Who are the Vlasovites during the war?

The history of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) is very controversial. Over time, historians cannot come to an agreement when, after all, the army itself began to take shape, who the Vlasovites were, and what role they played during the war years. In addition to the fact that the formation of soldiers is considered, on the one hand, patriotic, and on the other, treacherous, there is also no exact data when exactly Vlasov with his fighters entered the battle. But first things first.

Who is he?

Vlasov Andrey Andreevich was a famous political and military figure. He began the Great Patriotic War on the side of the USSR. He participated in the battle for Moscow. But in 1942 he was captured by the Germans. Without hesitation, Vlasov decided to side with Hitler and began to cooperate against the USSR.

Vlasov to this day remains a controversial figure. Until now, historians are divided into two camps: some are trying to justify the actions of the military leader, others - to condemn. Vlasov's supporters scream furiously about his patriotism. Those who joined the ROA were and remain true patriots of their country, but not their government.

Opponents have long decided for themselves who the Vlasovites are. They are sure that since their boss and they themselves joined the Nazis, they were, are and will remain traitors and collaborators. In addition, patriotism, according to opponents, is just a cover. In fact, the Vlasovites sided with Hitler only in the name of saving their lives. Moreover, they did not become respected people there. The Nazis used them for propaganda purposes.


For the first time it was Andrei Andreyevich Vlasov who spoke about the formation of the ROA. In 1942, he and Baersky created the Smolensk Declaration, which was a kind of “helping hand” for the German command. The document dealt with a proposal to establish an army that would fight against communism in Russia. The Third Reich acted wisely. The Germans decided to report this document to the media in order to create a resonance and a wave of discussion.

Of course, this step was aimed primarily at propaganda. Nevertheless, the soldiers who were part of the German army began to call themselves military ROA. In fact, this was permissible; theoretically, the army existed only on paper.

Not Vlasovites

Despite the fact that since 1943, volunteers began to form in the Russian Liberation Army, it was still early to talk about who the Vlasovites were. The German command fed Vlasov “breakfasts”, and meanwhile gathered everyone in the ROA.

At the time of 1941, the project included more than 200 thousand volunteers, but then Hitler did not yet know about so much help. Over time, the famous "Xavi" began to appear (Hilfswillige - "willing to help"). At first, the Germans called them "our Ivanes." These people worked as security guards, cooks, grooms, drivers, movers, etc.

If in 1942 the army of the Germans included just over 200 thousand hawis, by the end of the year there were almost a million "traitors" and prisoners. Over time, Russian soldiers fought in the elite divisions of the SS troops.


In parallel with the Xavi, another so-called army is being formed - the Russian People's Liberation (RONA). At that time, one could hear about Vlasov, thanks to the battle for Moscow. Despite the fact that the RONA consisted of only 500 soldiers, it was a defense for the city. It ceased to exist after the death of its founder Ivan Voskoboinikov.

At the same time, the Russian National People's Army (RNNA) was created in Belarus. She was an exact copy of RONA. Its founder was Gil Rodionov. The detachment served until 1943, and after Gil-Rodionov returned to Soviet power, the Germans disbanded RNNA.

In addition to these "nevlasovtsy", there were still legions that were famous among the Germans and were held in high esteem. As well as the Cossacks, who fought for the formation of their own state. The Nazis sympathized with them even more and considered them not Slavs, but Goths.


Now directly about who the Vlasovites are during the war years. As we already remember, Vlasov was captured and from there began active cooperation with the Third Reich. He proposed creating an army so that Russia would become independent. This, of course, did not suit the Germans. Therefore, they did not allow Vlasov to fully realize his projects.

But the Nazis decided to play in the name of a military leader. They called on the soldiers of the Red Army to betray the USSR, to register in the ROA, which they did not plan to create. All this was done on behalf of Vlasov. Since 1943, the Nazis began to give ROA soldiers more expressiveness.

Perhaps, the Vlasov flag appeared. The Germans allowed the Russians to use stripes on their sleeves. They had the appearance of the St. Andrew flag. Although many soldiers tried to use the white-blue-red banner, the Germans did not allow this. The remaining volunteers, of other nationalities, often used patches in the form of national flags.

