How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment: practical tips

A vacuum cleaner is a technique necessary to maintain an appropriate level of cleanliness in any apartment and in the house. Sooner or later, the need arises for a new device, and, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment. There are certain indicators by which you can determine the high-quality and most suitable device, and in the first place among them is far from the name of the company. Which ones - consider in more detail below.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment

Power consumption

In the instructions for vacuum cleaners of any manufacturer, in the description of characteristics, you can find such an indicator as power, which is presented in two formulations: suction and consumption. Some buyers believe that this is one and the same concept, but in reality everything is completely different.

The indicator next to the item "Power consumption" indicates how much electricity the device consumes during the cleaning process. The performance of this characteristic for a good vacuum cleaner will fluctuate around 1300-2000 watts - this is quite enough for cleaning in an apartment or house. People’s opinion is also wrong that the higher this indicator, the better the floor will be cleaned - this is not at all true, because the power of electricity consumption does not affect the quality of cleaning at all.

Suction power

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment? First of all, you should pay attention to the figure that is indicated in the technical specification near the item "Suction power". This indicator characterizes the quality of cleaning and the force of retraction of garbage into the vacuum cleaner. In devices that are intended for use in an apartment, an indicator in the region of 250-480 watts will be enough. Assessing the vacuum cleaner according to this criterion, of course, it is better to give your preference to that unit that will have a stronger suction power (it can be both high and medium).

Considering power indicators, it should also be understood that the first digit is the suction power of the device, which will be observed after 5-7 minutes from the moment it is turned on, as garbage accumulates in the bag. As for the second digit, it determines the level of its work at the time of inclusion.

Don't know how to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment based on suction power? In this case, preference should be given to those models that have the function of its manual regulation. This feature is very good when it is necessary to weaken or, conversely, increase the air flow as the flooring becomes dirty.

Filtration system

Leading manufacturers of vacuum cleaners produce models of devices with different filtration systems. How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment based on this indicator?

One of the most common systems is bags. In practice, a vacuum cleaner for an apartment with a bag is considered the most effective in terms of practicality of cleaning and hygiene. Bags for devices are made of two types of materials: fabric and paper. As for the second, they need to be changed regularly, which entails additional waste. In the case of fabric bags, they must be constantly washed, as small debris is clogged in the cracks, which forms harmful bacteria and fungus.

Container dust collectors are installed mainly in the most expensive models of vacuum cleaners. They are also considered very practical, which consists in the absence of the need for their regular replacement, as occurs, for example, with bag filtration systems. Such parts are protected from wear and tear, they perfectly retain any debris in themselves. With the accumulation of such a container, it is enough to simply wash, dry and put back until the next use.

A washing vacuum cleaner for an apartment is an excellent solution for families in which there are children who are constantly in contact with the floor. Such devices are very practical in the sense that they perfectly clean any smooth surface in the house, absorbing even the smallest dust particles, pre-wetting them. However, despite such a number of advantages, vacuum cleaners with aqua filters are not very popular among the Russian population, due to the high cost installed on them.

Vacuum cleaner on the battery for cleaning the apartment

Noise level

Another important point that you should pay attention to in the process of choosing a vacuum cleaner is the noise level that it produces during the cleaning process. As a rule, this indicator is prescribed in the instructions that are attached to any unit. A customer who does not understand which volume will be ideal should be aware that the whisper volume is 40 dB. Based on this parameter, we can conclude that for household use, devices that operate at a noise level of 71-80 dB are perfect.

Types of vacuum cleaners depending on the type of cleaning

Depending on how the premises are cleaned, vacuum cleaners are divided into two types: dry and washing. As they say in many reviews about vacuum cleaners, an ordinary dry vacuum cleaner is ideal for an apartment, which is engaged in simply drawing in dust and debris. This type is perfect for moisture-resistant carpets (carpets, carpet, parquet, upholstered furniture). In addition, such devices are much cheaper than washing.

As for washing vacuum cleaners, they have two functions: dry and wet cleaning. Such units are more functional and ideal for general cleaning, but their cost is far from affordable for everyone.

Good vacuum cleaner

Cylinder vacuum cleaners

These are the most ordinary devices that are familiar to the eyes of many residents of Russia. They are designed for ordinary cleaning of apartments, cabinets, and also for cleaning carpets. A powerful and compact vacuum cleaner for an apartment can be chosen from this category, and its cost will be quite acceptable. The movement of such a device is quite simple - they are all equipped with wheels and have light weight.

