Description, prices, photos, address and mode of operation of the Moscow Zoo. Dolphinarium at the Moscow Zoo

“Living museum in the open air” - that is how Anatoly Bogdanov, one of the founders of the oldest zoo in Russia, magnified his brainchild. In the year of discovery, in 1864, it was a small zoo where the animals gathered in the same walls had to go through the harsh conditions of survival in the difficult climatic conditions of Russia.


The operating mode of the Moscow Zoo was immediately built so as to receive as many visitors as possible. At that time, the annual figure reached 10 thousand people.

working hours of the Moscow zoo

After all, funds for the maintenance of three hundred representatives of the fauna, primarily came from fees. Private assistance and the imperial court contributed financially. But, since the goal of creating the zoo was not only entertaining, but also scientific, the funds were sorely lacking. Animals had to be fed, landscaped cages and aviaries.

Moscow Zoo

At that moment, the Russian Imperial Society, which was responsible for the zoo, saving the institution from ruin and debt, transferred it to private hands. The sad times were the leadership of the Ryabinkin brothers. Forgetting about any scientific research, they squeezed out everything possible from the zoo, forcing them to function solely for entertainment purposes. As a result, the situation only worsened. Salvation came in the person of the Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants. Private individuals again joined the financing.

working hours of the Moscow zoo

The Moscow Zoo over the history of its existence has experienced many tragic moments. The revolutionary events of the beginning of the last century brought ruin, the library burned down, animals died. The zoo became a national treasure only after the events of 1917. It was taken for maintenance by the city council, which contributed to the further successful development. The territory was increased, many new inhabitants appeared. And in 1926, the place became known as the Zoological Park. It was a good time for educational work. Laboratories opened where scientists conducted research. For children, the Biological Circle at the zoo was created. Landscaped territories received a large number of visitors who could admire and communicate with animals on the "Island of the Beasts" (this is one of the notable structures on the territory).

Visiting lectures

The convenient mode of operation of the Moscow Zoo made it possible to organize large excursions for schoolchildren. However, the employees decided to go further, to the people. And for the first time in world practice, they began to conduct field lectures in educational institutions with the participation of residents of the zoo. In the pioneer camps, scientists were eagerly awaiting the arrival, and the word "lecture" did not cause association with boredom. During the Great Patriotic War, the zoo did not close and continued to receive visitors. Over four years, more than six million people have been here.

In the postwar years, international relations began to develop actively. The zoo has entered the system of the Main Directorate of Culture. The number of inhabitants was significantly increased, from acquaintances to the most exotic individuals.

Moscow Zoo prices

The year 1991 was significant. By that time, many structures were in poor condition and needed repair. By order of the head of the capital, a large-scale reconstruction began. The previous designs were restored, the territory of the zoo expanded again. A pedestrian bridge was erected for visitors, which finally made it possible, without leaving the territory of the zoo and crossing Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, to get from one part to another. Many new aviaries for birds of prey have been established, which not only live here, but also bring new offspring.

"Island of animals"

The famous "Island of Animals" was also reconstructed. Its distinguishing feature has always been the design and conditions of keeping pets, which are as close as possible to their natural habitat. Permanent residence on the island are Himalayan bears, Amur tigers, for the increase of individuals of which they are now fighting all over the world, as well as striped hyenas. "New settlers" - Asian lions - came here for permanent residence of their Helsinki and British Chester. The top floor of the island is reserved for the Exotarium.

