a Phillips and flat head screwdriver, an unnecessary plastic card (bank or other type). Prepare alcohol, a clean toothbrush, an eraser, and regular table napkins.

  • Before disassembling the device, watch the video on dismantling the phone. To do this, it is enough to register the model of your device in the search engine and add disassembly / assembly.
  • Be careful in the process of disconnecting parts of the case, there is a high risk of tearing the connecting elements of the device: cables, wires, antenna and other attached parts.
  • Draw a diagram of your device and arrange the screws according to the drawing.
    The sensor on the phone works poorly
  • Wipe accessible oxidation spots with alcohol, then with an eraser, after a napkin.
  • A toothbrush should be used for general processing of the corroded circuit board and telephone components.
  • Treat the contact pads of the loop connection, especially the touch screen connector, with alcohol and remove the plaque with an eraser. The surface of the elements must ultimately be clean and dry.
  • Offset or peeling of the touchscreen from the body is most often the reason why the sensor of your device does not work well. Therefore, to put it in place, use a household hairdryer. The adhesive base will soften along the inner edges of the heated (do not overdo it) wheelbarrow, and you can return the sensor to its original place.
  • Assemble the device carefully and carefully, follow the installation sequence and do not forget to screw the fixing screws into place, as well as install the protective shielding elements removed from the microcircuit.
    The sensor does not work on the phone


In the event of a favorable outcome of all your manipulations, your touchscreen should work. If everything remains unchanged and the sensor on the phone also does not work, then only the replacement of this component of the control system will help you. What is not recommended at home. Therefore, you can’t avoid a visit to the workshop. Take care of your sensor!


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