DIY workshop for making Christmas toys

For the upcoming winter holidays, you should prepare in advance. You can do it yourself with your own hands to make interior decor and original gifts. A master class in the manufacture of New Year's toys will teach you how to make different product options in accessible ways and from improvised materials. Very beautiful souvenirs can be made of paper or fabric. Even children can easily cope with work.

master class on making christmas toys

Making Christmas toys with your own hands: a workshop on sewing simple souvenirs

To work, you need the following:

  • felt, fleece or any material available;
  • patterns, patterns or paper, cardboard for their manufacture;
  • pins
  • a piece of chalk;
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle;
  • filler for bulk products (synthetic winterizer, holofiber);
  • glue or thermal gun;
  • decor (satin ribbons, beads, beads, sequins).

A simple master class for children "Making a Christmas toy" can be used as the basis for conducting classes on the topic of artistic creation or for organizing home leisure activities. Consider how a toy is performed, using the example of a Christmas tree made of green fleece.

Work stages

The manufacturing sequence will be as follows:

  1. Draw the shape of the toy on paper or circle it around the screen (the simplest is to take an isosceles triangle).
    DIY toys master class
  2. Lay the template on the wrong side of the fabric, pin it with pins so that it does not move, and draw a chalk around the outline and cut the workpiece. Do the same with the second part or just fold the fabric in half initially.
  3. Connect the elements with their faces inward and sew along the contour, stepping back from the edge a few millimeters and leaving a hole for turning out.
  4. Turn out the product, having previously made cuts on the allowances in the places of complex transitions of the form (in corners and roundings).
  5. Fill the toy with prepared material and carefully sew the hole. By the way, it can be left at the top of the tree to sew the eyelet-pendant there.
  6. Decorate the Christmas tree by gluing sequins, beads and other prepared elements.
  7. If you don’t have a filler or don’t like to turn out sewn parts, you can make such a toy from fleece or felt by stitching the details with a decorative seam. These materials do not crumble, so the elements look good and sewn on the front side.

In addition, the cut out small decor of felt is easy to stick to the base, and not to sew. Toys from this material can be made even from one part without stitching two elements, since the felt is dense and bright on both sides.

making Christmas toys with your own hands master class

This simple workshop on the manufacture of New Year's toys will allow you to easily make not only a Christmas tree pendant, but also an element of the New Year's garland to decorate the room or a souvenir magnet. All such things will be performed using similar technology.

Decoupage balls: necessary materials

This workshop on the manufacture of Christmas tree toys will teach you how to make balls of different sizes that will look no worse than purchased items. For work you will need:

  • foam blanks or any other;
  • soil, for example acrylic;
  • background paint (white or another suitable shade);
  • decoupage cards, rice paper or ordinary table napkins;
  • PVA glue or special for decoupage;
  • brushes;
  • sponge (sponge);
  • varnish;
  • decorative gels, sparkles;
  • stencils;
  • artificial snow, for example in the form of a spray.

All of the above is easy to buy in a specialized store, even in the form of a kit.

Decoupage balls: step by step instructions

The work will go as follows:

  1. Take the foam blank and cover it with acrylic primer using a sponge. So you can get an even background color. You can immediately cover with white acrylic paint, although bumps and stains may result. The next layer is applied only after the previous one dries.
  2. After the shade and density of the background suits you, go to the decoration. Carefully cut out from the decoupage card, and it is better to pinch the desired images manually with your fingers. If using an ordinary table napkin, be sure to separate the layer with the picture from the base.
  3. Attach the image to the ball and apply glue from the center of the image to the edges, smoothing the workpiece on a spherical surface.
  4. If the background of the cut picture is not white, cover the ball near the image with acrylic paint of a suitable shade, making a gradual transition to white.
  5. After drying, coat the ball with clearcoat. If you do this in several layers, the toy will turn out more glossy. Apply a new layer only after drying the previous one.
    master class making Christmas toys gifts
  6. If desired, decorate the toy with sparkles, a pattern made with a brush or gel on a stencil.
  7. Make a beautiful bow from satin ribbons and attach it to the pendant.

Your masterpiece is ready.

Master class "Making New Year's toys-gifts using quilling technique"

To work, you need beautiful paper, glue, scissors or a stationery cutter, a tool for twisting blanks (an ordinary toothpick is suitable). You can buy a ready-made set for quilling and immediately proceed to do it yourself. The master class will teach you how to make a simple Christmas tree in this technique.

master class for children making a New Year's toy

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Take a sheet of green paper and cut it into strips about 5 mm wide.
  2. Twist a dense workpiece from each strip using a toothpick. Fix the edge of the ribbon with glue. If you want the Christmas tree to turn out to be openwork, similar to lace, you need to unwind the element a little and make a circle from the resulting one, for example, a leaf, bending a paper ribbon and gluing it in certain places.
    master class on making christmas tree toys
  3. Glue the fir-tree form from the completed blanks in the form of a triangle or according to a more complex pattern. If time permits, you can make a voluminous toy from twisted parts.
    master class on making christmas tree toys
  4. Make a pendant loop from a narrow satin ribbon and braid and attach it to the toy so that it can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Paper Christmas trees

This section presents another master class in the manufacture of Christmas toys in the form of volumetric Christmas trees. You will need decorative paper, scissors, a Christmas tree template, glue and a ribbon for hanging.

master class on making christmas tree toys
Work like this:

  1. Cut out several beautiful Christmas trees from beautiful sheets.
  2. Fold each workpiece in half along the vertical axis.
  3. Glue the elements sequentially so that a volumetric Christmas tree is obtained.
  4. Glue the pendant loop at the top.
  5. If desired, use additional decor for the created toy.

So, the short workshop on making New Year's toys is over. You learned how to make simple holiday decorations in many ways. Choose your favorite. Get creative on your own or with your children.


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