Moscow Zoo Address

Walking around the zoo, it was always a pleasure to rest by the pond, admire the flamingos and other feathered inhabitants. In the pond, work was also done to improve the conditions. Aviaries for penguins, a special “Bird House”, a new pavilion for elephants were built and improved. For kids open "Children's Zoo." A large pavilion has been opened for monkeys, of which there are a dozen species.

work of the Moscow zoo

Animals and birds

The work of the Moscow Zoo during the reconstruction was not interrupted, just some sections were closed. Now there are so-called “Old” and “New” territories. The first was built housing for tropical "cats" - smoky leopards and jaguars. And on the "New" pavilions were arranged for artiodactyl guests from Africa: zebras, giraffes, antelopes. Not far from them, on the banks of the reservoir, there is a winter garden where representatives of the fauna from Indonesia are housed. Unique twitter birds welcome guests. Here you can see the beautiful pelicans, unusual carnivorous pigeons, waders, ibises.

Moscow metro zoo


The only thing that remained unchanged when the Moscow Zoo was reconstructed is the address: Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 1. Today, the general exposition is divided into separate units, among which:

  • The house of the giraffe.
  • Rock of the birds of prey.
  • Australia.
  • Maritime Theater.
  • The mysterious world of amphibians.
  • The fauna of Russia.
  • South America.
  • Night world.
  • Fauna of the steppes.
  • Polar world.
  • Terrarium.
  • Monkey House
  • Insectopia.
  • Swamp.
  • Stable.
  • Turia hill.
  • Dolphinarium and many others.

The Moscow Zoo has its own website, the photos posted on it will help you familiarize yourself with the “local population”, as well as with special programs that visitors offer daily.


The dolphinarium in the Moscow Zoo a little more than a dozen years ago was located between the "Bird House" and the "Elephant". Its stands during performances are not empty. The acting troupe includes polar whales, seals, sea lions and public favorites - the Black Sea dolphins. They are talented and even come up with numbers for the program themselves.

dolphinarium in the Moscow zoo

One of the youngest actresses - walrus Walrus Jeanne - is curious and grasps everything on the fly. However, it is sometimes difficult for coaches to cope with her pranks. Sea lioness Masha has a wayward character and may even refuse to speak. The sweet couple - Button and Whack - saved the situation more than once, replacing other artists and going on stage up to five times in one performance. Fur seals are the smallest local inhabitants. Beluga Plato and Julia, dolphins Ally and Phil are experienced participants in the show. They literally can get out of any situation.

Moscow Zoo photo

Show program and ticket prices

Dolphinarium shows are held daily, except weekends - Monday and Tuesday. Basically, the schedule is the same as the working hours of the Moscow Zoo. In the summer, artists give more performances. By the way, in the warm season, from May to November, they take place outdoors. And in winter, the site is closed with a special canopy. Guests can not only see colorful shows, but also take pictures with dolphinarium artists. Tickets for performances are purchased separately from the entrance to the Moscow Zoo, prices for adults are 200 rubles, for children (under 17 years) - only 50 rubles. The same cost is available for pensioners and people with disabilities, for large families. There is a souvenir shop where you can buy photos of artists and other memorable accessories.

dolphinarium in the Moscow zoo

The zoo offers many enjoyable activities. Kids are happy to ride a pony. Everyone will enjoy the feeding of animals, the meal schedule can be viewed on the website or on information boards posted on the territory. The staff will conduct exciting excursions, interesting lectures about our smaller brothers.

Recently, each person independently or organization can become guardians for some animals, whose honorable duties include partial payment of food and upkeep. It is enough to choose a pet you like and conclude an agreement with the zoo. The guardian is issued a special certificate.

Pony Club

For children, a Pony Club is organized here. In a way, this is the only organization in Russia that works in the sports and theatrical direction. The club has more than one and a half thousand graduates. Children from 6 to 12 years old take part in theatrical performances at major city events. Pupils win prizes in competitions.

Working hours

The operating mode of the Moscow Zoo has not changed for many years. Visitors are expected daily, except Monday, from 10.00 to 20.00 in the summer and from 10.00 to 17.00 in the winter. Ticket offices stop selling tickets an hour before the time when the Moscow Zoo closes. Metro is the most convenient way to get to a place from anywhere in the city to the Krasnopresnenskaya or Barrikadnaya stations.


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