Chikoi National Park: history of creation, description with photo

Chikoi National Park is located on the territory of the Krasnochikoysky District (Transbaikalia of Russia). Today it occupies an area of ​​666 thousand 468 hectares.

The creation of a national natural park in these territories is not a hasty decision. It has been difficult and very long for generations of environmental scientists and local residents to come to this, overcoming the bureaucratic machine of successive Russian governments (the USSR and the Russian Federation). Back in 1948, the Commission for the Protection of Nature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR made a proposal to create a conservation zone in these parts. At that time, it was proposed to take under protection a territory of 218 thousand hectares, located in the interfluve of the upper reaches of the Chikoi River and the Burkal River.

Briefly about the history of creation

Finally, the territory of the most unique Transbaikal taiga got a chance to preserve, almost lost during the fifty years of struggle for the creation of a natural protected park in these parts. And the Old Believers of these places received at least some hope of preserving their traditions and rites, healthy living conditions, as well as protection from plunder of the richest gifts of nature.

Chikoi National Park was founded relatively recently - in February 2014 by the decree of the Russian government No. 158. The purpose of its creation is to protect cedar forests and the South Siberian taiga with elements of alpine meadows and mountain steppes stretching in the upper reaches of the Chikoy river.

The following nature conservation objects are included in the structure of the established park: the Atzinsky nature reserve, which is of regional importance, and the Burkalsky nature reserve of federal significance. Previously, they existed separately.

The amazing nature of Chikoya


Chikoi National Park (photo presented in the article) occupies the territory of the Khentei-Daur Highlands in the upper reaches of the Chikoi River (part of the Lake Baikal basin), and also includes the highest point Barun-Shabartuy (Bystrinsky Golets mountain range). Its height is 2,519 meters.

In addition to the Atzinsky and Burkalsky reserves, the park includes such natural monuments as Lake Shchebetuy, Mount Bystrinsky Golets and a rocky tract called Lamsky town. All of them were previously independent conservation facilities.

Nature reserve area

Nature nat. Chikoi Park is amazingly beautiful. There is almost untouched picturesque forest. Walking along taiga paths, you can see unique natural monuments and fast rivers carrying their crystal clear waters to the greatest Lake Baikal.

Chikoya Vegetation

The vegetation of the Chikoi National Park: cedar (Siberian pine) and ordinary pine, fir, cedar elfin, Siberian spruce, larch, elderberry, mountain ash, hawthorn, allspice, honeysuckle, onion, lilac, sedge, legumes, cereals and many others. other

Animals and birds of the park: elk, Siberian roe deer, red deer, wild boar, bear, musk deer, lynx, wolf, badger, columns, sable, white hare, squirrel, flying squirrel, hazel grouse, duck, capercaillie, grouse, many species of passerines , bats, reptiles, amphibians, etc.

Many species of birds and animals living in Chikoy are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. This osprey, black stork, golden eagle, bustard, peregrine falcon, elk, Manchurian deer, wild boar, musk deer, sable, brown bear. Identified in the park and some protected species of lichens, mosses and mushrooms.

Animal World Park

Nature reserve for tourists

On the Shumilovsky pass, along which one of the main roads to the conservation area passes, a full house is installed, where the border of the Chikoy National Park is indicated and there is a warning that entry into this territory is possible only with the permission of the administration located in the village of Red Chikoy. It is important to note that over the past decades, these lands were practically not protected, therefore poaching flourished here.

Today, special routes are created for tourists here. For example, a route in the direction from Red Chikoy to Lamsky town. It provides for a visit to the Yamarivka (mineral spring), famous for its healing miraculous water. Included in the same route is a visit to a hot spring, the village of Semiozerye and the ruined datsan (Buddhist monastery).

Lamsky town

In the Chikoi National Park for lovers of rafting there is a route "Red Chikoy - Menza", which runs along the Menza river. There are also routes that allow you to get acquainted with the unique local rites and culture of the peoples of the region. For example, the “Kaleidoscope of Traditions” includes a visit to the Ethnographic Museum, the Bursamon Dugan and the Chikoysky Monastery of St. John the Baptist.


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