How to get to Red Square by metro

The question of how to get to Red Square by metro is most often of interest to those who were in the capital for the first time in their lives. For many, it’s even unpleasant news that the Moscow Metro simply does not have a station from the lobby of which you can directly step onto the famous paving stones of the main square of the country. However, this circumstance should not be upset. The question "how to get to Red Square by metro" has not one, but several correct answers. It all depends on what part of Moscow you intend to get to its center, as well as how much free time you have. And taking into account the factor of endless metropolitan traffic jams, it is the metro that should be preferred when choosing between it and other types of public transport.

how to get to the red square by metro

How to get to Red Square by metro?

One of the Moscow metro stations closest to the target is the “Revolution Square” of the Arbat-Pokrov line. Among other things, this station itself is an unconditional architectural and cultural-historical attraction. One of its vestibules overlooks Nikolskaya Street. Once on it, you should turn left, go past the main entrance to the GUM - and here it is, Red Square. Station "Square of the Revolution" - is not the only one. A little farther away are the Teatralnaya Zamoskvoretskaya and Kitay Gorod Kaluga-Riga lines. And the Okhotny Ryad station of the Sokolnicheskaya line is located closest to the central square of the capital. When deciding how to get to Red Square by metro, you should choose a route with a minimum number of transfers. Even if it seems more extended, it will save time. Transition tunnels between stations become an insurmountable obstacle, especially at rush hour. This primarily concerns stations located on the Ring Line.

red square station

Other options

But if time is not so limited, you can think about how to get to Red Square and take an exciting walk through the center of Moscow. The easiest way to do this is after reaching the Lubyanka station of the Sokolnicheskaya line. It is located at some distance from the target, but it is this circumstance that allows you to walk along the old Varvarka street. This is one of the most beautiful streets in Moscow, its left side has preserved its medieval historical appearance almost untouchable. This route will lead the traveler to the famous St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square.

how to get to red square
No less interesting is another route, from the exact opposite direction. You can go to Red Square from the side of the Historical Museum. To do this, go to the terminal station Filyovskaya line. It is called the Alexander Garden. It is in this green massif near the Kremlin wall that you will get when you exit the subway. Here you should turn left and cover a short distance in the direction of the Historical Museum. Hiking in the center of the capital is extremely exciting. And there are many directions and routes along which you can go to Red Square.


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