Powerful and compact vacuum cleaner for the apartment

Vertical vacuum cleaners

For an apartment with a large area, dry vacuum cleaners of the vertical type can perfectly suit. According to customer reviews, they do an excellent job of cleaning the room of any type, as well as surfaces of all kinds. However, users often notice their significant minus - a high noise level at work. In addition, this type of equipment has considerable dimensions, which often causes problems with determining the location for its storage.


One of the latest innovations in the field of technology is the production of vacuum cleaners-robots. This type of device attracts many Russians, which is reflected in the large number of reviews left by users. As they note, thanks to the built-in navigation system, which itself determines the location of garbage on the floor, you can simply turn on the device and calmly do your homework - the robot will clean up on its own.

Positive reviews about devices of this type say that they are quite convenient, as they are very compact and smart: such a vacuum cleaner will bypass all obstacles and, if the battery runs out of charge, will return to the power supply unit. After the charge is made, the device will continue its work.

In the small number of negative reviews that such a vacuum cleaner on a battery for cleaning an apartment also receives, most often there are opinions that its cost is significantly overstated, and also that its mechanism does not do very well with cleaning surfaces with a long pile.

Advantages of washing vacuum cleaners

As stated in the reviews of many consumers of such goods, detergents are very good vacuum cleaners. Their main advantage is multifunctionality: they can be used for both dry and wet cleaning. In their reviews, many housewives share tips on how to use such devices. Among the most common functions are found: washing windows, deodorizing the premises, cleaning clogged drains, collecting large garbage. Such devices clean not only the floor and various surfaces, but also the air in the room, at the same time saturating it with moisture.

In addition, many users of such devices noticed one more important positive quality of the device: the possibility of faster cleaning of the room, which, moreover, will be much better than using a vacuum cleaner to clean an apartment on a battery or a balloon.

Vacuum cleaner for apartment

Disadvantages of washing vacuums

In the comments of customers, you can also find negative reviews that are addressed in the direction of washing vacuum cleaners. Among them - the high price of the device, as well as the need for more thorough care for it. In addition, many users do not like the fact that such devices are not recommended for cleaning carpets and fleecy surfaces made of natural materials. Some customers prefer not to spend money on such a device just because it consumes a large amount of electricity.


How to choose an inexpensive vacuum cleaner for an apartment? In addition to taking into account all of the above indicators, you should pay attention to its weight. As a rule, it is lighter for cheaper models than expensive ones. However, such devices will have to be carried in the hands during the cleaning process, which is not always convenient. When choosing a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, it should be borne in mind that it will be heavier than, for example, the balloon model - this is due to the presence of water in the tank.

As for the standard weight indicators for different types of devices, 3-4 kilograms are considered the normal weight for a vacuum cleaner, about 6 kilograms of vertical, and 8-10 kilograms of washing.

If there are pets in the house

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment with animals? Particular attention should be paid to this issue, because in a room where there is at least a small cat, there will always be wool, which regularly settles on pile surfaces. The buyer, who is familiar with this situation, in the process of choosing a device for home cleaning should first of all pay attention to such an indicator as suction power. In addition, many consultants recommend in this situation to give preference to the device, the dust collector of which is presented in the form of a container, since the wool has the property to penetrate through the fabric bags and become clogged in the vacuum cleaner itself. Also, a vacuum cleaner with the function of wet cleaning can be a great solution - it will reliably remove all the fluffs that the pet leaves while staying in the house.

Vacuum cleaner for apartment reviews


And finally, a few words about nozzles, which, of course, are sold complete with any, even the cheapest vacuum cleaner. As for expensive devices, when they are purchased, individual equipment with a choice of add-ons can be offered. Using each of them, the process of cleaning the room from garbage will become better.

Of course, each nozzle is designed for a separate type of cleaning. What accessories should I prefer? What type is it for?

The main nozzle, which comes standard with vacuum cleaners, is designed for cleaning carpets and floors. In more or less high-quality models, it is equipped with wheels for safe and more convenient movement, as well as villi, which can be raised or lowered - if necessary.

Special attention should be paid to the brush, which is also attached to the device in its basic configuration. With its help, you can clean the corner sections, as well as the most inaccessible places. Brushes and brushes are suitable for cleaning polished furniture or floors. To clean the flooring in expensive models of devices, as a rule, a separate nozzle is offered, which is slightly different from the banal brush - it has a shorter and softer pile.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment with animals

Turbo brush is a new generation nozzle. It is a large brush through which an abundant stream of air is supplied. Using this part of the configuration, you can clean the most contaminated areas. However, according to many users, such a device is not always very good at its task, since most of the supplied power is spent on the implementation of the rotation. Such technology is noted with positive comments only if the vacuum cleaner belongs to expensive models.


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