What can be done from matchboxes? Homemade Ideas

Matchboxes, it would seem, are the very household item that is thrown out as soon as its useful contents are over. However, in fact, from such containers you can make many original and unusual little things, giving them a second life. Below we will talk about what can be done from matchboxes.


what can be done from matchboxes

To create such an unusual retro-style suitcase, you will need dense brown paper in two shades, different original pictures and an empty matchbox. It is glued with paper, a pen and straps are attached to it, the surface is decorated with pictures, badges and, voila, the suitcase is ready!

Mini Album Photo Album

what can be done from matchboxes

An unusual and amazing gift for loved ones and relatives is a miniature photo album. To make it, you will need glue, paints, a matchbox, scrap paper or postcards, brushes, scissors, small photographs. The capacity is decorated to your taste, a small screen is enclosed in it for pictures. You can always carry such an album with you: for example, in your breast pocket.

Screen book

what can be done from matchboxes

In a similar way, you can create a baby book. Short tales are printed on small pieces of paper, illustrations are created for them. The box contains a screen. The original and unusual form of the book can arouse an interest in reading in a young child.


what can be done from matchboxes

Want to create a cute and cute giraffe? To do this, you need 7 empty matchboxes. To create such an animal, you need to make a frame, paste it over with paper and decorate. It is ideal to do this together with the baby, to develop skills for joint creativity.

Mini zoo

what can be done from matchboxes

What can be done from matchboxes? The company has already made a giraffe - a real mini-zoo. Four boxes are taken, one of which is painted in gray, the second in orange, the third in light brown, the fourth in dark brown. In this simple way we get a hippo, a lion, a donkey and a bear. It remains only to glue the appropriate faces and arrange visits to the zoo for the smallest. Children will be thrilled.


what can be done from matchboxes

For declarations of love, there is not only one day a year, but all 365. To do this is very simple: you need to take a matchbox, decorate it with beautiful paper and hearts - and the valentine is ready with her own hands . You can put something tasty inside - you will get a sweet confession in tender feelings.

Surprise garland

what can be done from matchboxes

For any occasion, you can make a bright and unusual garland with a surprise. Stars are cut out of glossy paper, to which matchboxes are glued. Inside the containers are sweets, nuts and other delicious little things.

Christmas calendar

toy house

Before the New Year holidays, so-called Christmas calendars are created in many countries. They are a card consisting of 24 pockets for the number of days before Christmas. Inside such offices sweets, small gifts, notes with pleasant words, wishes or quotes from the Bible are stored. Each day, one pocket is opened, thereby maintaining a pleasant pre-holiday mood. You can make such a calendar with your own hands. The easiest way is a mosaic of matchboxes.

Christmas tree toys

toy house

Christmas-tree decorations are what can be made from matchboxes for the New Year. The simplest toys are the figures of deer and Santa Claus, pasted over with paper, funny faces and horns made of felt. If you attach a little imagination, you can make a Snowman, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and a toy house for them.

Gift wrap

what can be done from matchboxes

Such an original box will serve as an excellent packaging for jewelry and other small things. Such a gift is valuable in itself. After all, the best gift is considered to be one that is made by yourself. You can turn a matchbox into its original packaging with scrap paper, decorative elements, and imagination.


what can be done from matchboxes

For young men, the best option for what you can do from matchboxes with your own hands is an airplane. For this, they stock up with the necessary containers and color cardboard. The latter goes to create blanks: two small narrow, two wide and one long narrow. They are necessary for the formation of wings and tail. Everything else is a matter of technology and imagination of the baby.


matchbox robot

Another toy for men of all ages is a matchbox robot. Tara plays the role of designer parts. To create a real transformer, you need to correctly assemble and color the parts.

Furniture for dolls

toy house

Little girls can be helped in arranging a puppet house. A little imagination - and you can make a toy house out of matchboxes. They also make furniture. For example, a chest of drawers from boxes.

Computer doll table

chest of drawers

No modern girl can do without a computer. Therefore, for the daughterโ€™s doll, a similar technique will also be required. You can glue it from matchboxes. To do this, they are assembled so that a table with drawers is obtained, which is then decorated to the taste of the child. By the way, a computer can also be assembled from such boxes.


what can be done from matchboxes

Matchboxes can come in handy when creating not only furniture, but also dolls. To do this, a girl is drawn or created using the scrapbooking technique on the surface. At the same time, her handle-legs can be made of matches sticking out of the box.


what can be done from matchboxes

Arranging an original and memorable holiday is very simple. One of the most popular and unusual recipes is the creation of containers with confetti from matchboxes. Such items are brightly decorated and decorated. Confetti is placed inside. So they are not only convenient to store, but also to use.


what can be done from matchboxes

From matchboxes you can make an original and beautiful panel by gluing their sliding parts together, painting them or decorating them to your taste and color with photographs, flowers, various pictures and other elements. A drop of inspiration - and an unusual gift made by yourself, is ready.


matchbox case

Matchboxes are interconnected. A beautiful image is pasted over them, which is then gently cut along the contour of each box. Thus, you can create any puzzle, even with a photograph of loved ones, which will be a nice gift.


what can be done from matchboxes

Matchboxes can serve as material for creating not only entertaining, but also educational games and objects. For example, labels on them can be replaced with images of different animals and plants with names, thereby creating learning cubes for little ones.

Children's educational games

what can be done from matchboxes

One of the useful and educational games for the child is fun called "Who lives where?". It can be made from matchboxes. To do this, the image of the habitat of a particular animal is attached to the label of each tank. Inside the box is the animal itself. Such a game will allow the child to quickly remember who lives where. Similar fun can be done with professions, household items and any other things.

ABC and score

chest of drawers

In order for the baby to quickly learn letters and numbers, you can try to make him such abacus and alphabet. On matchboxes numbers are written sequentially. An appropriate number of matches is embedded inside. Similarly, the alphabet is created. Letters are written on the boxes, and images of objects starting with these letters are embedded inside.

Boxes for inspiration

what can be done from matchboxes

In order to cheer up a person, one smile or a kind word is enough. If there is no one nearby who can say something positive, you can make a box for inspiration. This is an ordinary match packaging, inside which may lie an inspirational or encouraging note, picture or thing. You can carry it with you, and in difficult times, get the contents and improve your mood.

Seating cards

what can be done from matchboxes

Beautiful paper and matchboxes are all you need to create original seating cards for guests at the wedding. To do this, print the names of all the invitees and stick them on top of the decorated containers. Guests can take these souvenirs with them, especially if you put a little surprise inside. For a long time he will remind of the triumph.


what can be done from matchboxes

The bonbonniere is a small beautiful box that stores surprises and souvenirs presented at various events and celebrations: weddings, anniversaries, name days. Initially, sweets were used as presents in such containers. However, today everything that your heart desires can be placed inside: starting from aromatic oils and ending with trinkets. Making a bonbonniere is simple: just decorate an ordinary matchbox.

Caskets for storing trifles


Elegant caskets designed to store small items can be created from ordinary matchboxes. On the one hand, they are done very simply, on the other hand, the process requires attention, perseverance, patience and a good imagination. Matchbox caskets are functional and beautiful items. They can store jewelry, paper clips and other trifles.

Pencil case

matchbox case

For young children, you can make a pencil case out of matchboxes by gluing them together. First-graders store triangles, squares, circles and other geometric shapes that are used in oral counting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15665/

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