When the soldiers appeared stripes with the St. Andrew flag and the inscription ROA, Vlasov was still far from command. Therefore, this period can hardly be called "Vlasov".


In 1944, when the Third Reich began to suspect that a lightning war did not work, and at the front their affairs were very deplorable, it was decided to return to Vlasov. In 1944, the Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler discussed with the Soviet military commander the formation of the army. Then everyone understood who the Vlasovites were.

Despite the fact that Himmler promised to form ten Russian divisions, later the Reichsführer changed his mind and agreed to only three.


The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia was formed only in 1944 in Prague. That is when the practical organization of the ROA begins. The army had its own command and all kinds of troops. Vlasov was both the chairman of the Committee and the commander in chief of the armed forces, which, in turn, both on paper and in practice, were the independent Russian national army.

With the Germans, the ROA was linked by allied relations. Although the Third Reich was also involved in financing. The money given by the Germans was credit and should be paid as far as possible.

Thoughts of Vlasov

Vlasov set himself a different task. He hoped that his organization would become as strong as possible. He foresaw the defeat of the Nazis and realized that after that he would have to represent the “third party” in the conflict between the West and the USSR. The Vlasovites, with the support of Britain and the United States, were to implement their political plans. Only at the beginning of 1945 the ROA was officially presented as the armed forces of the allied power. Within a month, the fighters were able to get their own sleeve insignia, and on the cap - the ROA cockade.

Baptism of fire

Even then, they began to understand who the Vlasovites were. During the war they had to work a little. In general, the army participated in only two battles. Moreover, the first was against the Soviet troops, and the second against the Third Reich.

On February 9, the ROA first entered combat positions. Actions took place in the Oder region. ROA showed itself well, and the German command praised her actions. She was able to occupy Neuleuvin, the southern part of Karlsbize and Kerstenbruch. On March 20, the ROA was supposed to capture and equip the bridgehead, as well as be responsible for the passage of ships on the Oder. Army actions were more or less successful.

Already at the end of March 1945, the ROA decided to get together and join the Cossack cavalry corps. This was done in order to show the whole world its power and potential. Then the West was cautious enough towards the Vlasovites. They did not particularly like their methods and goals.

The ROA also had escape routes. The command hoped to reunite with the Yugoslav troops or break into the Ukrainian rebel army. When the leadership realized the inevitable defeat of the Germans, it was decided to independently go west to surrender there to the Allies. It later became known that Himmler wrote about the physical elimination of the Committee’s leadership. This is precisely what became the first reason the ROA escaped from under the wing of the Third Reich.

The last event that remains in history was the Prague uprising. Parts of the ROA reached Prague and rioted against Germany with the partisans. Thus, they managed to free the capital before the arrival of the Red Army.


Throughout history, there was only one school that trained soldiers in the ROA - Dabendorf. For all time, 5 thousand people were released - these are 12 issues. The lectures were based on harsh criticism of the existing system in the USSR. The main focus was precisely the ideological component. It was necessary to re-educate the captured soldiers and raise staunch opponents of Stalin.

The real Vlasovites came from here. A photo of the school’s badge proves that it was an organization with clear goals and ideas. The school did not last long. In late February, she had to be evacuated to Gishyubel. Already in April, it ceased to exist.


The main debate remains what was the flag of Vlasovites. Many to this day argue that it is the current state flag of Russia that is the banner of the “traitors” and followers of Vlasov. In fact, it is. Some believed that the Vlasov banner was a naval flag with the St. Andrew cross, some individual collaborators used the modern tricolor of the Russian Federation. The latter fact was confirmed even by video and photography.

Questions also began for other attributes. It turns out that the awards of the Vlasovites in one way or another relate to the currently famous dispute about the St. George ribbon. And here it’s worth explaining. The fact is that the ribbon of the Vlasovites, in principle, did not exist at all.

Today it is St. George’s ribbon that belongs to the defeated in the Great Patriotic War. She was used in awards for members of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia and the ROA. And initially it was attached to the Order of St. George in imperial Russia.

In the Soviet award system, there was a guards tape. She was a special insignia. Used it in the design of the Order of Glory and the medal "For the victory over Germany."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15704/

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